《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》*Special* Sukima Answers~! Q&A


Author: Hello everyone! Hehe, sorry for scaring some of ya'll with the misleading announcement title~! Welcome to Sukima Answers! Say hello cast!

Hikaru: Hello~!

Kalego: ....

Balam: Good evening everyone.

Opera: Hello.

Iruma: H-Hi!

Clara: Where am I?!

Asmodeus: Clara, be silent!

Author: It's my birthday and on this special, I gathered many questions for myself and the cast! Before we begin, I would like to thank for making me this beautiful birthday fanart above~!

Hikaru: I look so cute~! I especially love Chirou-kun's hairstyle!

Kalego: They drew me too.

Balam: When I have long hair, I'll take this as a suggest then.

Author: We will now begin the Q&A, so please answer the best you can. First question! It's for Kalego-kun!

Kalego: No, they're my students, not my children. Hikaru has implanted the idea in all of your minds.

Hikaru: He's a Tsundere, don't believe him~! He's a big softie on the inside.

There was a sound of a smack and a now crying Hikaru on the floor, holding his head in pain.

Kalego: Next question.

Iruma: I love Nightray sensei and Kalego sensei is a great teacher, even if he's a bit harsh. Their relationship? They're best friends, aren't they?

Asmodeus: I agree with everything Iruma-sama said.

Clara: They're besties! Ray-sensei is the best! He gives Clara candy! Eggy sensei is a meany!

Lied: Nightray is the fun one, Eggy is the grumpy one. Aren't they married?

Jazz: Same with Lied, I thought they were already married with how much they argue. I bet they married in school.

Kamui: Same.

Allocer: Me too.

Goemon: Me three!

Sabnock: They're a mighty teacher! I wish I could battle them one day! Aren't they just acquaintances?

Agares: Zzzzzzz.

Elizabetta: I like them both but Kalego-sensei could be too mean at times. Nightray sensei calls us his children so I'm assuming they're dating, how cute~!

Kerori: ...Same as Elizabetta...

Purson: Married. *disappears*

Kalego: We're not married or dating!


Author: No, I do not hate this book. What gave you that idea? But I do hate myself for making so much books, I have a lot of creative ideas but once I fall out of interest, it's very hard for me to continue writing. But there's nothing to worry about for this one, I love Mairimashita Iruma-kun and I will keep writing! I take a while because my creative sparks comes out of no where. I even have many books I never even published but wrote a few chapters for. I didn't think they were good enough so I don't publish them.

Kalego: I think he's the most annoying demon of all. But...he is my best friend, so I will tolerate his idiotic actions at times. Romantic interest? Knowing my romantic interests is not your concern.

Hikaru: Eggo is just shy~! He would totally date me if he swung that way, I'm cute!

Kalego: You're far from cute and I would die early if I dated you.

Hikaru: Ah! E-Emotional damage!

Hikaru: Thank you for calling me lovely, you're lovely too~! Yes, I have pranked Kalego! Many times during our school days. I'll just say the best one was that I manage to use a spell to turn his form younger, he was so adorable! It's very hard to prank him now, he became very good at catching me do suspicious stuff. But I will not give up!

Author: I'll assume this is addressed to me! I'll say this, if you see my past books, I do write Yaoi/BL. For this one, I didn't plan on doing a BL but since so many of you want Hikaru to end up with someone *cough* Kalego *cough*, I'll maybe consider it. 😉



Hikaru: Who I like romantically? *blush* I-It's none of your concern! Besides...it's best if it's not known.

A. Kalego (Lied, Jazz, Goemon, Agares, Allocer, Purson)

Why?: Eggy sensei is nicer with Hikaru (L, J, G, Al)

Needs to chill. (Agares)

OTP. (Purson)

B. Opera (Clara, Elizabetta, Kerori)

Why?: Team Opera Supremacy!

C. Balam (Iruma, Asmodeus, Sabnock)

Why?: Hikaru stresses out Kalego Sensei a lot and I think Balam Sensei would take good care of Hikaru. (Iruma)

Sensei needs some love. (Asmodeus and Sabnock)

D. All of the above (Kamui)

Why?: A harem is the best route, am I right? 😏

Hikaru: Oi, don't make me choose between my children! I will answer who I get along the best. I think it has to be Iruma, Clara, Jazz, Lied and Goemon.

Iruma: We are both human, so we relate to each other on a deeper level.

Clara: Our energy just match.

Jazz and Lied: Great with playing games with each other.

Goemon: We talk about weapons and I may have gave some lessons to Goemon. Don't tell Kalego.

