《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》*Special* Trio's Vacation


~Hikaru's POV~

The exams are over, I was chilling back at the mansion in my room. It was a break for all the students right now but I was bored. Right now I'm losing very badly at chess with Opera.

Hikaru: Ah! I lost again!

Opera: You're smart, but I'm just better Hikaru-sama.

Hikaru: Damn it!

I sigh at my losing streak.

Hikaru: I'm bored Opera....

Opera: You don't want to play anymore?

Hikaru: Not really...

Opera: Why not go have fun with Balam or Kalego?

Hikaru: I would love to bother them but I have no idea where to take them.

Opera was thinking for a second and then hands something to me.

Hikaru: What this? Aquacase?

Opera: It's an aquarium in the demon world, it's also what you humans called a water park too.

Hikaru: An aquarium and a water park!

I got excited, back in the human world, I never got a chance to visit either of those things

Hikaru: I'm calling them right now!

I decided to call Balam first.

~Phone call~

Balam: Hikaru-kun? Hello.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun! Do you want to hang out with me to Aquacase!?

Balam: Aquacase? Oh! That's the famous aquarium. I would love to go, I want to see the unique creatures.

Hikaru: Okay, see you tomorrow!

I called Kalego now.

Kalego: What do you want?

Hikaru: Eggo-kun! Please come to Aquacase with Balam and I!

Kalego: No.

Hikaru: Eh?! Why not meany Eggo-kun?!

Kalego: I do not enjoy loud places with little brats. Why would I want to spend my break with you?

Hikaru: Pleeease Eggo-kun!

Kalego: No.

Hikaru: U-Um, what if I do your work for you?

Kalego: ...How much work?

Hikaru: I'll do one month's worth of our battler's paper work!

Kalego: ...Fine. After break you will immediately start it.

Hikaru: I will! I promise Eggo-kun! Meet up at Aquacase tomorrow!

Kalego: Good bye.

I cheered, this is the first time all of us hangs out outside of school! I suddenly realize something.

Hikaru: What do you bring to a water park?

Opera: If you want, I could help you pack.

Hikaru: Yes please~!

~3rd Person's POV~

Sullivan and Opera greeted Hikaru goodbye. Hikaru excitedly goes to Aquacase and was the first one to arrive.

Hikaru: First~! Now time to wait for Chirou-kun and Eggo-kun.

Hikaru was playing on his phone until he heard a familiar voice.

Balam: Hikaru-kun.

Hikaru's eyes lit up and goes to hug Balam.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun~! You look so adorable!

Balam: Good to see you too. Is Kalego-kun here?

Hikaru: Eggo-kun is coming soon. Once we get to the pool area, I'm just gonna gently shove him in~!

Suddenly he felt a hand grab his head.

Kalego: Who's going to shove me?

Kalego squeezes, causing Hikaru to squeal in pain.

Hikaru: Ow! S-Sorry Eggo-kun! L-Let go please!!

Kalego reluctantly let's go of Hikaru's head. Hikaru squats down in pain while pouting.

Hikaru: Meany!

Kalego: Childish.

The two glare at each other, making Balam sigh at their childish antics.

Balam: Stop glaring at each other and let's head in already.

They listened to Balam and head through the entrance together. Once inside, Hikaru started getting excited over the beautiful sight. It was a long glass tunnel surrounded by water. Balam was staring at the sea creatures while Kalego was bored.

Hikaru: Oh my gosh! It's so pretty!

Balam: Such fascinating creatures.

Kalego: Eh, it's alright.

Hikaru never seen the underworlds aquatic creatures. He mostly stayed in the mansion.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun, what's that?!

Hikaru pointed at a creature.

Balam: That's an exotic species. It's beautiful scales attract predators easily, making them quite rare with their lower populations.


Hikaru: And that?

Balam: That species is on of the most poisonous aquatic creatures. One prick from its fin and you'll be in a coma.

Balam keeps explaining each creature with many facts, attracting the other demons who were curious. Now Balam is crowded around with listening demons, he's acting like a info guide. Hikaru and Kalego were out of the crowd, staring at Balam.

Hikaru: ...I didn't think this will be a fish tour.

Kalego: Once you get Balam going, he will not stop for a while.

Hikaru shouts at Balam.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun! Do you wanna head to the pool?!

Balam shouts back.

Balam: It's okay! I'll catch up with you two later! Go have fun!

With that, Balam is a free tour guide. Hikaru grabs Kalego's wrist and drags him to the pool.

Kalego: Unhand me!

Hikaru: You heard him, let's go~!

When they go to the entrance, it was a water slide.

Hikaru: A-A water slide?!

Hikaru was super excited. Kalego sighs at his childish friend.

