《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 8: Disciplinary Battler


A/N: Everything in this chapter is not cannon, obviously.

~Third Person's POV~

It was the time of year for freshmen's to join Battler's and it was chaotic as ever. Seniors rush to find new rookies and with that, the Rookie Hunt begins. The three chaotic trio were walking through the halls, watching seniors hand out flyers for their battlers. Some try to approach them, but with Kalego's menacing glare, they were too afraid to hand them one.

Senior 1: I-Isn't that the strong first years?

Senior 2: We should ask them to join right?

Senior 3: Do you want to approach him?

They stare at Kalego and his aura was terrifying. They immediately backed off and quickly walked away.

Hikaru sighs at Kalego's unapproachable aura.

Hikaru: You're scaring them off Eggo-Kun.

Kalego: Tch, not my fault they're weaklings.

Balam: At least we aren't swarmed.

Hikaru: What battlers are you two interested in? The gaming division seems fun~!

Balam: Magical vegetation divison or creature study division seems interesting...

Kalego: None of these battlers are catching my eye.

They kept walking, looking around when suddenly someone was behind Kalego and poked his back.

Opera: Yo, Kalego-Kun.

Kalego jumps in fright and hides behind Balam.

Kalego: O-Opera-Senpai!

Balam: Hello Senpai.

Hikaru: Hi Opera~!

Opera nods at the two. Since that day on the roof, Opera made the trio fight delinquents who misbehave. Opera also made them carry stuff and buy lunch.

Hikaru: What brings you here Opera?

Opera: Come with me.

With that said, Opera grabbed Kalego shirt and drags him away while the two others followed. After walking through the halls, they stopped at a door.

Kalego: Let go!

Opera finally let's go and he stood next to Hikaru.

Balam: Disciplinary Battler?

Hikaru: We have those?

Kalego: I never heard of it.

Opera: That's because I made it.

The three looked at Opera in shock.

Balam: When did this happen Senpai?

Opera: Principal said I can't just go around beating up students, then I thought, if it's official battler business then it's acceptable.

(The student council during their time didn't do much to stop delinquents. None of them were like Ameri who can easily kick ass)

Opera shoves a paper in front of them.

Opera: It's already been approved and you three are already my members.

Kalego: Wait a second! Don't we get a say in this?!

Opera: Nope.

Opera shoves the three in and it was a really nice room.

Hikaru: Wow~!

Hikaru jumps on the couch.

Hikaru: So comfy!

Balam was curious and checked upstairs.

Balam: So much room up here!

Kalego observes the room.

Kalego: Is this room really ours?

Opera: Yes it is.

Opera suddenly spoke next to Kalego, scaring him once again. He quickly sat down next to Hikaru.

Kalego: Shouldn't only third years run a battler?

Opera: Actually there's another option. There must be at least three members holding a rank 4, Daleth.

When Opera said that, Hikaru sulked and Kalego smirks.

Kalego: Oh? Seems like there's one demon who isn't up to standards~

Hikaru: Stop being a jerk Eggo-Kun! Chirou-Kun, he's bullying me again!

Balam came downstairs and head pats Hikaru.

Balam: There there, Kalego-Kun, please stop teasing Hikaru-Kun. It's okay Hikaru-Kun, if we do well in the school's festival, you could have a chance to rank up.

Opera: ? (I'm assuming Opera is a higher rank than 4)

Kalego: 4

Balam: 4

Hikaru: 3

Here's what happened, at the cannonball execution exam, Kalego and Balam were in one team while Hikaru was in the other. It lasted till a one on one match with three and unfortunately Hikaru lost. Balam was the only one that ranked up and with that, Hikaru was sulking that he's still ranked 3.


Kalego: Not my fault the idiot gets distracted easily.

Hikaru: You know candy is my one weakness!

Opera: Ahem, let's move on. Please take a chair and sit.

Opera sits at the big desk.

Hikaru: Can I stay on the couch~?

Opera: Sure.

The other two grabbed a chair and sat in front of the table.

Opera: Our job is to discipline any misbehaving demon. Principal gave me some rules.

Opera walked to the chalk board and started writing.

Rule one: If the demon is threatening any student or puts them in danger, use any means to stop them but do not kill them. Stopping and restraining is enough.

Rule two: You are allowed to use your magic to restrain.

Rule three: You are allowed access anywhere around this school.

Rule four: Do not abuse your power, Opera will deal with you if you break this rule.

Rule five: Most importantly, protect this school and everyone in it from harm. Make this school a better place.

Opera: Any objections?

Trio: None!

