《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 1: The Past


~Hikaru's POV~

*human world*

I'm Hikaru, age 14. Right now, I'm living in an orphanage with 6 other kids. My mom died when I was 7 years old, I didn't know why or how she died but I miss her a lot. She was very cheerful and would do anything for me to be happy.

I never met my dad before. Mom said he was there for me when I was a baby, but had to leave us. My mom said I had his white/silver hair while I had her red eyes. My skin tone is more light than my dad's but it's still tan. Mom never hated dad, she said she's waiting for him to come back. I never hated dad either, I'm sad he's not here but I still had mom until she died.

I've never been adopted, stayed here for 7 years. The orphanage treats us well, I teach the young kids here. Only basic spelling and math. I've been homeschooled but my care taker said I'm a fast learner. I've already passed junior high, doing some high school level right now. The kids here look up to me. I help raise them to be good children and now they cling to me.

Lately I noticed some weird things happening with my body. My ears became slightly pointy, nails became sharper and my strength is abnormally stronger. I thought it was abnormal puberty so I mostly ignored my weird features. No one in the orphanage care about them so I shrug it off.

One day, I was by myself outside, enjoying a book when a weird symbol showed up under me.

Hikaru: What the-

Suddenly, it glowed and I immediately went through it. I was now sitting on a chair, in front of a weird old man.

Old man: Welcome~!

Hikaru: ...Hi? Did you kidnapped me?

Old man: Yep! But for a good reason, don't worry.

Shouldn't anybody be worried about kidnapping? I observe his features, the most noticeable thing was his horns. I pointed at them.

Hikaru: Are those real?

Old man: Yes they are. I'll just explain now, you're in the demon world Hikaru.

Demon world? Demons actually exist?

Old man: Yes they are.

Hikaru: Are you reading my mind?

Old man: Partially~

Hikaru: ...

I look outside the window, indeed, this is definitely not my world.

Hikaru: So, why am I here?

Old man: You're actually a demon yourself, only half though.

That shocked me, I stood up and slammed my hands on his desk.


Hikaru: What do you mean?

Old man: Your father is a demon, your mother was a human. The result was you, the very first half blood demon.

He opened his draw and took something out. He handed it to me.

Old man: This is your father and he is one of my closest friends.

I held the photo, observing my dad. I really did get his features.

Hikaru: Is this why I suddenly have sharper nails and pointy ears?

Old man: That's correct. Your demon genes are now showing as you grow older. Sooner or later, you'll may have horns or a tail. All demons have wings so that's a definite feature.

I wanted to hand back the photo but the old man said I could keep it.

Hikaru: Why am I brought down here now?

Old man: It was your father's wish.

The old man held his hand out and a piece of paper appeared. He started reading from it.

"Dear Sullivan,

How are you my friend? Must be shocking to receive a letter from a friend you haven't seen in 5 years. The reason why I disappeared...is because I fell in love. Her name is Rena, my human wife. The first year we've spend time with each other. The second year, I proposed to her. Now on the fourth year, we have a child. His name is Hikaru, which means light.

When he was born, he became the light of our lives. As I'm writing to you now, my son is two years old. I have a request for you Sullivan, when he is 14 years old, please raise him in the demon world. I could feel his magic, it seems my demon genes were stronger than his human genes. I casted a spell to only have his demon appearance show up when he is 14.

Since his demon genes will appear, he can no longer stay in the human world. He will be more accepted over there. The reason why I can't take him there myself...they found out about Rena. I made my love be in danger, luckily, they don't know about Hikaru.

I will be taken in soon and I may never see my son and wife again. I don't know what'll happen to me but I did my best to hide Rena and Hikaru. Please...complete my request. I love my son very much and I wish him happiness as he grows. Rena knows Hikaru must be taken away, all she wants is to see him again when he's a high enough rank to cross over. You're the only one I could trust, so please take care of him.


Your Friend,

Xander Nightray"

There was also a picture, It was my mom and dad smiling while holding me. When he was done reading, some tears fell from my eyes.

