《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 2: Kalego and Balam


~Hikaru's POV~

We made it to the entrance. Uncle and Opera are already gone, which leaves me alone. I found out Opera is actually a second year, so they're my senpai! I'm sad we don't have any classes together.

I just follow the flow of students to an auditorium. Once I arrived, I just sat to the nearest empty seat. Once the clicked turned 6:06, it started. It was the standard, sing the school anthem, teacher makes a speech, first year representative says a speech and we now go to our assigned classes.

Once I arrived, I tried to look for a decent seat. I see someone all by themselves, reading something. It seems everyone is afraid of them.

I happily plop on the right side next to them, which made them shocked.

?: Y-You sat next to me?

Hikaru: Hm? Is this seat taken?

?: N-Not at all! But, aren't I...creepy?

Hikaru: Creepy? I think you're pretty cute~!

They turned red, becoming very flustered.

Hikaru: What are you reading?

I scooted a little closer to see inside the book.

?: It's a picture book...I enjoy them very much.

Hikaru: It looks really cute. Do you mind lending me one? I haven't seen one in a long time.

?: ...Y-You don't mind me reading picture books?

Hikaru: Who has a problem with you reading them? I'll kick their ass.

?: N-No need to!

I laughed at their panicking. Suddenly, another student sat next to them.

I greeted myself to them.

Hikaru: My name is Nightray Hikaru, let's be friends Shichirou, Kalego~!

After that, I stick by them like glue for the rest of our classes. Kalego is reluctantly my friend, says my nice aura is disgusting. Shichirou and I immediately clicked, becoming besties instantly.

I find Shichirou very adorable. He's nice, quiet, his passion for picture books and the human world is very cute. I tell him my knowledge about humans and he gets very excited. He likes to get touchy, which I don't mind with him. I let him sit on my lap since he's smaller than me, we enjoy cuddles. Other demons seem to be afraid of him. If I see them try to bully my precious boy, they'll feel the wrath of my fists.


Kalego is very interesting. He seems cold and aloof but he's actually kinda a softie. He's very much a tsundere with us. I like to tease him a bit, his short temper is amusing. With other demons though, he has a strong resting bitch face at them. He's very hardworking, smart, reliable and strict. The only problem I have with him is scolding me for eating candy during class. He intimidates a lot of our class, making them too scared to approach us. Kalego likes a quiet setting, that's why he approached us.

When I went home, uncle and Opera greeted me with a first day of school party. The next day, it was time to summon our familiars.

Hikaru: I'm excited~! I hope it'll be cute.

Balam: Same...

Kalego: Familiars are not supposed to be pets, there's no point of them being cute.

Hikaru: *pouts* Stop ruining my fun!

Kalego: *smirks* And I'll continue to enjoy doing that.

Hikaru: You sadist!

Balam: He actually is one.

We got the instructions. Draw a blood circle on seal, walk into magic circle, put it over a fire and then it'll appear. Easy enough.

~Third Person POV~

One by one, demons began summoning their familiars. (Balam familiar is not revealed yet so we'll skip his part)

Hikaru: Kalego-Kun, how come you can't summon?

Kalego: My clan are possessed by dogs, that's why I have Cerberion. Even if I try to summon, it'll chase them away.

Balam: Interesting...

Hikaru: Can I still see it~?!

Kalego: ...I guess.

Kalego calls out Cerberion, Hikaru immediately starts to pet it.

Hikaru: You're so cute! Yes you are~!

Cerberion actually likes it, making Kalego mad.

Kalego: Stop petting him!

It was now Hikaru's turn.

Balam: Good luck Hikaru.

Kalego: Better be impressive.

Hikaru did the steps and waved his seal over the candle.

Hikaru: (I hope you're cute and strong.)

Similar like Kalego, a huge burst of magic arrived.


Students: Again! What is it this time?

Once the light was gone, the was a huge white tiger in front of Hikaru.

Kalego: A tiger?!

Balam: This particular one is a Byakko. Funny, we have a dog and a cat. How ironic, with you two's personality.

Hikaru burst into happiness.

Hikaru: You're so cute~! Who's a good kitty?

The tiger was enjoying Hikaru's petting.

Kalego: ...It instantly became a tamed house cat...

Balam: Hm, it fits Hikaru alright. Scary, yet fluffy.

Kalego: What does that even mean?

When Hikaru showed Byakko to Sullivan and Opera, Opera immediately bonded with Byakko. Next day was the rank test. The class has to race and it'll determine your rankings.

Hikaru: I never raced with anyone before.

Balam: Seriously?

With the instructions given, everyone is now allowed to have their wings out.

Balam: Your wings are pretty big.

Kalego: Of course it is.

Hikaru hatched a sudden idea.

Hikaru: Hey! Let's do a private race between us!

Balam: Sure.

Kalego: Why should I participate?

Hikaru: We'll, you're aiming to be the first one to win right? Why not add a little prize? Whoever is first and second can order whatever they want in the lunch menu and the last person between us three will pay.

Kalego: Hmm, alright then. *smirks* If you lose I'll make sure to get the most expensive thing.

Hikaru: Hey! You jerk!

Hikaru playfully punches Kalego's back. With that, once the race started, the three left everyone to bite the dust.

Students: W-Woah!

Teacher: It seems we have talented student here.

It was a close match but the results are in.

First: Kalego

Second: Balam

Third: Hikaru

Hikaru: Damn it!

Kalego: *smirks* Did you bring your wallet?

Balam: Thank you for the free meal.

Hikaru internally cries.

Hikaru: (I'm still not used to flying!)

Once everyone was done, we got our ranks from a weird demon owl.

Kalego: Daleth (4)

Balam: Gimel (3)

Hikaru: Gimel (3)

Hikaru: Gimel buddies~!

Hikaru high fives Balam.

Kalego: Hm, I'm curious why you're a Gimel, Hikaru.

Teacher: I'll answer that~! You're easily a Daleth since you're the top in academics and won first place. Same with Balam but since he finished second, it's only Gimel. Nightray is a special case, he was entered by recommendation by the chairman, also finishing third place that's an easy Gimel.

Hikaru: Hm, makes sense. I'm still happy with my rank!

Kalego: You better catch up with me or I'll leave you behind.

Hikaru: I can easily rank up!

With that, the rest of the day was fine. Except of Hikaru crying over Kalego's expesive meal.


Balam: What I think about Hikaru?

He's easy to get along with, very nice and helpful. Usually demons don't help each other out, that doesn't go with our nature. Trusting others is hard yet Hikaru helps anyone without any worries. He has a scary side a well, when one of our classmates made fun of me, they were punched to the school nurse. I'm happy we're close.

Kalego: Huh? How I think about Hikaru?

He's the annoying one in our group, too trusting to other demons, does stupid things when he's bored and eats an unhealthy amount of candy during class. I find it amusing to tease him but I don't like it when he does it back. Surprisingly though...he's actually pretty smart, loyal and helpful. If a demon misuses his trust, be prepared to feel my claws.

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