Kalego: What I really think? *sighs* I don't hate him, even though I say that a lot. Hikaru knows I don't mean it...most of the time. I admitted this before, Hikaru is my best friend and if anything happens to him *glares*

Do I regret tolerating them? Balam I will always tolerate, the only time he acts out is when Hikaru drags him in. There are times I do regret tolerating Hikaru. Mostly because of his idiotic ideas.

Hikaru: This type of question again. Stop making me choose between my favorite people! I love both Eggo-kun and Chirou-kun.

Opera: The question question asked your favorite.

Hikaru: Stop it! Author! Your readers are meanies! (T-T)

Hikaru: I have kissed Chirou-kun on the cheek many times, especially during our school days! When he was shorter than me, it was easier to kiss his adorable face! But now that he's taller, it's hard to reach but I still give kisses on the cheek, even on his forehead and nose. Kalego...I have never kissed him. Kalego-kun isn't a physically affectionate demon so the closest thing is hugging him forcefully.

Balam: Wasn't there that one time when you lost a bet with Opera-Senpai and you had to-

Hikaru: Nope! Nothing! Next question!

Kalego: What?

Hikaru: Oh geez, this will be long. But I will do my best!

Kalego: Angy, Eggo-kun is my best friend. He keeps me in track and I'm greatful that he hasn't leave me for being too much. I know he has my back and I will always have his.

Balam: Adorable, Chirou-kun is my sweetest best friend. I would beaten those demons who dare insult my boy. Same with Eggo, he has my back and I will have his.

Opera: Scary, I love Opera but you have to admit, they're scary at times. Opera has helped me out many times and I very greatful to have them in my life.

Sullivan: Loving, a great uncle who took me in. With out uncle, I would not meet the ones who I love in my life right now.

Iruma: Sunshine, Iruma is an adorable angel and I will protect his smile with my life.

Misfits: Cute, all of them are my cute students and children. I want to watch them grow strong and take over the demon world.

Ameri: Strong, I think she's a wonderful student who will be a great demon in the future.

Am I happy? Of course I am! I do miss the orphanage kids and some of the stuff in the human world but I'm happy that I have a family here.


1) Why do you like/love Hikaru?

Everyone's collective thoughts: A great best friend, a great teacher, a fun person and happy they met him.

2) Hikaru's birthday gift

Everyone: Candy.

Hukaru: Yay~!

Everyone turns their gaze to Kalego.

Kalego: Hey!

Balam: I would say it would be Kalego and I but Kalego tends to be more violent if he's protecting Hikaru-kun.

Hikaru: Aw, see~! You love me Eggo-kun~!

Hikaru: Well, I see all the misfits as my children, but realistically...I like to think of him as my little brother. I would feel weird if he calls me uncle, I think big brother is cuter~!

Kalego: Troublesome the moment he came to this school and keeps making trouble, but he has grown and I acknowledge all of the accomplishments he has made in this school. Especially winning the Royal classroom for the misfits.

Kalego: A movie, the only time he will be willing to be quiet.

Balam: A restaurant, Hikaru-kun loves food.

Opera: Cross-dressing cafe, I wanna see him cross dress more.

Hikaru: But it's the staff that's cross dressing?

Opera: Not if I pay for it.

Sullivan: Fufu, he's my nephew but I would give him tickets to an amusement park, so he could have fun with his friends.

Misfits: We can't date a teacher but as a hangout, somewhere fun.

Kalego: He's annoying, every time, everyday. What I like...he remembers what I like, so I don't need to ask what specific wine I want, he just knows.

Balam: I like his personality and eccentric tendencies. I'm annoyed when he doesn't tell me when Kalego-kun becomes fluffy.

Opera: When he drags Kalego into chaos. It annoys me when he doesn't do what I want.

Sullivan: I love everything about Hikaru-kun. It only annoys me when he doesn't text me all the time.

Misfits: Great teacher. Annoyed when he argues with Kalego sometimes.

Hikaru: I'll admit it, wearing a dress is not that bad. If there's no nefarious purpose, yes, I would wear a dress with Opera. I do slay in a dress.

Kalego: My limit? I trust Hikaru and if he's really serious about it, I'll do it.

Balam: I asked about the human world and he told me the history and the modern stuff. It's very fascinating.

Hikaru: Uhhh. Kiss Chirou-kun on the cheek.

Balam: Yay.

Hikaru: Marry Opera.

Opera: Based.

Hikaru: Do I have to kill?? Can I kill myself? I don't want to kill anyone! If I have to...uncle? Cause he lived a long life, I'm so sorry! (T-T)

Sullivan: *sob* I-It's okay, I understand... (T-T)

Hikaru: Who would I most likely to date? Hmm, I'm not sure. Personality wise, Chirou-kun. As a housewife, Opera, great cook and would take care of me. Kalego-kun....although he is a meany to me many times, I wouldn't mind if we dated. He's a Tsundere, Tsunderes are cute~!