Hikaru: He...really love mom and I...

Sullivan: *smiles* He was a great friend and father.

He handed me a box of tissues and I wiped my tears away with it.

Sullivan: I didn't see your mother when I got you.

Hikaru: She's gone...I don't know how she died. Did the demons after dad...

Sullivan: ...I don't know but I wished I could've met your mother, she seems like a wonderful person.

Hikaru: *smiles* She was.

Sullivan: As in the letter, I will now take care of you. I will do my best to teach you most of the demon world.

He snapped his fingers and a bunch of books fell on my lap.

Sullivan: These are basic knowledge of the demon world. Learn these in a week because I already enrolled you to my school.

Hikaru: You own a school?

Sullivan: Yep! Since I'm the headmaster, it was very easy to enroll you. I also already casted a spell for you to understand our language.

Hikaru: Thank you very much...um...

Sullivan: Call me your uncle! In school, call me headmaster.

Hikaru: Okay uncle.

He sudden turned chibi, flowers blooming very happily. He suddenly hugs me.

Sullivan: I never had a nephew~! I will cherish you the best I can!

I laugh and hug him back.

Sullivan: By the way, I registered with your father's last name, are you okay with that?

Hikaru Nightray...I do like it.

Hikaru: I don't mind it uncle.

Sullivan: Good! I already have a bedroom for you ready, so go on and study. I'll call one of my best servants to help you!

He called someone named Opera. They arrived and took me to my room.

My room was very big and fancy. (It's Iruma'a room) I turn towards Opera.

Hikaru: Hi Opera-san, it's nice to meet you.

Opera: Pleased to meet you as well Hikaru-sama. Since you now live here, I shall serve you as well.

Hikaru: Ah! No need too Opera-san.

Opera: It's my duty as a servant of this household. Now, I shall help you study till school starts.

With that, I started reading and studying. We also chat off topic a bit.

Hikaru: Are you the only servant here?

Opera: That's right.

Hikaru: It must be tiring right? I should help around since I live here as well.

Opera: I appreciate the kind gesture but it's my duty to do everything here.

Hikaru: *smiles* You're really amazing for doing everything Opera-san.

Opera: Thank you for the praise.

I notice whenever Opera is slightly happy, their ears wiggle. Hehe, it's pretty cute.

A week past instantly and a few things happened.

One: Sullivan spoils me very much and I appreciate it.

Two: My demon genes grew stronger. My horn grew, it was similar to dad's. A tail appeared and I have large bat like wings.

Three: The food here is very tasty! Even if the appearance at first was weird, it was actually very good. Opera makes great food.

Four: I actually have bloodline magic. Sullivan taught me and now I can easily store my favorite candy, lollipops. Sullivan bought me a huge bag of them. (Which is now kept in my pocket dimension)

Five: Since my demon blood is dominate, my scent as a human is nullified.

It was now the time for school. Sullivan actually gave me a custom uniform I requested.

(He'll have white pants)

I didn't like the blue uniform, I will always like black and white. Once I finished dressing and eating, we all walked to school.

Sullivan: You're not used to flying yet so we'll walk.

Eventually we arrived to a very large school.

Hikaru: Wow~!

Sullivan: Impressive isn't it? Now let's get our very first school picture!

Hikaru: Sure uncle.

We stood next to the welcome sign. We both did the 666 hand sign. Opera had a camera that looked like a bat. Once Opera set it up, they stood next to me doing the same hand sign.

Sullivan: Say Devi~!

Hikaru: Devi~!

Opera: Devi.

My demon school life begins now!


Opera handed the picture.

Hikaru: It looks great! Even Opera is happy.

Sullivan: Hm? How can you tell?

Hikaru: Opera show emotion with their ears and tail.

Wiggling: Happy

Flat: Sad

Hikaru: *smiles* I think it's cute!

Opera ears twitch and pats Hikaru's head.

Opera: With that smile, how can I compete for cuteness?

Sullivan m: Ooh~! Take a picture of the smile!

Opera: Yes sir.

Hikaru: Eh?

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