《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 6: Ranking Recieved


~Iruma's POV~

My name is Suzuki Iruma, a human who is now attending a demon school! Right now, I'm in the abnormal class with Azz-kun and Clara. I met all of my classmates and one of them called Sabnock is yelling at me right now. Azz-kun is yelling back at him.

Iruma: C-Calm down...

Suddenly the door slammed open.

Kalego: Shut the hell up! Your voice is too loud that I can hear it from a distance! I must correct all of you!

Iruma: Kalego-sensei!

Clara: So Eggy-sensei is our home room teacher! Wonderful~!

Kalego: During our teacher's meeting, I was unwillingly volunteered...

Kalego-sensei had a really dark aura, I turned away to not look into his eyes.

Kalego: *sighs* Anyways, I'm your co-homeroom teacher. My damn partner is busy with his second year class but he will come by later.

Iruma: Co-teacher?

Asmodeus: I heard we are getting two.

Clara: Eggy-sensei, who is it~?!

Kalego: It's Nightray, the weapon and magic defense class teacher. Now stop talking and move out! Class has already begun!

Nightray? Azz-kun saw my curious look.

Asmodeus: I heard rumors about Nightray-sensei. He's one of best teachers but strange as well.

Iruma: Strange?

Asmodeus: Not Valac strange but he acts different from the other demons.

~Third Person's POV~

Iruma was thinking about what Asmodeus said as they walked to their next destination. They made it to the next area and Kalego's explains their test. It's an air race, cross to the finish line and at the end, we'll determine your rank.

Kalego: One more thing, go through Saezuri Valley.

Sabnock: Wait! Why not cross Kanakiri Valley?!

Kalego: It's a restricted area, the leader of the valley will not allow us to go through.

Sabnock kept yelling and complaining but Kalego didn't really care.

Kalego: Everyone get ready to unfold your wings!

Iruma: Huh?

Everyone had their wings sprout out. Iruma was panicking and Kalego starts the race.

Kalego: Everyone in position! And...start!

Everyone but Iruma took off at the sound of start. Kalego just pushed Iruma off the edge.

Kalego: Alright.

Kalego made a tv screen with a chair appear as he sat down.

Kalego: Now, how will this year's rookies will perform.

Basically, most of them aren't taking this seriously. They just fly like a leisure stroll.

Kalego: ...They're all idiots...

He stood up and shakes the tv.

Kalego: Everyone of you! Does this look like some pointless school excursion to you! Damn it! Isn't there any demon taking this seriously?!!

Suddenly someone is behind Kalego and covers his eyes with their hands.

Hikaru: Guess who~?

Kalego: You're late.

Hikaru: After all these years, you forgot my name~!

Kalego: Stop being an idiot.

Hikaru: *smiles* I'm you and Balam's idiot though!

Kalego: *sighs* Whatever...

Kalego snaps and another chair appears next to him. Hikaru happily sit nexts to Kalego. Hikaru claps and a table with a tea set appears from his pocket dimension. He brews some of Kalego's favorite tea while talking.

Hikaru: So, how's our lovely students~?

Kalego frowns and shows the live clips.

Kalego: Most of them aren't taking it seriously. Only Asmodeus Alice is and I'm not counting Valac Clara who is riding on his back.

Once the tea was ready, Hikaru hands a full cup to Kalego who happily sips it with a frown.

Hikaru: Not all students were serious as you Eggo-kun. Now where's the star of the show~?

Kalego: Iruma? I pushed him off when he didn't even sprout his wings, I lost feed on him.

Hikaru: (Of course he didn't sprout wings, he's a human. I'm sure he's okay...maybe.)


The bat on the tv shouts.

Bat: DANGER! DANGER! There's a trespasser at Kanakiri Valley!

Hikaru: Trespasser?

Kalego: It must be Sabnock, of course he would...

Kalego switches the feed to Sabnock, showing him crossing the valley.

Hikaru: Why would he go through there? The leader has been grumpy lately.

Kalego: He's just an idiot. I suppose my class would have one less, he'll be lucky if he comes back with broken limbs.

Kalego said as he crosses Sabnock's name.

Hikaru: I should go and che-

Before Hikaru could go fly away, Kalego pulled him back before Hikaru could take off.

Kalego: No.

Hikaru: *pouts* I didn't even finish what I was saying.

Kalego: You were going to fly out there and save him.

Hikaru: ...So you did know what I was thinking.

Kalego sighs and forced Hikaru back on the seat.

Kalego: You can not interfere with the test.

Hikaru: B-But-!

Kalego slaps his hand over Hikaru's mouth.

Kalego: No buts! No matter what your idiot brain thinks, you can not go out there and help.

Hikaru huffs in disappointment.

Hikaru: Fine...

Hikaru pouts in his chair as Kalego was enjoying his tea. After a few minutes, Asmodeus crosses the finish line.

Asmodeus: Where is Iruma-sama?

Hikaru: Welcome back~!

Kalego: I guess you're first.

Clara: Yay~! We made it to the goal!

