《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 10: Battler Party


~Hikaru's POV~

It was the first day of the Battler Party, Kalego and I were patrolling around. We patrolled at different parts of the school. I was doing my job and playing around at the same time. I can't help it, there's so many delicious food!

Students: "Nightray-Sensei! Check out our booth!" "Sensei, we made tasty snacks! Do you wanna try some?" "Sensei! We need a little bit of help here!"

Hikaru: Coming~!

I guess I'm a bit popular, a lot of students come ask me for help. As I was looking around for any mishap, I spotted the Iruma trio.

Hikaru: I-ru-ma~!

He turns around at the sound of my voice.

Iruma: Sensei!

I walk over to them and hug my precious boy.

Hikaru: How are you guys~?

Clara: We're doing good Ray-Sensei~!

Asmodeus: We're just preparing for our plans.

I look to see some type of cannon.

Hikaru: What's that?

Clara: Iruma-chi thought of it!

Asmodeus: Iruma-sama is amazing! He came up this never before seen thing!

I smirk at that.

Hikaru: Oh? "Never before seen thing" huh.

Iruma saw my smirk and nervously smiles.

Iruma: Since this is the magic apparatus battler, this is the one thing that'll show our skills and win the first prize.

Hikaru: Magic apparatus battler? That's Ami's battler.

Iruma: You know him?

Hikaru: He's a bit clumsy but I help him whenever I see him. So what are you making?

Clara: We're making fireworks! It goes boom boom!

Asmodeus: They're beautiful fire flowers that explode in the sky.

Fireworks! I haven't seen those since I was little. My mom took me to the festival and at the end of the night, they shot off fireworks. That was the first and last time I seen them. I gave a huge smile and hug all three of them.

Hikaru: I'm sure these fireworks will make my precious students win!

Iruma: Th-Thank you for believing in us!

Clara: We will win~!

Asmodeus: Of course we will with Iruma-sama's brilliant idea!

I let them go and used my pocket dimension to poof out lollipops into my hands.

Hikaru: I can't wait to see the show~! Here's some candy for your hard work.

Clara: Yay~! Thanks Ray-Sensei!

The three take some and I leave them to continue on patrolling. As I patrol around, whenever I see any of the misfits class, I check out their booth and give them some candy for good luck. I eventually saw Kalego with Robin and Marbas.

Hikaru: Eggo-Kun~!

Kalego: Ugh...

I run over to them and hugged Kalego. He doesn't bother to dodge anymore.

Hikaru: My area is all checked~!

Kalego: Okay, now let me go.

I let go Kalego and greeted the two others.

Hikaru: Hey guys!

Robin: Nightray-Kun! Good to see you!

Marbas: Hello.

A student called out to Robin and he grabbed two choco bananas. Kalego glares at Robin and Robin offers some.


Robin: Would you like one Acting Chair Demon?

Kalego was in charge since Sullivan is unable to make it.

Kalego: No!

Hikaru: I want one~!

I was about to grab it but Kalego grabs my wrist and forcefully drags me away.

Kalego: You're not eating one either! I bet you already had some patrolling around.

Hikaru: Wha-?! How did you know?!

Kalego: Unfortunately, I know you too much.

Hikaru: Let me go! I want free food!

The two friends bickered as the other teachers followed them.

We were inside the school patrol and everything for fine for a while until there was a huge shake from the ground. Some students started panicking.

Kalego: Calm down! Make sure everyone's safe! All faculty should check their stations! Hurry!

Marbas: Yes sir!

Marbas runs off, Kalego stares at Robin.

Robin: You should go too.

Robin: No! I'm going to assist you in every way I can, Acting chair-demon!

Kalego had his usual frown and displeasure face.

Hikaru: I'll go to my station then, you two should handle things here.

I left them and was about to run to the exit but I see students bumping into something.

Hikaru: An invisible wall?

Student: It suddenly appeared Sensei!

I touch the invisible wall.

Hikaru: It's a very strong barrier...

I held my hand out and summoned.

Hikaru: Byakko.

With my magic, Byakko pierced through the barrier but once I passed through the hole, it immediately repaired itself. There was an announcement that said this was all a game.

Hikaru: They must've said that to distract everyone.

I heard Kalego through the ear piece.

Kalego: "The teachers stationed at the central courtyard are to take role call and guide the evacuating students. Those remaining investigate the cause."

Teachers: "Roger."

I can't really investigate but I helped navigate the students to the courtyard if I come across them. As I was helping a student, Kalego spoke in the ear piece again.

Kalego: "No matter what, find Ami Kirio. He's the main suspect, as he possess the ability barrier. Restrain him the instant you find him."

Ami-Kun? It was him? I met Ami before, I helped him carry his magical tools whenever he drops them. I also fend off any seniors that bother him, I can't believe Ami would do this.

Hikaru: I got it!

I used my bloodline magic and got out something. It was a magic tool that Ami made, it has Ami's magic signature so I could easily track him down. I got out a map of the school, place the magic tool in the middle and used a spell.

Hikaru: With this spell, it should tell me his location.

After a few seconds, I got the location.

Hikaru: Hm? He's not in a room, but a wall.

I started running towards the direction, whenever there was a barrier I instantly pierced through it. I tapped the ear piece to talk as I run.


Hikaru: Kalego-Kun! I found Ami Kirio's location!

