《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 7: Cannonball Execution


~Third Person's POV~

Iruma was still very shocked from the news Hikaru gave him.

Iruma: W-What do you mean cannibalism?! ...Are you a human like me? But!

He points to Hikaru's horn, tail and ears.

Iruma: You look like a demon!

Hikaru: You're half right~! Half points for you.

Hikaru claps to congratulate Iruma but Iruma was still very confuse.

Hikaru: You look like you need to sit down.

Hikaru snaps and two chairs appear.

Iruma: Huh?!

Hikaru sits down and claps, having a table with delicious snacks appear.

Hikaru: Sit down~! Eat some delicious snacks!

Iruma stares at the food.

Iruma: Okay, th-thank you.

Iruma sits across from Hikaru and started nibbling on the cookies.

Iruma: Can you please explain Nightray-sensei.

Hikaru: Sure! Basically, I'm half human, half demon.

Iruma: That's possible?

Hikaru: Yep! My dad was a demon and my mom was a human.

Iruma was processing this information.

Iruma: So, were you not originally from here sensei?

Hikaru: Well...

Hikaru explained his whole situation to Iruma. From his past to the present.

Iruma: *sniff*

Hikaru: I-Iruma, what's wrong?!

Hikaru started panicking when Iruma started crying a bit.

Iruma: I-I don't know whether to be sad or happy.

Hikaru: Huh?

Iruma: Your story about your parents made me sad but having another person who was born in the human world...I'm happy to see someone where I was born.

Hikaru: Aww~!

Hikaru leaned over and hugs Iruma tightly.

Hikaru: You're so cute~!

Iruma: Ah! Too tight sensei!

Hikaru: Call me Hikaru, Iruma-kun~!

Hikaru finally let's go, giving Iruma some air back.

Iruma: So, does anyone know besides grandpa and Opera?

Hikaru: Well, I want to tell my two best friends but I don't know how they'll feel about me once they find out. But they do know that Sullivan is my uncle, which greatly shocked them too.

The two chatted for a while, they talked about the human world and other human related stuff. Once it gotten a bit dark, Hikaru decided to take Iruma home.

Hikaru: Let me fly you home, Opera messaged me about a party.

Iruma: Another one?

Hikaru: Uncle loves his parties.

Hikaru princess carried Iruma to the mansion. Once they arrived, the door opens.

Sullivan: I-ru-ma~! Hi-ka-ru~! Welcome home~!

Opera: Welcome.

Once Hikaru was near them, he gently puts Iruma down.

Iruma: Grandpa! Opera! Why didn't you guys tell me Hikaru used to live in the human world?

Sullivan: I wanted to but Hikaru told me to keep it a secret from you.

Hikaru: Just a little prank to scare you, it was worth it~!

Iruma: A little...

Opera was looking around.

Opera: No Kalego?

Hikaru: I'm not forcing him to come.

Opera: *pouts*

With that, Hikaru says goodbye to them and flies off. As promised, Hikaru bought Kalego's favorite wine and they ate dinner together.

The next day, Hikaru was teaching his class.

Hikaru: Alright second years~! You should already know what you're good at correct? For now, let's just test how everyone is with a weapon.

As Hikaru was testing their skills, the ground suddenly started shaking. Then he heard a large sound.

Hikaru: Hm?


Student: Sensei! Some pink blob burst through the greenhouse!

Student 2: So pretty!

Student 3: I never seen anything like it!

Hikaru turned to look and saw a very nostalgic tree.

Hikaru: Cherry blossoms...

Hikaru had a soft smile while looking at the petals falling.

Student: Do you know what it is Sensei?

Hikaru: I...heard of them. It's a tree that isn't typically grown in the demon world.

Hikaru told the students to not be distracted and continue on the lesson. Later till lunch, Hikaru was dragging a reluctant Kalego with a very excited Balam.

Balam: This tree! I never seen them here, I read they're from the human world.

Hikaru: They're called cherry blossoms~! Since they're so beautiful, it's a waste to not have lunch under it.

Kalego: Let me go! Lunch is my private time!

Hikaru: Don't worry, we'll eat at a vacant area.

Balam: Since the tree is quite large, anywhere on the roof should be fine to eat under.

Kalego: Uuugh.

