《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 4: Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun!


~Hikaru's POV~

It was the morning assembly and I stood on the stage with the rest of my co-workers. I yawned while watching the students flow in, taking their seats.

Kalego: Stop yawning.

Hikaru: It's your fault Eggo-kun. You made me stay up and finish my work... *yawns*

When all the students sat down, we all sing the school anthem. After that, Sullivan has to make a speech.

Sullivan: Oi, Iruma-kun! Your Ojii-san here!

...What did he just say?

Hikaru: (G-Grandpa?! Uncle never had a spouse or kids, so how could he have a grandson? Unless...)

Sullivan: To tell you the truth, my grandson also enters this school. He is a very cute boy.

He took a something out and slammed it on the podium. It was a picture of him and the grandson on a poster.

Sullivan: I and my grandson took a picture together earlier.

Hikaru: That's how he looks? He's pretty adorable.

Yep, that boy definitely looks like a human. Funny enough, it's quite similar to my first year photo I took with him and Opera.

Sullivan: I will distribute copies of it to you later. That's all I want to say, bye~!

With that, he left the stage. Now it was Dali's turn to speak.

Dali: Next, we have a greeting from the representatives of the new students.

One pink haired demon wearing a white uniform stood up.

Hikaru: (Isn't that the son of Amaryllis? He looks very similar to her.)

He was walking towards the stage. I heard Dali whispering and made another announcement.

Dali: Huh? What? Giving the speech in his place is...the honor student, Iruma-kun.

With that, it shocked mostly everyone. I'm kinda excited, I get to see him up close. I side glance to see Sullivan with a camera, of course he did this.

Dali: Iruma-kun! Please step on to the stage!

Iruma slowly stood up from the crowd and walked up to the stage. Poor thing, he was shaking.

The poster that was floating dropped in front of Iruma fell down on the podium. He picked it up and started reading.


From his first words, it shook everyone in the room. I looked at my co-workers faces and started giggling, Sullivan gave Iruma a spell for him to not trip for the rest of the day. This spell is dangerous for such a simple effect.



The air became heavier as Iruma kept chanting the spell.


He's doing a great job so far without messing up. I'm very impressed since he just came here. One more word to complete it.


With the spell completed, the students started cheering. Dali walks over to Iruma. He began to explain the spell to Iruma but finishes off with a smile. Dali was very impressed with Iruma but Iruma looks like he is going to pass out.

~Third Person POV~

With that, the morning assembly was over. Students are now allowed to roam around and explore the school. Kalego and Hikaru are in the faculty room.

Hikaru: Haha! That was fun~!

Kalego: It was not. He's already causing a disturbance already in this school.

Hikaru: You already don't like Iruma?

Kalego: Yes.

Hikaru: Well I think he's very neat~!

Kalego: Of course an idiot like you would.

Hikaru: Hey!

Hikaru pouts and was about to eat a lollipop in sadness when Balam walks in.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun~!

He ran to him and jumped at Balam. Balam already had his arms out and caught Hikaru naturally, like this is a regular occurrence. By the way Balam is holding Hikaru, it looks like a parent holding a child.

(Balam is very tall so this is what I imagine what it'll look like lol. Of course Hikaru is larger than a child.)

Dali: Those two are close as ever.

Stolas: I think it's nice that they're so close~!

Hikaru wraps his arms around Balam's neck and buried his head in the crook of Balam's neck. Fake tears started pouring out.

Hikaru: Eggo-kun is being a grump to me again! I think it's his time of the month!

Balam pats Hikaru's head in comfort.

Balam: That's just how he is Hikaru-kun. Also male demons doesn't have the monthly cycles of females.

Kalego: Hey!

He glares at the two and Hikaru playful sticks out his tongue at him.

Hikaru was put back down on the ground.

Hikaru: Where were you Chirou-kun? I was stuck next to boring old Eggo-kun~!

Hikaru was bonked on the head, now he's kneeling on the ground rubbing his head.

Balam: I was busy updating my textbook...plus if I came, the freshmen would be frightened by seeing me.

Kalego: It seems your growth spurt and behavior made you a terrifying teacher.


Balam likes to have skin-ship when he's teaching, making students very scared attending his class.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun is never scary! Look at his adorable face!

The others teachers sweat dropped, they can't really find the adorable look on Balam.

Kalego: *sighs* You are the most abnormal demon ever...

Suddenly, Kalego grabbed Hikaru by his collar and drags him out.