Clara said as she jumps off of Asmodeus' back.

Kalego: ...And she's second, I guess.

Hikaru: I guess it counts.

Asmodeus: She rode her from latching on my back!

Asmodeus suddenly pauses and stares at the newcomer.

Asmodeus: Are you our second teacher?

Hikaru happily jumps off from the chair and introduces himself.

Hikaru: Hai hai~! I am your co-teacher, call me Nightray-sensei.

Clara: Nice to meet you Ray-sensei!

Hikaru: Close enough~!

Kalego: Ugh...

Hikaru chats with the duo as Kalego watches the screen.

Clara: Ray-sensei, how come you weren't in the classroom with Eggy-sensei~?

Hikaru: Pfffft! E-Eggy-sensei!

Kalego: You better not call me that!!

Hikaru: Don't worry, I'll never abandon our special nickname Eggo-kun~!

Kalego: Even worse...

Asmodeus: You two know each other well.

Hikaru hugs the grumpy Kalego.

Hikaru: We were classmates, most of all, we're best friends~!

Kalego: I will never use that title.

Asmodeus and Clara tilt their heads in confusion.

Both: Best friends?

Hikaru: Ah, that's right. Most of you won't know what that is.

Asmodeus: Iruma-sama taught us what friends were, but not about best friends.

Clara: Yeah! What Azzie said!

Hikaru: I'm sure Iruma would teach you eventually. Speaking of Iruma, where is that ball of entertainment?

Asmodeus: I haven't seen Iruma-sama on the way here.

Clara: Me neither! Maybe Iruma-chi is lost.

Hikaru: He'll show up eventually.

After that, some of the students cross the finish line. Now, it's only Iruma and Sabnock missing.

Hikaru: It's getting late...

Clara was waving a flag.

Clara: Iruma-chi!!

Kalego: There's no point of waiting.

Kalego erased Iruma's name from the list. Clara kept yelling for Iruma's name.

Kalego: Silence! I will now announce the ranks.

Hikaru tugs Kalego's coat.

Hikaru: Let me go look for them Eggo-kun.

Kalego: It's too late Hikaru, you know the rules.

Asmodeus: Hold it! Iruma-sama isn't here yet!

Kalego: Those who don't return must be abandoned.

Suddenly, the wind current raises, blowing a strong breeze. In the distance, a huge creature was flying it's way towards them.

Hikaru: Isn't that-!

Kalego: The leader of the valley! Why did it leave the valley?!

Kalego moves in front of the students and was about to cast a spell.

Kalego: Stand back! All of you!


Hikaru: Wait Kalego!

Hikaru grabs his arm to stop him.

Kalego: Why are you stopping me?!

Hikaru: The two missing students are on its back!

As Hikaru said that, Iruma waves at them.

Iruma: Hey, guys!

The classmates were struck in awe as the two came closer. Once the creature dropped them off, it flew away.

Iruma: Thanks! Take care!

Immediately, Kalego grabbed the two and put them in the punishment corner.

Kalego: Put these on them.

Hikaru: Okay~!

Kalego hands him signs and Hikaru puts them on the two kneeling students.

Kalego: We will now announce your ranks.

Hikaru held his arm out and an owl landed on it.

Hikaru: This is a rank owl! He's been watching over this whole thing.

Hikaru placed it down on a podium.

Kalego: It'll assign you your ranks. Place your hand in it's pocket.

Kalego shows them and he pulls out a rank badge.

Hikaru: Line up please! And for the two of you...

Hikaru turns towards Iruma and Sabnock.

Hikaru: Unfortunately, since you two arrived late, you'll be last to pick.

Kalego: It's to set an example. Hopefully the others laugh and throws stones at you.

Kalego evilly smirks at them.

Sabnock: How spiteful are you?!

Hikaru lightly slaps Kalego's arm.

Hikaru: Don't be mean to them Eggo-kun~!

Kalego: Well somebody has to...

One by one, each student got their ranks. Now it was the punished student's turn.

~Hikaru's POV~

It was now Iruma's turn. Although he got last, maybe he'll be a Beth since he tamed the leader of the valley.

He puts his hand in the owl's pocket tummy and it suddenly screeches.

Iruma: W-Wait!

It flies off once Iruma's hand was out. Wait...what's that on his hand?

Iruma: I-I haven't gotten my...

Every one of us stared at his hand. He now has a ring with a weird aura surrounding it.

Clara: Iruma-chi...what is that thingy?

Iruma: Huh?

Jazz: A ring? ...That's kind of...

Iruma was struggling to take it off. He tried to approach us but everyone backed away.

Iruma: U-Um...

I was the one that approached Iruma.

Iruma: Nightray-sensei, W-Why is everyone scared?

I pointed at the thing on his shoulder.

Hikaru: First of all, there's that thing clinging on to you.

Iruma: Huh?

He finally looked and started freaking out. Everyone was panicking when he started waving his arm wildly. It suddenly started screeching, sending everyone down instead of Iruma and Hikaru.

Jazz: My ears hurt!

