《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 5: Kalego's Misery


~Third Person's POV~

A large laughter exploded from one room.

Hikaru: HAHAHA! Oh my devi! I-I can't! Pfftt! HAHAHA!

Balam: Don't laugh at Kalego-kun's misery, Hikaru.

Kalego: Familiar...I am...a mere...familiar...

Hikaru was laughing his ass off. Why? It all started earlier today.

Kalego was assigned to help the freshmen students summon their familiars. When it was Iruma's turn, he accidentally summoned Kalego, making them partners for one year. Because of that, Kalego was in a state of shock, which caused him to get sick. Now he couldn't get off his bed. Hikaru and Balam were supposed to help Kalego recover but...

Hikaru: Hahaha!! You look so cute and fluffy!!

Hikaru had a newspaper in his hand with fluffy Kalego.

Hikaru: I'm going to treasure this forever~!

Kalego: ...Familiar...

Kalego keeps muttering similar phrases while Hikaru was not making him get better.

Hikaru: *sniffs* Haha...sorry! That was a good laugh.

He wipes the tears from his eyes while Balam sighs.

Hikaru was happily smiling. He made a lollipop appear and licks it.

Hikaru: Man! I can't wait to meet Iruma-kun~!

Balam: Stop laughing at Kalego-kun and help him recover.

Hikaru: Okaaay~

Hikaru and Balam worked together to make Kalego feel better. After one day, Kalego was fine enough to go back to work.

Kalego: I dread going to work...

Hikaru: Don't worry! Headmaster said you could take it easy today! I'm going to help you out also~!

Kalego: It's getting worse...

Hikaru: Don't be mean!

Hikaru said goodbye to Balam and dragged the reluctant Kalego to school. When they got to the school, students were whispering about Kalego. Kalego was not going to let them whisper at him and glares at everyone, frightening them to stop.

Hikaru: Your mean glares always worked. Let's go grab a quick bite to start the day~!

As they were walking to the dining hall, some second and third year students greeted Hikaru.

Students: Hi Nightray-sensei! Nightray-Sensei, could you help us out later?! Nightray-sensei, how are you~?

Hikaru happily greeted them back, annoying Kalego.

Kalego: Why must you be friendly?


Hikaru: Because that's who I am~

They were getting close to the dining hall but someone called out to Hikaru.

Student: Nightray-sensei! Dali-sensei needs you for something!

Hikaru: Hm? He does? Guess I'll go, get some food for us Eggo-kun~!

Kalego: Hmp.

Hikaru followed the student and met up with Dali-sensei. They were talking about student assignments and lessons. When they were done, Hikaru speed walks to the dining hall.

Hikaru: I hope Eggo-kun gets my favorite.

Hikaru heard loud shouts and noises from the dining hall.

Hikaru: What's happening over there?

As he got to the entrance, three figures rush past him.

Hikaru: Wasn't that-?

Kalego: Undo this spell!!

Hikaru: Spell?

Hikaru turn towards Kalego's direction to see fluffy Kalego in a net.

Hikaru: ...

Kalego: ...

It was silent between them as they stare at each other. Hikaru suddenly starts shaking, it looks like he's trying to hold in his laughter.

Hikaru: *snickers* ...Pfffttt!

Kalego: D-Don't you dare laugh you bastard!

Hikaru: Haha! S-Sorry! This is the best day of my life~!

Kalego: No, it is not!

Hikaru felt something poke his side, he sees it was the school's shop keeper, Camu Camu.

Camu: Pay up.

Hikaru: Hm?

Hikaru tilts his head in confusion.

Camu: Someone shop lifted, this-

Camu Camu holds up the trapped Kalego.

Camu: Is an accompliss. Since they left, this has to pay, since you know it too Nightray, might as well pay for it.

Hikaru: Alright~!

Hikaru made his wallet appear.

Hikaru: How much?

Once Hikaru payed for whatever was shoplifted, Camu Camu hands over fluffy Kalego into Hikaru's arms. Hikaru happily hugs fluffy Kalego.

Hikaru: You're so cute! Much cuter than your full body, it's also an easier way to cuddle you~!

Kalego: Stop taking advantage of me!!

Hikaru started thinking.

Hikaru: If I made merch of fluffy Eggo...how much would I make?

Kalego: Don't you dare make profit of my misery!