The three had a picnic under the cherry blossoms. Balam was studying the tree while Kalego and Hikaru talked while eating.

Kalego: Tch, I know this tree got to be Iruma's doing...

Hikaru: The tree isn't doing any harm, I'm quite happy Iruma grew it here~!

Balam: How is a first year able to produce a plant not originally from here? How fascinating.

The three enjoyed their chaotic picnic. (Mostly Balam and Hikaru enjoying it)

Few days later, Hikaru was in his dorm preparing lesson materials when he suddenly received a call.

Hikaru: Iruma-Kun~! What brings you to call me?

Iruma: Hikaru! I-I was wondering if you could help me with something.

Hikaru: Oh~?

With that, Hikaru was with Iruma and Sullivan at their mansion.

Hikaru: Ah, cannonball execution~! It's been a while since I've played this.

Iruma: Please give me special training principal, Hikaru!

Sullivan: *pouts* Didn't I say to call me grandpa outside of school!

Iruma: S-Sorry.

Hikaru: Anyways, is there a specific problem Iruma?

Iruma: I'm just not good at this at all.

Sullivan: Well, shall we throw it lightly first?

Sullivan only taught Iruma to throw the ball with magic, but it was an overkill throw. It was thrown to the sky.

Hikaru: Wow! Reminds me of Kalego.

Sullivan: With that, you could easily wipe them out~! Now problem!

Iruma: How is that no problem?! I'm not going to use magic!

Hikaru: You could use magic now because of the ring right? It's now yours, why not use it?

Iruma: The magic is from grandpa so it's kinda like cheating. This time, I want to try with my own ability.

When Iruma said that, Hikaru went over and hugged him while rubbing his head.

Hikaru: You're so precious~!

Sullivan: Hoho! I see~!

Sullivan grabs Iruma's hands. He put a simple spell to strengthen them.

Sullivan: I merely strengthen your hands. With this, it'll be a fair fight, right?

Iruma gave his precious smile.

Iruma: Thanks grandpa!

Sullivan was very happy, saying he'll keep Iruma's smile forever in his heart. Sullivan decided a to leave, saying Hikaru is the better choice with special training.

Sullivan: After all, he's one of the best at cannonball execution when he was a student.


Iruma: Really?!

Hikaru: Yep! Now let's start a bit.

Sullivan left, leaving the two alone.

Hikaru: Since you don't want to use magic, then it'll be hard to hit the other team back.

They started it simple, Hikaru tested Iruma's dodging skills. He passed with flying colors.

Hikaru: Your dodging is impressive!

Iruma: In the human world, I had to dodge a lot of things.

Hikaru: (His defense is like 100% but you can't win with just dodging.) You may last long by not getting hit but what will happen if you're the last one standing.

Iruma: U-Um, I would have to hit them back right?

Hikaru: Let's test your throws.

Iruma starts throwing the ball at Hikaru but he easily dodges like Iruma.

Hikaru: Hm...this is not enough to win.

Iruma: Really?!

Hikaru: Since you are not using magic, it will be more difficult as your opponent most likely will.

Hikaru made Iruma keep throwing balls at him and uses magic to defend himself.

Iruma: A wall! Just like...

Hikaru: Just like Agares. With the way you throw, it's not enough to pierce it.

Hikaru started thinking and had an idea.

Hikaru: Catching!

Iruma: Catching?

Hikaru: Since you can't throw, why not catch it. With catching, you should have a chance to throw it back and maybe catch the opponents off guard.

Hikaru threw the balls at Iruma this time, he dodges mostly but he caught a few.

Iruma: I-I think I'm getting better.

Hikaru: Alright, I think we should move on to the next step~!

Iruma: Next step?

Hikaru: *smiles* We need to crank it up to level 1 to level 11!

Hikaru called Opera over. Before Hikaru could explain, Opera spoke first.

Opera: You need me to teach Iruma-sama this time. Since he has a harder time to catch, I'm the best choice with my skills, correct?

Hikaru: Yep! I'll help in the side lines.

With that Opera teaches Iruma, it was hell as Opera doesn't hold back. Which is why Hikaru switches to Opera teaching. The past few days was them helping Iruma train. Even Clara and Asmodeus came to help.

Asmodeus: Nightray-sensei? Iruma-sama asked for your help as well?

