《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 18: Private Lessons


A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Been very busy in my life plus I had a hard time writing Purson. I love him but his dialogue is very hard to write for me. To celebrate the season 3 anime coming out, I'll try posting multiple chapters this week. The total chapters this week will be how many months I didn't upload (6). I hope you enjoy my lovely readers.

~Hikaru's POV~

I smiled at Purson but he was blankly staring at me.

Purson: ...

Hikaru: I know we only talked a few times but as your tutor, I will do my best to help my little student improve.

Purson: ...Alright.

I smiled and clapped.

Hikaru: Great! I know you have certain conditions, such as not being seen. So I have a perfect place for you to be tutored in.

Purson: Really? Where?

I give him a sly smile.

Hikaru: Don't be too shocked.

I lightly tapped his nose with my index finger and he instantly disappeared. What I did? I teleported him inside my pocket dimension. I snap and I instantly appeared in my pocket dimension, Purson was absolutely shocked.

Purson: ...Where are we?

Hikaru: Welcome to me pocket dimension! No one will see you here and I can easily teleport you out. We will be spending our tutoring time here.

Purson: Alright...

I clapped and made a table with two chairs appear.

Hikaru: Come sit down.

Purson sat down and decided to talk to him about a few things.

Hikaru: I know about your situation with your family.

Purson: And I want to stick with it. I don't want to be noticed by anyone, so your tutoring session won't help me.

Hikaru simply smiles.

Hikaru: And yet, you're actually the "pixie".

Purson tried not to looked shock but it didn't fool Hikaru.

Hikaru: For someone who doesn't want to be noticed, you play the trumpet at 5 p.m. everyday.

Purson: ...

Purson used his bloodline magic to disappear.

Hikaru: You know you can't leave right?

Purson: ...I don't want you to see me...

Hikaru: (Aw, he's embarrassed. How adorable.)

Hikaru: I think you play beautifully, I listen every time you play.

Purson appears again and his cheeks were lightly pinkZ

Purson: Thanks...

Hikaru: Please answer me truthfully Purson-kun. Do you really not want to be noticed?

Purson: Yes. I don't want to be noticed, I will follow my family's tradition.

Hikaru could see the hesitation in Purson's eyes.

Hikaru: ...Is that really your feelings Purson? I can practically tell you're lying to me. What do want Purson-kun?


Purson: I...

Purson didn't reply so Hikaru just pats Purson's head.

Hikaru: It's okay, no need to tell me anything now. As your teacher, I will not pry into your personal life. But, when you do open up, I'll be here to listen.

Purson: Okay...thank you Sensei.

Hikaru smiles and passes some treats to Purson.

Hikaru: Eat up, no need to be so formal. Since you want to keep with your tradition, I will help you with that. If you change your mind, please tell me.

Purson: ...

Purson grabs some cookies and eats it.

Hikaru: Let's get to know each other. I'll tell you some things about myself, chime in if you want.

For a few hours, Hikaru and Purson just talked. Mostly Hikaru but Purson is really listening. Hikaru looks at the time on his phone.

Hikaru: Tutoring session is up!

Hikaru snaps his fingers and they were back in the empty classroom.

Purson: ...That's it? No lecturing?

Hikaru: I guess my teaching style is a bit different. But the most important thing is getting to know my students. They're goals and ambition, I want to help them grow to achieve them. That's the same to you Purson-kun.

Purson: I see.

Hikaru: As I said, that's it today~! Come to my office tomorrow and we'll continue our tutoring.

Purson didn't reply, he nods and disappears, leaving Hikaru alone. Once Hikaru felt that Purson left the room, he sighs.

Hikaru: Purson-kun is having a hard time with himself, I hope he can figure out what he wants.

Hikaru heads to his dorm and continues to think about his student.

~Purson's POV~

I thought I wouldn't get a tutor. My purpose is to follow my family's wants and become invisible. I can't stand out and I was left alone majority of my school life and yet...I was assigned a tutor...a very cheery one. It's been a week and all we done was talked. Nightray-Sensei talked about himself, Kalego-Sensei and Balam-Sensei. Many other things as well.

I felt confused initially, I thought I became his personally therapist to talk to. But as the days goes on spending time with Nightray-Sensei...I actually opened up to him. It started by the seventh day, when he gossiped about Kalego-Sensei.

Hikaru: Kalego-kun is such a prude. Why can't I eat candy for dinner, it's just a little dessert! Did you know your Sensei is actually a softie~?

Purson: Really?