Staff: You slide down to the pool riding these Bau-kun.

Kalego got on one and Hikaru immediately jumps on the back.

Kalego: Hey! Get your own!

Hikaru hugs Kalego tightly.

Hikaru: Nope~! I'm not letting go Eggo-kun~!

Kalego struggles but eventually gives up.

Kalego: Damn you and your monster strength.

They went down the slide together, Hikaru was laughing while Kalego was stoic. When they crash into the pool, Hikaru burst out of the water laughing.

Hikaru: Again, again!

Kalego: No!

Grumpy, wet Kalego got out of the pool. Hikaru followed him and shakes his body like a dog to dry himself.

Hikaru: That was fun~! What should we do next Eggo-kun?

Kalego: Nothing.

Hikaru: Hm?

Kalego walks over to a single beach chair under an umbrella. He lays down, puts on a pair of sunglasses and made a book appear in his hands.

Kalego: I just want to relax and read.

Hikaru: Come on Eggo-kun, there's so many things to do at a pool besides reading!

Kalego: I only promised to come, not to do stuff here.

That made Hikaru annoyed. He pouts and took his shirt off to go swim. Hikaru stomps away.

Hikaru: Hmp! Fine! Be a grumpy Egg.

Hikaru huffs in frustration but didn't let the meany Eggo-kun bring down his mood too much.

Hikaru: It's vacation time, I need to have fun~!

Hikaru jumped in the large pool, he mostly swam around and rode more slides. After a while he started to get hungry.

Hikaru: I'm starving, I hope they have ice cream~!

Hikaru stares where Kalego is, he was still reading. He reluctantly walks back to Kalego and puts his shirt on.

Kalego: Dry yourself, you're going to ruin my book.

Hikaru: Don't tell me what to do Eggo-kun!

I stomp off to the food court.

~Kalego's POV~

It took an hour until I finished my book.

Kalego: I only brought one book.

I look around to not see Hikaru anywhere. I remembered he came back like a wet dog and puts his shirt back on. An idiot like him would catch a cold, he didn't dry off.

Kalego: *sighs* I guess I should go looking for the idiot. He probably got lost while fooling around.

I got up and started thinking.

Kalego: He mostly likely played around until he got tired. That results in hunger, so he's at the food court wanting ice cream.

My deduction should be correct, Hikaru is predictable. Before I go off and searched, I grabbed a towel. I walked to the food court and I was right but there was a commotion.


Demon: Hey! You made me spill ice cream on my shirt!

Hikaru: I said I was sorry! Look, no need to make a scene, I'll buy you another ice cream.

The idiotic demon would listen.

Demon: You need to pay for spilling it on me!

The demon grabs Hikaru's shirt and lift him up. For some reason, he's holding ice cream in both hands.

Kalego: The idiot had to be a glutton.

The demon winds up a punch.

~Hikaru's POV~

I was happily licking the ice cream I just bought, I decided to buy one for Eggo-kun as well. I did ask him to come but he doesn't have to be a grump! But as I was walking back to Kalego, a demon bumped into me.

Hikaru: Ah, sorry.

Demon: Hey! You made me spill my ice cream on my shirt!

As they said, there was melted ice cream on the demon's shirt.

Hikaru: I said I was sorry! Look, no need to make a scene, I'll buy you another ice cream.

I didn't want to make a huge deal of this so I offered to pay for another ice cream but it was not enough apparently. The demon grabs my shirt and lifts me up a bit. Okay, this is getting annoying, they're gonna make me drop Eggo's ice cream!

Demon: You need to pay for spilling on me!

I sigh, what should I do. Sacrifice my ice cream or Kalego's? But I bought these...I'll just take the punch and hopefully Eggo-kun's ice cream doesn't drop.

I close my eyes, waiting for the punch but it didn't come. Instead I heard a grunt in pain and something placed on my head.

I open my eyes to see the demon being pinned down by Cerberion. I noticed a towel was placed on my head.

Demon: Gah! G-Get this off of me!

Hikaru: Ceri?

The doggo growls happily hearing me. I look at Kalego, who was besides me and looks annoyed.

Kalego: The moment I leave you alone, you cause a disturbance.

Hikaru: *pouts* It was an accident! It's not completely my fault!

He cancels Cerberion and did a frightening glare at the demon.

Kalego: Causing a disturbance all because of some ice cream? .

The demon quickly gets up and runs away. Kalego sighs and grabs my arm.

Kalego: Come on.

Kalego drags me back to our spot. He makes me sits down in the beach chair and gave me the "You're in trouble" stare. I was stunned at the incident that I didn't noticed what happened.

Hikaru: Ah! The ice cream!

The one that I bought for Kalego, it slid off the cone. There was only melted ice cream left over.