Iruma: Everyone!

Lied: Nightray-sensei, Iruma, you're not in pain!?

Everyone was covering their ears.

Iruma: Huh!? You're not hurt Nightray-sensei!?

Hikaru: Not really, it's only giving me a headache.

Also the fact that I'm only half demon.

Lied: H-Hurry up and cover it!

Iruma: L-Like this?!

Iruma cradle it like a baby, which was kinda cute.

Lied: We meant that you cover its mouth!

Now Clara stared singing but somehow, it's actually working.

Jazz: Do you think it eats candy?

Lied: Let me take a pic.

Kalego: Stop messing around you idiots!

Sabnock approaches Iruma.

Sabnock: Alright then, leave it to me!

Iruma: Don't come over, it's dangerous!

Sabnock: Don't worry my rival, I could easily-

The black think boop Sabnock's nose and he instantly fainted. Iruma started worrying over Sabnock's fallen body.

Asmodeus: Don't worry Iruma-sama! I'll-

It bites Asmodeus and he falls over too.

I checked on both of them.

Hikaru: Don't worry, only their magical energy was drained.

Asmodeus tries to calm Iruma down by saying he's okay, but he spits out more blood when the black thing bites him again.

Iruma: Y-Your clearly suffering Azz-kun!

Kalego grabs Iruma's shoulder.

Kalego: Iruma, let me see that...

He suddenly paused and looked at it a bit shocked.

Iruma: Sensei?

I walk over and lightly take his arm.

Hikaru: Kalego-kun, are you okay?

Kalego: ...

He was still silent but then he raised his arm.

Hikaru: W-Wait! Stop Kalego!

I went to hold his arm back but luckily someone already stop Kalego.

Sullivan: Tsk-tsk! You can't do that!

Sullivan used one finger to stop Kalego.

Kalego: Principal!

Hikaru: Phew...

Sullivan: Grandpa has arrived~! Jeez Kalego-kun, it looked like you were about to blow his arm off!

Iruma: Huh!?

Kalego: I though that it's a better option for the students safety.

Hikaru: No, you do not blow off student's arms Eggo-Kun!

Kalego: Hmp!

The black creature tried to attack Sullivan but it suddenly became bloated and return itself back into the ring.

Sullivan gave a quick explanation. It was a Gluttony ring, it swallows others magic.

Sullivan: Now let's take a memorable photo~!

Kalego: No.

Before Kalego could escape, I quickly grab him and pulled him next to me.

Hikaru: Smile for the picture~!

Kalego: No!

Hikaru: If you be a good demon, I'll buy you your favorite wine for dinner~!

Kalego: ...

With that, Kalego reluctantly joined the group photo. Once that incident was over, Iruma received a rank one badge. It was now time for everyone to leave.

Hikaru: Eggo-kun, I need to stay and talk to Iruma for a second.

Kalego: Alright, but you better buy me the wine.

Hikaru: No problem!

Hikaru approached Iruma before he could leave. Iruma was with his friends and grandpa.

Hikaru: Iruma~!

Iruma: Nightray-sensei?

Hikaru: May I talk with you for a second?

I have a wink to Sullivan and he nods.

Sullivan: Let's go you two~! Sensei has something important to discuss about.

Asmodeus: Bye Iruma-sama!

Clara: See you later Iruma-chi!

They waved as they walked away, now we're alone.

Iruma: T-Thank you for saving me from Kalego...

Hikaru: Don't worry about that! It was mostly principal though.

Iruma: So, what did you want to talk about?

~Third Person POV~

Hikaru smiles and leans down to Iruma's ear.

Hikaru: Neh, Iruma-kun~! You're a human, aren't you?

Iruma was frozen in shock and fear.

Iruma: (H-How did he find out?! I-Is he gonna-!?)

Iruma was shaking and backs away from Hikaru, suddenly seeing his smile was frightening.

Iruma: H-How did you find out?! A-Are you gonna eat me??!!

Hikaru gave him a menacing look, suddenly the menacing aura was gone and started laughing.

Hikaru: Hahaha! I'm not going to eat you~!

He wipes an invisible tear from his eyes. He summons a lollipop and places it in his mouth.

Hikaru: Why would I eat one of my kind? That's cannibalism.

Iruma was silent for a while until.

Iruma: ...HUH??!!


Sullivan was very happy with the picture. He was framing it for his office.

Sullivan: My first picture with my grandson and nephew~!

Opera: Such a joyful occasion, shall we throw a party?

Sullivan: Yes!

Sullivan was getting excited.

Opera: Did Iruma-sama and Hikaru-sama meet yet?

Sullivan: I left the two alone, knowing Hikaru he's gonna scare Iruma-kun a bit.

Opera: I see, how likely of him.

Opera was suddenly texting.

Sullivan: Who are you messaging?

Opera: Hikaru, I want him to invite Kalego over.

Opera ears perks up.

Opera: If Hikaru forcefully drags Kalego here, I could pet his fluffy form.

Sullivan: Of course you would.

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