Author, Hikaru, Clara: Me!!!

Author: Stop! You're gonna make Hikaru more dumber than he is!

Hikaru: orange is called orange because orange is oran- *passes out*

Kalego: Too late.

Misfits: Fun!

Hikaru: I don't like it when you readers ask who is my favorite. Or asking bout my love interest!

Kalego: Stop asking about my love life.

Author: How's life? One word: Tired. College sucks the life out of you, kids.

Opera: Grandson? Sullivan-sama is the one who adopted Iruma-sama. Hikaru-sama wasn't technically adopted but was promised to be taken care of. But if I did adopt, I would love to have Iruma-sama as my grandson. I can't imagine Hikaru-sama as my grandson though.

Hikaru: *whispers* I seen Opera accidentally used salt instead of sugar when making cookies, one time Balam had to cut his hair. Half of it was burnt by a creature because it was scared of his face. Kalego lost a bet with Opera and he had to wear-

Kalego gripped Hikaru's head, hard.

Hikaru: Ow, Ow!

Kalego: We said we will never speak of this!

Hikaru: B-But you slayed when wearing it!


Author: Pray for Hikaru, my fellow readers.

As Kalego was busy with Hikaru, the camera pans to Opera.

Opera: *whispers* Kalego had to wear black heels for a day. *winks*

Hikaru: I believed I already answered this question with Kalego. For Chirou-kun, I would feel bad if I pranked him so small ones, like switching out his ice creams flavors is the most I would do to him. Opera is too hard to prank, they're a master at avoiding them but maybe one day it'll happen.

Hikaru: This type a question again? I'm telling you, I don't have one! Besides, there's no one interested in me, right Author?

Cast: *looking at the top 3 interests*

Author: *sweating* (Remembering my readers wanting Hikaru being shipped with Kalego, Balam and Opera) Suuuuure.

Author: A lot of manga content is already out so I would just write the next one. If there are new developments (The reveal of Kalego's Cerberion ) then I would try to go back and change it. I want to be close to canon as possible. For Hikaru's lineage, if more of you readers are curious, I'll consider writing more about it.

Hikaru: Future plans? Well, I wanna be where Chriou-kun and Eggo-kun are! When they decided to becomes teachers, I wanted to follow them. Now that I am one, I am enjoying it very much and I think I'll stay as one for a while. If they decided to move up, I will follow them again, best friends stick together~!

Which 13 seats, I don't know. The one that's not boring? My love department is a secret and why would I fall in love with a dog or a cinnamon roll? Although, a dog is very adorable and a cinnamon roll is very tasty.

Hikaru: Hmm...let me think. There was this one time, I accidentally dropped this delicious special parfait. I was looking forward to it so much, that when I dropped it, I actually cried. That was quite embarrassing.

Balam: Depends on how bad but I would feel scared if Hikaru-kun gets injured. I would immediately treat Hikaru-kun wounds and take care of him until he gets better.

Kalego: Depends on what caused it. If it's his own fault, I will lecture him to be more careful and I'll train him after he get better. If it's caused by a demon...I will find them and make them pay six times the amount they caused Hikaru.


*interrogation room*

Author: Hikaru, do you like Kalego?

Hikaru: Like Eggo-kun? *smiles* Of course I do, he's my best friend~!

Lie detector: Truth

Author: Kalego, do you like Hikaru?

Kalego: No.

Lie detector: Lie

Author: ...

Kalego: ...

Lie detector: ...

Author: You heard it here folks, we got a Tsundere in the room~!

Kalego: I'm not!

Lie detector: Lie

Hikaru: I think it's funny that I sometimes capture Kalego into a forceful cuddle session but I don't do it on purpose. It just what happens during my evil cycle. I don't like it that I'm a grump like Eggo when I go into my evil cycle.

Kalego: This question again? Didn't I already answer this?

Author: What more things do you like about Hikaru then~?

Hikaru: *stares*

Kalego: *sighs* I like...his abilities in combat. He can wield multiple weapons and can easily win without magic. I will give a praise to that.

Hikaru: Thanks Eggo-kun~!

Hikaru: Does watching romantic dramas count? Personally, I actually never dated anyone yet. I'm the type that needs to get to know a person before considering asking them out on a date.

How was it like back then? Fun~! When you're younger and have less responsibilities, life seems to be fun. Now that I'm an adult, it's hard to run away from Kalego.

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