Hikaru: Yep! Although he has a cold exterior...a terrifying one at times, he's a softie once you get to know him. You know, he actually cares about you guys.


Purson: Are you sure?

Hikaru: He's the one that recommended me to tutor you~

That shocked me and Nightray-Sensei kept talking about all the things Kalego-Sensei has done to help improve us. Nightray-Sensei...something about him just made me open up about myself. I talked about a few things, my family, missing brother and music. Nightray-Sensei just listened and it made me feel...happy.

Hikaru: I'm happy you told me Purson, it's difficult to open up and I'm glad you did. How do you feel?

Purson: ...Relieved, less stress. Usually I play my trumpet when I get stressed but...talking is also nice.

Hikaru: Even if it's just a stress reliever, don't you feel happy playing it.

Purson: Yes, playing the trumpet does...

Hikaru: Have you ever thought of participating with your classmates in the music festival?

When that came up, I was silent again. The harvest and music festival were the important events coming up.

Purson: It never came to my mind. Since my whole purpose is to not stand out, the option to join never occurred to me.

Hikaru: Just hypothetically, if you could, do you want to?

Purson: ...Yes.

Hikaru: And the only thing that's holding you back, is your family's situation, am I correct?

I didn't reply but my silence was an answer. Sensei just gave me a reassuring smile.

Hikaru: You don't have to decided now. I will help you with what you want, right now is the harvest festival so we will focus with that.

Hikaru made a notepad and pencil appear with a snap.

Hikaru: Now tell me, is there anything you want to improve on?

Purson: Not really, as I said my purpose is to not stand out and my blood line magic is already strong. I do not get noticed unless I interact with someone.

Hikaru: What happens when they do notice you?

Purson: ...I run.

Hikaru: And if they're faster or stronger than you?

Purson: ...

He wrote a few things and replied.

Hikaru: Your ability is amazing, I'm not lying about that. But what happens if you're in danger? Demons with high sensitivity or sight can easily catch you.

...Sensei is right about that.

Purson: I'm not the strongest or fastest but my ability is good enough to get away.

Hikaru: Only for a moment. I'll give you a warning, there are dangerous creatures in the harvest festival. If you're reckless, they could easily capture you.

Purson: I'll just be very careful.

Hikaru: Okay, even if you make it through, life is very unpredictable. There are dangerous things out there and if you're not prepared for it, dire things could happen.

What he said is correct, the demon world is very dangerous.

Purson: What could I improve on then? I understand but I don't excel that much.

Sensei holds up two fingers.

Hikaru: I thought of two options. One, focus on your bloodline magic or two, help you find a defensive move.

Purson: Defensive move?

Hikaru: Wield a weapon, improve your combat, magic or speed. If you get noticed, you could easily defend yourself from an attack or run away. I could help you with that.

With the things he's listing, I really do need help with all of those but I chose option 1.

Purson: I think I rather want to improve my bloodline magic, if you could. The other option...I'll think about it.

Hikaru: That's totally fine~! It's a suggestion as your tutor. I personally think it's important to broaden your abilities so you could gain the most advantage in a battle but absolute stealth is good too. We'll start tomorrow, thank you for coming again.

I gave a nod, once Sensei snaps us back, I leave first. Having that talk with Sensei made me think about stuff more.

Purson: ...Do I really have to really follow my family's rule?


Hikaru was planning his lesson on improving Purson's bloodline ability when his phone started ringing.

Hikaru: Hello?

Kalego: How's the tutoring?

Hikaru: Is Eggo-kun worried about me~?

Kalego: No.

Hikaru: So mean! It's been fine, Purson-kun is slowly opening up to me.

Kalego: Do you really think you could change him?

Hikaru sighs.

Hikaru: ...I'm not sure but I could tell Purson-kun is thinking about it. All I want is for my student to grow the way they want to be. If he doesn't want to, I will help him with all I have.

Kalego: I see, well the harvest festival is coming soon. Come over and help.

Hikaru: What?! But I thought I would just tutor Purson-kun!

Kalego: Too bad, come over or else.

Hikaru: Or else what.

Kalego: I will destroy the secret candy stash.

Hikaru: ...How did you know?! It's a secret!

Kalego: Not a good one, you're somehow smart and an idiot. You better come over in 5 minutes.

He hangs up, causing Hikaru to run out his door in a panic. Balam, who happens to be walking by see's a panicked Hikaru run past him.

Balam: Kalego-kun must've threatened him again...

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      To Be Continued...
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