Opera: Now I will assign your roles. I'm the president and I need a Vice President. Vice President must do everything the President must say without complaining. Vice President will be Kalego-Kun.

Kalego stands up and slams his hands on the table.

Kalego: I object!!

Opera: Over ruled.

Kalego: How come I am picked?!

Opera: You care to protect this school as well. Although I do trust Hikaru and Balam, you are the most suited for this job.

Hikaru: I agree~!

Balam: Same.

Kalego dejectedly sits back down.

Kalego: Tch, fine.

Opera: There isn't more roles, so Hikaru and Balam shall follow our orders.

Hikaru: No problem~!

Balam nods in agreement. With that, this was the start of the Disciplinary Battler.

Few Days Later

Student: Hey have you heard the rumors?

Student 2: What rumors?

Student: There's this new battler that is ruling this school. Apparently all members are super strong, the Top Dog is even the President!

Student 2: Woah! Really?! What do they do? What's even the battler?

Student: It's called the Disciplinary Battler. They punish those who don't obey the rules, that's why there are less incidents around this school. And there's only 4 members!

A demon who overheard them laughed.

Delinquent: Ha! I'm not afraid of this newbie battler! Rumors are just exaggerating! I bet they're all just show off weaklings!

The delinquent grabbed one of their heads and squeezed tightly.

Student: H-Hey! Stop that!

Delinquent: I'll show who's stronger! If I have a ton of beat up freshmen in a pile, it'll show my strength!

The demon was about to punch the students face but it was stopped with one finger.

Hikaru: *smiles* Hello~!

Delinquent: Huh? W-Why can't I move?!

Hikaru: I overheard your plan. Unfortunately for you, I can't let you do that~!

Hikaru shoves the scared student away. Hikaru moves his finger off and dodges the in coming punch.

Hikaru: To make your punishment lessen, please state your name, year and stop your attacks.

Delinquent: Like hell I will!

He keeps punching but Hikaru easily dodges.

Hikaru: *sighs* You're quite lucky that Eggo-Kun wasn't the one that caught you.

In a blink of an eye, Hikaru vanishes in a sec and the next, he was behind the delinquent.

Hikaru: Good night~!

Delinquent: Wha-!

Hikaru hits the back of the neck, instantly making the demon go unconscious. Hikaru then search through the demon's pocket and finds his wallet.

Hikaru: Let's see~! Hm, a second year.

Hikaru throws him over the shoulder and heads to his battler. Once Hikaru arrives, he greets Opera.


Hikaru: Opera, I got another one~!

Opera got out a form and a pen.

Opera: Name and year?

Hikaru: Cain Gorge, second year student.

Opera: Why was he attained?

Hikaru: Attempted violence for multiple students. Even was about to punch one but I stopped him in time.

Opera: Punishment is temporary suspension. Throw him with the others.

Opera hands Hikaru a sticky note.

Hikaru: Kay~! Chirou-Kun, I got another one for you~!

Hikaru opens a door and it reveals Balam reading. What is also there are hanging students on the ceiling, all wrapped up with Balam's vines.

Balam: Alright Hikaru-Kun, place him on the floor.

Hikaru did that and the vines instantly wraps the unconscious demon. Hikaru slaps the sticky note that says temp. suspension and the vines lifted the demon to the ceiling.

Kalego: Got another one here.

Kalego brings in two beat up demons. They all have their jobs now. Opera is the head who handles paperwork and occasionally patrols to punish students. Kalego and Hikaru are the main team who patrols and brings in misbehaving students. Kalego helps with paperwork occasionally while Hikaru will be forced by Kalego. Balam doesn't like to be violent but is great at capturing the detained students, none can break free from his plants.

When it was time for the festival, all Disciplinary Batter members were patrolling. Hikaru was extra serious, if they do very well, they might get first place. It was normal, they caught some misbehaving demons but it was mostly peaceful. Then, something happened near the end of day one.

Student: Help! Wild beasts have escaped!

There were very large and dangerous demon beasts running around. The creature study division brought rare and dangerous beasts to showcase but someone agitated them, causing the beasts to break out and cause chaos.

Announcer: A-Attention! Magical beasts are causing havoc! Please remain calm and follow the teachers orders!

Girl: H-Help!

A beast rammed its head into a wall, causing the wall to fall towards the girl. Luckily, Kalego made it in time.

Kalego: Cerberion!

His familiar stopped it in time, Kalego turn towards the creature and used his magic to knock it unconscious.

Kalego: *smirks* Finally, something interesting.

Balam was using his vines to stop the beast.