Hikaru: H-Hey! Where are we going?!

Kalego: *smirks* Since you've insulted me through out this morning, you're helping me find undisciplined students.

Hikaru: No!! Chirou-kun, stop this sadist!!

Balam followed his two friends out of the faculty room, leaving the teachers watching them out.

Raim: I still find it hard to believe Kalego is...what does Nightray call them...best friends? Especially with Nightray.

Dali: What can you say, opposites attract~!

Hikaru manage to escape from Kalego's sadism. Leaving Balam to deal with Kalego's anger.

Hikaru: Sorry Chirou-kun~!

Hikaru was back in his teacher dorm. Since he's a high rank teacher like Kalego and Balam, he gets a separate floor from the other staff. Hikaru was on his bed, thinking about today.

Hikaru: Iruma-kun...I wanna meet him~! But at the same time, I want to prank him a little...what to do...

As Hikaru was thinking about it, there was a knock on his door. He opened to reveal Kalego.

Hikaru: Ah!

He was about to slam it but Kalego was too fast, his foot got in the way. He looks even more pissed.

Hikaru: H-Hey...

He burst through and sat in Hikaru's bed angrily.

Hikaru: ...You're not going to hit me again?

Kalego: Look at this!

Kalego shows Hikaru a newspaper. Iruma did a German suplex on Asmodeus Alice.

Hikaru: HAHAHA!!!

Kalego: Stop laughing! He's causing a ruckus in the first day of school!

Hikaru smiles and giggles.

Hikaru: I think Iruma will be a very interesting student~!

Kalego: He's actually assigned with me tomorrow for familiar summoning. If he makes one mistake, whether he's that damn headmaster's grandson or not, I will expel him!

Hikaru: *pouts* You're too mean, this is why every student is scared of you~!

Kalego: I don't care.

The two ends up chatting a bit more, when it got dark, Hikaru asks Kalego something.

Hikaru: It's dinner time! Want to have a group dinner with Chirou-kun?

Kalego: What do you have?

Hikaru: The highest grade of meat there is! I also got your favorite wine~!

Hikaru used his bloodline magic, Kalego's favorite type of wine appeared in Hikaru's hand.

Kalego: ...Fine. I'm leaving to change out of my uniform, call Shichirou.

Hikaru: Okay~!

With that, Hikaru called Balam. The three ate dinner together, what will happen tomorrow?


The teenage trio, Kalego, Balam and Hikaru were hanging out. Hikaru was teasing Kalego, pissing him off.

Kalego: Why do I even have you around?

Hikaru: Cause we're best friends~!

The two looked at Hikaru in confusion.

Kalego: What the hell are you talking about?

Balam: Hikaru-kun, what does best friends mean?

Hikaru was shocked.

Hikaru: Eh? You don't know what friends or best friends are?

The both shook they're heads.

Hikaru: Well...friends are demons who they hang around with and best friends is a closer relationship! You would know a lot about each other.

They still looked confused.

Hikaru: How do I explain this...

Hikaru points to a random demon.

Hikaru: Our classmate over there, would you consider them to hang out with us.

Kalego: No, I wouldn't get close to that bug.

Balam shook his head.

Hikaru: So they wouldn't be friends to us! Now there's Opera.

Balam: Hm...senpai does talk to us.

Kalego shivers in fear.

Hikaru: We talk to Opera more than to our classmates, so they're our friend!

Balam: I think I'm starting to get it.

Kalego: I will not consider them a friend!

Balam thinks deeply.

Balam: So, since we are around each other a lot and do things together...we are best friends!

Hikaru: Ding! Ding! That's right! Good job!

Hikaru pats Balam's head. Balam seems to enjoy it.

Kalego: So this friend and best friend thing...it's basically a higher acquaintance rank?

Hikaru: *shrugs* I guess if you word it like that.

Kalego: We are not best friends!

Hikaru smirks and suddenly hugs Kalego from behind. Making Kalego embarrassed.

Kalego: H-Hey! Let me go!

Hikaru: Don't deny it Eggo-kun~! If you didn't like me, you would've summoned your doggie to kill me~!

Kalego was silent, looked shocked by the sudden realization.

Balam: He's right. Any other demon that would even try this would be sent to the hospital.

Kalego: *blush* ...Tch! Get away from me!

Hikaru: Haha! You're such a Tsundere~!

Balam: ...What's a Tsundere?

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