《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 3: Top Dog


~Hikaru's POV~

There's one thing I learned about Bablys...is that's there are so many delinquents. For the past month since I arrived at this school, there are so many fights between demons. At first I thought it was fun, watching the bits a chaos happening but it quickly became annoying when fight break out daily.

I was reading one of Shichirou's pictures books while sitting next to him. We were in the cafeteria, Shichirou was drinking something. Kalego was suddenly angrily stomping over and sat down in front of us.

Kalego: This is the eighth time.

Hikaru: Another fight?

Kalego: This is the eight time that I've been pestered by upperclassmen! I've only been enrolled here for a month! And I don't know why they keep picking fights with me!!

I like to watch him beat up the students though.

Kalego: What bad luck! How awful!! And honestly, it's getting annoying...!!

Balam: You draw a lot of attention Kalego-kun. Your footsteps are loud and you look menacing.

Hikaru: True~!

Kalego: Hey.

Balam: Well...do you have an idea why they're pestering you?

Hikaru: Did you piss off the upperclassmen?

Kalego: I'm not a feral dog that'll attack anyone. I wouldn't attack unless I had to. So that means they mistook me for someone else. Dark curly hair...wears both a male and female uniform...has two horns...

Balam and Hikaru: That's you.

Kalego: I'm telling you, it's not me!!

With that description...my mind wander off to think about someone.

Hikaru: (Hm...isn't that Opera? The description fits and Opera looks good wearing both uniforms.)

I must've been in thought for a while when I heard Kalego yell at me.

Kalego: Oi, Hikaru! Let's go, we're gonna find the bastard and make them pay.

Hikaru: Okay~!

For now, I'll just stay silent. I wanna see how this would end, plus we'll be skipping class~!

We went around the school, asking around if they know where Top Dog is or what did Top Dog look like.

Balam: So, base on the info we got, the identity of Top Dop is this!!

Balam shows off his interpretation of Top Dog, which was hilarious. I laughed while Kalego was shaking in anger. Kalego grabbed both of our heads.


Kalego: Tell me. Exactly which part of that thing looks like me!?

Balam: The eyes?

Kalego: Hey!

Hikaru: The teeth~!

Kalego let's go of Balam and squeezes my head harder.

Hikaru: Ow ow ow! Th-That hurts!

He finally let's go and I rub my head. I hug Shichirou in comfort.

Hikaru: Eggo-kun is being too mean to me today...

Balam: It's okay Hikaru-kun.

He pays my head in comfort. Kalego ignores us.

Kalego: Everyone just gave vague descriptions!

Hikaru: Most of the witnesses are in the hospital.

Balam: This is what they look like with all the combined descriptions.

Hikaru: So...we're stuck?

Well, I know who it is.

Balam: If only there was someone who knew everything about all the students...

This made Kalego flinch.

Hikaru: Oh yeah~! Should we ask him?

Balam: Yeah, why don't we ask him?

Kalego: ...I...don't want to.

We push Kalego to the teacher's lounge. The person he doesn't want to ask is his uncle. Balam and I waited for him outside, after a few minutes, he ran out and dragged us with him.

Kalego: On the roof!

Balam: Roof?

We all started running as Kalego explains.

Kalego: That shitty uncle!! He was stalling on purpose! This is why I hate him! And I had to use my brother as an excuse!

Balam: The rooftop...

We were now running up the stairs.

Balam: Can we even make it in time?

Hikaru: We're already close!

Kalego: We just have to try! There's no other choice!

As we make it to the door, someone flew out. It looked like a delinquent. We walked through to see Opera sitting on a pile of demons.

Kalego: So you're the one!!!

Opera: ...Oh my, do you got a problem?

Opera noticed me and immediately hugs me.

Opera: What brings you here Hikaru-sama?

Hikaru: We were looking for Top Dog~!

Kalego: Wait a second...

I immediately hid behind Opera and laughed nervously.

Kalego: You knew this whole time!!

Hikaru: From the descriptions, I maaaay have known but I wasn't too sure. Don't kill your best friend~!

Kalego: We are not best friends!