Balam: Please calm down.

Hikaru was saving anyone he can from danger and Opera instantly knocks out any beast unconscious in his sight.

All the members got to work. As the teachers guides the students to safety, the Disciplinary Battler either stopped the beasts or saved some students. At the end of the day, no student was harmed.

Hikaru: Phew! All done~!

Balam: We got every single one I think.

Balam used his magic to restrain the tamed beasts.

Opera: Good job, no students were harmed but there's quite a bit of damage.

Kalego: We can't prevent that though.

With that, day one ends. Day two begins where the parents come in. Everyone patrolled as usual and it was mostly peaceful. With day two over, it was now the last event of the festival. Everyone was gathered into the auditorium, it was time for the awards ceremony. The student council President announces the awards.

President: Now finally, we have the special prize! This battler was only establish this year, yet they accomplish so much, especially for this year's festival! They worked very hard throughout this whole festival. Everyone agreed this battler was worthy of the special prize! Please come up the Disciplinary Division!!

Hikaru jumps up and excitedly hugs Balam.

Hikaru: Yes! We did it~!

Balam: Hurray!

Kalego: *smirks* No contest.

Opera: Good job everyone, let's head up.

As everyone cheers for them, Sullivan personally hands them their new ranked badges. The leader earns two ranks up while everyone else raises one.

Opera: 4? +2

Kalego: 5

Balam: 5

Hikaru: 4

Hikaru: Yay, I ranked up~!

Balam: Congratulations.

Kalego: Heh, you're still one rank lower than us.

Hikaru realizes that and pouts.

Hikaru: I'm gonna catch up!

Kalego: We'll see idiot.

Hikaru: Hmp!

Hikaru angrily pouts and looks away from Kalego. Balam nudges Kalego and Kalego sighs. Suddenly, Hikaru felt someone gently rubbing his head.

Kalego: ...Good job...I guess...

Hikaru turns to look at Kalego in shock, he rarely praises him. Then Kalego put something in his hands, his favorite flavored lollipops. Hikaru now had a huge smile and grabbed the two of them in a hug.

Kalego: Oi!

Hikaru: Group hug~! Opera join in!

Opera: Alright.

~Hikaru's POV~

I ignored the big commotion outside of the teacher's lounge.

Kalego: Why can't the be some damn silence? They're too loud!

Hikaru: Don't be a grump Eggo-Kun. Remember how it was when we were freshmen?

Kalego: I don't want to remember.

Kalego started shivering. I'm assuming he doesn't want to remember anything about Opera. Suddenly there was a huge crash.

Kalego: Tch, I'm going to silence those fools! Come with me.

Hikaru: Kay, just a sec~! I'll follow you after I'm done with this.

Kalego: You better.

Kalego leaves in a rush. I organize my things before I go after him, I suddenly noticed something fell off my desk. When I picked it up, I smiled.

Hikaru: How nostalgic...

It was a picture of Opera, Kalego, Balam and I when we received our new ranks from the Battler Party.

(Left to right, Kalego looking grumpy while staring to the side, Hikaru eyes closed with a huge smile, Balam looks excited/his eyes are smiling, Opera face was expressionless but held up a peace sign)

Hikaru: *sighs* I miss small Chirou-Kun...

I put away our special picture and ran out to follow Kalego.

Hikaru: Maybe this year, something new will happen.


Sullivan took the group picture and was very happy.

Sullivan: This is so precious! I'm going to save it forever.

Hikaru: Send it to me~!

Balam: Me too.

Kalego: Don't need it.

Hikaru hits Kalego's back.

Hikaru: Don't be a grump!

Hikaru quickly grabs Kalego's phone.

Kalego: Hey!

Once Sullivan sends one to Hikaru, Hikaru immediately sends it to Kalego.

Hikaru: Okay, then with a few things here and there...

Kalego finally grabs it out of Hikaru's hands.

Kalego: What did you do...

Kalego looks to see it's saved as his new screen saver.

Hikaru: Now you'll get reminded of our friendship!

Kalego: ...I'm deleting this.

Hikaru: Wha-?! No, stop him Chirou-Kun!

Balam: On it!

Kalego: Get away!

Kalego finally got away from those two.

Kalego: I swear Hikaru makes Shichirou follow his antics.

He managed to escape and make it back home. He sat on his bed and stare at this new screen saver.

Kalego: ...

Kalego did something and threw his phone to his bed stand. He went to sleep after that. On his screen though, he kept the new picture but Opera was cropped out. It was only the trio and this wallpaper was still kept the same to present time.

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