Kalego: Good job, inform everyone and we'll be right over.

Hikaru: Alright, it's at...

As I gave the location, I was already close to the destination. Once I got there, all I see is a wall.

Hikaru: There's gotta be a switch.

Before I could touch around, there was a huge noise that sounded like an explosion.

Hikaru: What was that?! Never mind that, I gotta get in!

Once I found the switch, I quickly open the door to find Ami kneeling on the floor.

Hikari: Ami-kun...

Kirio: Nightray-Sensei, I'm surprised you're the first one to arrive.

I look around the room to see a sleeping Iruma. I quickly ran to Iruma to check for injuries.

Kirio: Iruma-Kun isn't injured, he tired himself out for using a lot of magic.

As he said, Iruma wasn't injured but his magic or really low.

Hikaru: Why didn't you escape? You could've just left Iruma-kun.

Kirio: There's no point. The teachers are already rushing here.

I used a spell to bind Ami, he didn't even show resistance.

Kirio: Before I leave, I want to thank you Nightray-Sensei.

Hikaru: Th-Thank me?

Kirio: You were truly kind to me, a low rank demon. I know you don't like how demons treated lower ranks, if we were on the same page, I wonder if I could've won with you on my side Sensei.

I didn't know what to say to that. Ami just laughs at my silence.

Kirio: That's only wishful thinking, with how you are, I doubt you'll join me.

A few minutes later, Kalego, Sullivan and the rest of the teachers rushed in the room. Once they saw me with a restrained Ami, they relaxed a bit. Sullivan sat in front of Ami and they talked. Kalego came over to me.

Kalego: What happened?

Hikaru: I found the wall and switch, when I entered, Kirio was just sitting here with Iruma.

Kalego: Did you talk about anything?

Hikaru: It was nothing important. By the way, what was the large explosion sound?

Kalego: Apparently, Iruma over there shot off something called a firework.

Hikaru: What?! I missed it!

I internally cried as Kalego drags me out of the room. Once Ami was detained, the teachers were requested to go where the students are. Afterwards, once Iruma woke up, all the students cheered for him. Once Iruma did his little speech, he passed out afterwards.

Now it was the next day where the main festival begins. This is the day where parents can come over and observe their child's work. Kalego and I were patrolling together this time, sadly, meany Kalego is always catching me from getting snacks.

Hikaru: Just one snack!

Kalego: No. Your sweets consumption is already filled this week.

Hikaru: B-But the candy!

Kalego: No! Now do your job!

As we were patrolling, two parents came up to us. Complaining about an adult stealing prizes from their child. They drag us to them and it was actually Opera winning the prizes.

Hikaru: Isn't that-?

Before I could finish, Kalego grabs my wrist and drags me in the opposite direction.

Hikaru: Huh?

Kalego: You're not talking to Opera-Senpai.

Hikaru: Why not?

Kalego: If you talk to Senpai, then they know I'm also near. I refuse to greet Opera-Senpai!

Hikaru: That's because you're scared~!

Kalego: Silence!

~Third Person's POV~

Later at the night of the festival, it was awards time. Ameri was the one announcing the winners. Near the end, the one who won the special prize was the broadcasting battler. The closing ceremony was about to start but Kalego grabbed the mic.

Kalego: Keep silence.

Hikaru: We're announcing something new this year!

The students started whispering.

Kalego: This year battler party has been more troublesome than the previous ones. Including...one division who never informed the staff and voluntarily performed a dangerous and showy demonstration.

Hikaru: Usual this kind of act would be punished but since there's an overwhelming support of the school, we created a new prize~!

A board was revealed and Kalego introduces it.

Kalego: The tricky prize. The division representative will be promoted up one rank.

Hikaru: Please walk up the stage, the magical tools research battler!

The group walks up and Kalego was the one giving Iruma a rank three, Gimel, badge. Hikaru walks over and hugs him.

Hikaru: Good job!

Iruma: Thank you Sensei!

With one head pat, Hikaru leaves the stage with Kalego.

Kalego: That troublesome brat...

Hikaru: That brat saved this school ya know~!

Kalego: *sighs* He still should've informed me.

Hikaru: The past is in the past~! Let's go hang out with Chirou-kun and celebrate with wine!

Kalego: You better have the good ones.

Hikaru: I'll always have the good ones for you Eggo-kun~!

With that, the Battler Party has officially ended.


Hikaru kicks down Balam's door.

Hikaru: Chirou-Kun~! I got some tasty snacks from the festival for you!

Hikaru used his bloodline magic and had a huge amount to sweets and snacks in his arms.

Balam: *sweat drops* How much did you get?

Hikaru: Enough to put me in a coma! Now let's eat this before Eggo-Kun comes over!

Balam: No can do Hikaru-Kun. Your sweet intake this week is full.

Hikaru: *pouts* Not you too!

Balam: Kalego-Kun already informed me.

Balam grabs the sweets and puts them in a large bag.

Balam: No sweets until next week.

Hikaru: J-Just one...

Hikaru gave him the puppy eyes, making Balam very much tempted to pat Hikaru and give him the sweets bag.

Balam: M-Must resist!

Once Kalego arrives, he sees Hikaru in Balam's lap, happily eating sweets.

Kalego: *glares* ...What did I just say.

Balam: ...I'm too weak...I couldn't resist...

Hikaru: *innocently smiles*

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