Kalego: That's the only thing you're concern about? Spilled ice cream.

Hikaru: B-But... *mumbles*

Kalego: What was that? Speak up.

Hikaru: ...It was for you.

Kalego was silent.

Hikaru: I felt bad that I called you out here when you didn't really want to. Seeing you just sitting here...I wanted to give you something.

Kalego: (So he didn't get two for himself...)

Kalego: *sighs* How troublesome you are.

Kalego leans down and takes a bite from my ice cream.

Hikaru: Hey!

Kalego: This is pay back. Such horrendous taste.

Hikaru: No it's not, you have bad taste Eggo-kun!

Before I could speak more, he starts rubbing the towel on my hair.

Hikaru: H-Hey, not so rough.

Kalego: You're such a child. How could you not dry yourself off. I guess it's true, idiots don't catch colds.

Hikaru: *blush* I'm not a child...

I sit still and let Kalego dry my hair. He wasn't as rough now and it started to feel...comfortable.

~Third Person's POV~

Hikaru starts drifting off, not yet asleep but he was getting there from Kalego's hands gently drying his hair. Once Kalego was done, he places the towel down and takes away both ice creams.

Hikaru: Why did you take my ice cream?

Kalego throws his away and eats Hikaru's.

Kalego: Payment, you bought one for me, remember.

Hikaru: I guess...

Hikaru was sad about his ice cream. Once Kalego finished, he takes the towel and cleans Hikaru's hands.

Kalego: Am I your mother? Clean yourself.

Hikaru: I was too sad to clean my sticky hands!

Just in time, Balam comes over to them.

Balam: I manage to get away, what happened here?

Hikaru & Kalego: Nothing.

Balam looks at them curiously but didn't question further.

Balam: Now that I returned, what do you guys want to do?

Kalego: I don't know, I was dragged here.

Hikaru looks around and was suddenly excited.

Hikaru: Let's do that!

He points to a sandy area with a net. It was very similar to beach volleyball.

Balam: Sure, I never played before.

Kalego: Looks tiring.

Hikaru: I bet I could beat you~! You have scrawny arms Eggo-kun~!

Kalego: ...

With Hikaru's taunts, it was a thrilling game. They each took turns facing each other, in the end Kalego won more games.

Balam: Congratulations Kalego-kun.

Hikaru: Dang it, I shouldn't have taunted you!

Kalego: I'm just more skilled than you.

With that, the trio did more activities together. Hikaru and Balam were having the best time, Kalego was following along but there were some rare smiles. They ended their activities in the gift shop.

Hikaru: I should get something for uncle and Opera.

Balam: I want to get the plushies.

Kalego: Hurry up, I don't need anything.

Kalego waits for them but something caught his eye.

Kalego: ...

When the two were done shopping, they approach Kalego, who was near the exit.

Balam: Today was fun.

Hikaru: This was the best day ever! We should all hang out and go somewhere again~!

Kalego: No, I don't need your chaotic energy near me.

Hikaru: Come on Eggo-kun~!

Hikaru hugs Kalego, making Kalego disgusted.

Hikaru: Admit it, you had fun~!

Balam: Yeah Kalego-kun.

Kalego: No.

As they were leaving, Hikaru noticed a photo booth. He grabs the two without a warning and pushes them in it.

Hikaru: A photo for memories!

When the photos were taken, Hikaru happily stores it. Balam was fondly holding it and Kalego reluctantly takes one.

Balam: We should do this again. I'll go ahead and head home. Good bye Hikaru-kun, Kalego-kun.

Hikaru: Bye Chirou-kun~!

Kalego: Have a safe flight Shichirou.

Balam flys home first, leaving the two alone. Hikaru looks at Kalego.

Hikaru: Hey, sorry that I dragged you here. You probably didn't have fun but...I'm glad you still came with us Kalego-kun.

Kalego: *sighs* I guess, this experience wasn't completely horrible. I am glad...that I came here too.

Hikaru: Aw~!

Hikaru pounces on Kalego and gives him a tight hug.

Hikaru: See, you don't have a hollow heart~!

Kalego: Ugh, get off of me.

Hikaru let's go but was really happy that Kalego also had fun. Something was shoved in his arms, leaving him confused.

Kalego: I got you something, to make up for my "grumpiness". See you later.

Kalego flew away before Hikaru could say anything. He opened the bag, Hikaru sees a cute sea creature charm for his phone. Hikaru smiles, and clutches the charm.

Hikaru: Eggo-kun is such a Tsundere~!

A/N: So, there is news that season 3 will be here for the fall. So, I want to ask for anime only readers. Do you want me to continue on from the manga or pause until the anime starts? I don't know if you care about spoilers.

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