Clara: Ray-Sensei is helpful!

Iruma: Hik- I mean Nightray-Sensei knows what to do so I asked him for help as well.

After some hours, Iruma finally caught the ball, which cause everyone to celebrate. They practice till Iruma fell asleep.

Hikaru: They're ready now.

Opera: Yes, all of them.

After that, Hikaru was with Kalego, deciding the teams of the misfits class.

Hikaru: To be fair, strength wise Asmodeus and Sabnock should be separate...

Kalego: Asmodeus is rank four, so he should have most of the lower ranked.

As they we discussing who to place, Iruma name finally pops up.

Hikaru: Iruma, rank one.

Kalego: Team A.

Hikaru: Really? Why not team B with Asmodeus?

Kalego: To balance out fairly, he has to go with team A. Also, this is to test them.

Hikaru: Alright~! Whatever you say!

It was now the day of the ranking exam. Hikaru and Kalego stood next to each other while explain the rules. Kalego gives a box to Hikaru.

Kalego: Nightray will hand out your armbands. Once you received it, go to your team's side.

Students: Yes sir~!

Hikaru passed them out to each student, once he went over to Iruma and Asmodeus, he gives them good luck. Once they find out that they're in separate team. Asmodeus freaks out.

Asmodeus: I think there's something wrong with the grouping!

Kalego: We distributed fairly. No objections, go and line up.

Once everyone got to their side, Kalego yells.

Kalego: Cannonball execution commence!

Hikaru: *tweeeets*

Hikaru blew the whistle and the game begins.

It was a very chaotic game but once Hikaru see's Iruma panicking once he has the ball, Hikaru giggled a bit.

Kalego: Why are you laughing it up over there?

Hikaru: Nothing~! Don't worry about it! (Although Iruma has gotten the catching down, it seems he still struggles to throw. Although I taught him a bit, Opera mostly focused with his catching.)

As the game goes on, Hikaru had an idea.

Hikaru: Nee, Eggo-Kun.

Kalego: What.

Hikaru: Wanna have a friendly bet~?

Kalego: ...Go on.

Hikaru: We choose which team to win, whoever team's win gets a prize!

Kalego: And that prize is?

Hikaru: The loser has to do whatever the winner wants for a whole day~!

Kalego: *smirks* Oh?

When Hikaru see's Kalego devilish smirk, he had a small ounce of fear in him.

Hikaru: H-Hehe, what's with the smirk?

Kalego: If I win, I'll make you do my work and pay for dinner at my favorite place.

Hikaru: Y-You sadist! The places you eat at are hella expensive!

Kalego: That's why.

Hikaru: Hmp! Don't worry, I'll win this time~!

Kalego: We'll see. I choose team B, Asmodeus will clearly win.

Hikaru: I was going to choose team A anyways.

As the match goes on, it was only Iruma and Asmodeus left. Asmodeus gave a huge fireball throw but Iruma manages to catch it and reverse the throw, hitting Asmodeus on the shoulder.

Kalego: Tch! The winner is team A!

Hikaru: Congrats~!

Hikaru was happy for them but also for winning the bet. Kalego sighs and calls Iruma over.

Kalego: Iruma! If I fine out that Asmodeus lost on purpose, there will be grave consequences.

Hikaru: He did not! They both tried their hardest!

Kalego places a badge in Iruma's hands.

Kalego & Hikaru: Iruma/Iruma-Kun, you are hereby promoted to rank 2, Beth.

Iruma was beaming in happiness. As they were celebrating, Hikaru smirks at Kalego.

Hikaru: Be prepared for tomorrow~!

Kalego: ...

With that, Iruma is now ranked 2, Beth.


Balam was happily petting the fluffy Kalego.

Balam: So fluffy! Your fur is so soft!

Kalego: Why?! Shichirou, calm down!

Hikaru: I promised Chirou-Kun to bring fluffy Eggo-Kun to him~! Chirou-Kun is so adorable when he's happy~!

Kalego: Well I'm not happy!

Kalego was grumbling as Balam excitedly pets Kalego all over.

Hikaru: You know the rules, you have to follow my orders for the whole day. So let's have a cuddle session~!

Balam: Yay!

Kalego: NOOO!!!

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