Kalego turns towards Opera. He explained his situation and now he wants Opera to apologize for all the trouble they gave him.


Opera: I see...so they mistook you for me.

Opera stood next to Kalego.

Opera: Do we even look similar?

Balam: Umm...maybe a little bit?

I raised my hand.

Hikaru: Eggo-kun is shorter and meaner!

I dodge Kalego's in coming attack. Balam showed his drawing to Opera.

Balam: This is how others describe you.

Opera: That's awful.

Kalego began yelling at Opera to stop beating up demons but they refuse. Opera told Kalego to just change his appearance, pissing him off even more. It led to Kalego summoning his familiar but in a quick instant, Opera threw Kalego's familiar and gut punched Kalego.

Hikaru: That's gotta hurt...

I know what it feels like, Opera has been training me at home.

I thought Kalego was going to be knocked out, instead, he bites Opera's tail.

Opera: You...

Kalego: I couldn't possibly care any less about your reason for hunting is, but...stop using that stupid "Top Dog" title.

Opera: Guard dog...? You look more like an underdog to me...

Kalego glares at Opera.

Opera: I see...you're quite...

Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my neck.

Balam: Uwaaaah!

Demon: Don't move!!

I look next to me to see Balam in the same situation.

Opera: Oh my.

Kalego: ...

Demon: You hear me? Don't you dare move a muscle!

Balam grabbed the demon's arm.

Balam: ...It-It'll break...

Demon: That's right! Try to stop us and I'll snap this kid's ne-

In an instant, Balam was crushing his arm.

I causally grab the demon's arm holding me and did a shoulder throw. The demon landed on the ground in front of me. With that, they started running away.

Demon: Report to the ethos batra! We got beat by the Top Dog's gang!

Kalego: We are not a gang!

Opera approached Kalego and Balam.

Opera: You guys are interesting. Since you call yourself a guard dog, you must want to protect this school right? That aligns with my desire. I'm Opera. I would like to two to help me or, rather...

He points at us.

Opera: I order you to.

Kalego: What is wrong with you?!

Hikaru: Hehe...am I included?

Opera: Of course you are Hikaru-sama, this will be great training practice.

I cried silent tears. Opera got both Kalego's and Balam's phone numbers. With that, Opera immediately left.

Kalego: That damn little...

Balam: This might be fun.

Hikaru: Let's work hard together~!

~Few years later~

I felt tapping on my shoulder. I turn around to see my familiar friend.

Kalego: Stop day dreaming. School begins tomorrow and you're not done with your work.

Hikaru: Sorry Eggo-kun~!

I felt a sudden bonk on my head.

Kalego: Stop calling me that!

He sighs while I laugh off my pain.

Kalego: Why are you day dreaming?

Hikaru: I was reminiscing the past...

Kalego: Of what?

Hikaru: How I met you and Chiro-kun...you two were so cute back then...

Kalego: *blush* I wasn't cute!

Hikaru: Also remembering the Top Dog incident, how we suddenly became a gang that beats up delinquents.

Kalego shivers, I guess he's still a little afraid of Opera.

Kalego: Whatever...just do your damn job and finish up this work.

Hikaru: You're so mean to me...yet you're nice with Chiro-kun...

Kalego: As it should be.

I reluctantly started my work while thinking of tomorrow.

Hikaru: For some reason...I feel like this school year will be in total chaos...how fun~!


Hikaru: *sighs* Balam used to be so small that I could easily cuddle him and do surprise hugs but now...he's taller than me!

Kalego: This is not a serious problem.

Hikaru: Yes it it! Now it's the opposite, if I wanna cuddle I have to be on his lap! Since he's so tall I can't even jump on his back!

Hikaru got into thinking and stares at Kalego.

Kalego: Wh-What?

Hikaru: We're practically the same size...but it should work right...?

Kalego: What the hell do you think you're doing?

He said while slowly backing away.

*few minutes later*

Kalego is running while Hikaru starts chasing him.

Hikaru: Cuddle with me!!

Kalego: Get away from me!!

Other teachers: ...This seems normal...

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