Hikaru: Just kidding~! Mostly~

Kalego sighs in depression in Hikaru's arms. Since Iruma didn't undo the summon, he was stuck like this for a while. Right now, they were in Hikaru's empty classroom. Hikaru was sitting on his chair while hugging fluffy Kalego on his lap.


Hikaru: Don't be sad Eggo-kun, I don't want you to stay like this forever. I love both fluffy and regular Eggo~!

Kalego: I was not sad about that! This is humiliating and embarrassing!

Hikaru: What about the time where Opera made you-

Kalego: We swore to never bring that up!

Hikaru laughs and Kalego growls at him. Hikaru's phone rang, he saw who the caller was and picked it up.

Hikaru: Hello headmaster~!

Sullivan: Hikaru, why don't you call me uncle anymore~?!

Hikaru: I'm still at school, also Kalego-kun is with me.

Sullivan: Alright, I'll forgive you. Anyways, just reminding you that there's a faculty meeting today. We need to assign the freshmen students into different classrooms.

Hikaru: Oh yeah! Actually, Kalego-kun might not make it.

Sullivan: Why not?

Hikaru: Iruma-kun accidentally left Kalego in his familiar form.

Sullivan: I see, it's not a problem! I'll just call Iruma-kun and teach him how to undo the spell.

Hikaru: Alright, see you later~!

Hikaru hung up.

Kalego: What did you talk about?

Hikaru: Headmaster said he'll tell Iruma to undo the spell soon.

Kalego: When is soo-?

Before he could finish his sentence, Kalego was covered in smoke followed with a loud poof sound. Now Kalego was back to normal, but they both realize something, he was now on Hikaru's lap. He was about to jump off but Hikaru was too quick, he already back hugged him.

Hikaru: Yay, I get to cuddle you two times~!

Kalego pushes his hands on Hikaru's face.

Kalego: Hands off you-!

Balam: Hikaru, Kalego, are you both in-

Balam walks in seeing Kalego being hugged on Hikaru's lap.

Kalego: ...

Hikaru: ...

Balam: ...

There was a moment of silence until Balam broke it.

Balam: You two are cuddling...without inviting me to join!

Hikaru: *smiles* Come here and join the party Chirou-kun!

Kalego: NOOOOO!!!

~Hikaru's POV~

We are now in the faculty meeting. I was between a grumbling Kalego and a happy Balam.

Dali: What's up with Kalego?

Kalego: Nothing!!

Sullivan finally showed up and we started the meeting. We were all discussing and sorting out the students. Then we came upon three particular students.

Sullivan: Now, I believe Iruma, Asmodeus Alice and Valac Clara to be in the abnormal class. Any objections?

There were none so Sullivan stamped all of them to be in the abnormal class. After every student was assigned, now it was the teachers turn to be assigned to a classroom.

Sullivan: Now for the abnormal class, I believe it should be Naberius Kalego and Nightray Hikaru to be their home room teacher.

Kalego stood up and slams his hands on the table.

Kalego: I object!

Hikaru: I'm fine with this~!

Kalego: I'm not!

Sullivan: Now now, no need to yell. The reason is, I believe this abnormal class would be the craziest one. As a capable teacher, I think you could handle them Kalego.

Kalego: Tch, fine! But why is he joining me!

Sullivan: Hikaru requested to have a home room class and I feel like the abnormal class would need extra hands looking after them.

Kalego sighs and sat back down. I leaned over and whispered to him.

Hikaru: Aren't you glad I'm helping you out~

Kalego: Not at all.

Thus concludes the end of the faculty meeting.


In Balam's room, Hikaru was neatly grooming Balam's hair while he was working.

Balam: Hikaru-kun, I'm jealous of you...

With those words, Hikaru stops brushing his hair.

Hikaru: Huh? Why?

Balam: You get to touch Kalego's familiar form...

Hikaru laughs and teases Balam.

Hikaru: Fluffy Eggo-kun was so soft~! Touching that fluffy form was amazing~!

Balam: Ah! Stop!

Balam sighs and looks at Hikaru with sad puppy eyes.

Balam: I don't think Kalego-kun would let me pet him if I asked...

Hikaru hugs Balam in comfort.

Hikaru: Don't worry, when the day comes when Kalego is in his familiar form again, I'll kidnap him and bring him to you. Would that make you happy~?

Balam: Yeah.

Somewhere else, Kalego shivers.

Kalego: What is this dark feeling...?

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