《Welcome To Demon School! Ryūko-chan & Iruma-kun [Volume I]》Chapter XX Story II [Demon Romeo & Cambion Juliet]
After the Battler Party came to an end, Ryūko and her Netherworld family went back home to the mansion. She was in her room, tending to her facial appearance for a certain someone to arrive: , the third-year student of Babyls arrested for causing havoc at the school. Ryūko managed to interfere with Demon Border Control and asked him over to her place after the Battler Party. "Tonight is finally the time to tell him how I feel. You better not mess this up, Ryūko." Said Ryūko in her head as she finished her makeup, "That should be enough foe my makeup: a simple kind to suit my skin tone." Opera knocked on the door and entered her room, with her permission, that is. "Ryūko-sama, your former upperclassman is nigh." Said Opera, "Do make a good presentation of yourself." "Thank you, Opera. I will." Said Ryūko as she placed her hood on and going to a place to change her form.
Azazel Henri: Demon Border Control Chief and father of Student Council President of Babyls, Azazel Ameri, was at the front gate while holding down on Amy Kiriwo's wrists to prevent him from escaping. "This is where the Mysterious Arachne said to meet." Said Henri. "I wonder who is she really." Wondered Kiriwo aloud. At the que, Ryūko came to the front gate, hooded in her Arachne form. "Welcome, Amy Kiriwo." Welcomed Ryūko in a different voice, "On time, as expected." Thanks for havin' me over." Said Kiriwo. "I shall leave the rest to you, Mysterious Arachne." Said Henri, about to take his leave, "Have a good evening." He then left the two alone. "Come inside, Amy. I have much to speak with you." Said the spider demon.
The two went inside the mansion, into the living room. Kiriwo was wondering if he found the Arachne familiar or not. The turquiose haired demon turned over to the bigger demon, who knew what he wanted. "You wish to see who I am under the hood, correct?" Asked the Arachne. "Y-Yes. I need to know who are you really." Said Kiriwo. "Then, I shall reveal my face to you." Said the spider, pulling down hef hood slowly, "I have been by your side this whole time, Senpai." She revealled her true Arachne face: three pairs of pupiless and monochromic red (right) and blue (left) eyes. "Ryūko... -chan?" Kiriwo was caught from shock that he coughed out blood, much to Ryūko's awareness. "My apologies! Did my reveal scare you?" Asked Ryūko in a state of shock. "Yeah, your new face has more eyes and you've got pretty sharp fangs, Ryūko-chan." Said Kiriwo, "Not to mention, your whole new body." "After Iruma and I chanted that spell, tge active magic in my ring must've filled my body and made my secondary for come to life." Supposed Ryūko. "I'll admit, Ryūko-chan. You ain't too scary like this and you're still that beautiful little junior I know." Admitted Kiriwo. Hearing that sort of compliment made a shade of pink paint over the girl's face. "Oh. Th-Thanks. I guess." Stammered the Arachne for a little, "I can... change back to my normal self if this makes you uncomfortable." She then reverted back to her normal humanoid form, "Does this seem more palatable?" "Like I said, you ain't too scary." Repeated the turquoise haired demon, "But I guess your nirmal form is what you think it is." "I'm glad to hear that." Sighed Ryūko in relief, "I'll assume that you're tired, after what happened the other night, then?" "I ain't too tired, Ryūko-chan." Said Kiriwo, "Thanks for askin', though." "Well then, follow me." Said Ryūko, "I have something with you to be interrogated of."
Ryūko led Kiriwo to her room and he was left amazed with her style. "Wow. So you really are a gothic girl, ain't ya, Ryūko-chan?" Asked Kiriwo, "This room is so you." "Oh. Yeah, I have a darker sense of fashion in things like this." Said Ryūko, setting up a Demonitor, "What do you think?" "I think it looks fantastic! Definately your kind!" Exclaimed Kiriwo, "Why bring a little Demonitor, though?" "If Demon Border Control needs some intel of that incident, we need to keep it recorded." Said Ryūko, "Please be honest with this interrogation." "Okie-dokie, Ryūko-chan." Cooed Kiriwo. "Okay! Three, two, one. Action!" Exclaimed the little demon blob
Many questions and answers were said through the interview for some time. From Kiriwo's past and ambitions, to his encounter with his Senpai and the plot set for him. "So it's clear; that Senpai of yours was the one who influenced you." Said Ryūko, "Any photo of this person?" "Yep. I can show you on my hellphone." Said Kiriwo with his hellphone out. He showed an image of the ! Ryūko was suprised and said: "Please show that to the audience. Your upperclassman, the one who gave you the idea of destroying the demon school Babyls... was " "You know who are in the Thirteen Crowns?" Asked Kiriwo. "Yes, and that fact itself. So we finally found the demon behind that plot." Finalised Ryūko, "That is all, thank you for cooperating with me tonight." "You're very welcome, Ryūko-chan." Winked Kiriwo. The Demonitor signalled the end of the interview with a "CUT!" and received Ryūko's thanks for working with them before it deactivates. "Now that this is over, let's change for the night." Said Ryūko. "Okay. I'll grab my kimono." Said Kiriwo.
After a few minutes, Ryūko was here in her crimson nightgown that had a slight kimono resemblence and Kiriwo in his white kimono. "Do you wear kimonos, too, Ryūko-chan?" Asked Kiriwo. "No. But I will consider that." Said Ryūko before her thoughts slipped in, "I better tell him the truth, otherwise my feelings for him will end in rejection. Amy-senpai. Can you... keep a secret?" "What's you be thinkin'?" Joked Kiriwo, "Of course I can." "Okay. When you said Iruma and I weren't like the others at all, that is true." Said Ryūko, "Because... ; but I am somehow ." Kiriwo was suprised to hear this, Ryūko was a being in the Netherworld that was believed to be a superstition; for her first half, at least. He had no idea how to respond to such a statement of honesty. "It's fine. You can hit me if you want me to despair in the truth." Frowned the azure haired female. "Ryūko-chan... You' re... a mythical bein'?" Asked Kiriwo a little flabbergasted, "That's pretty cool and unique 'bout ya." "You... really think so?" Asked Ryūko, receiving a nod from him, "Oh. Why not I share with you a fictional human story that I love so much." She went over to her bookshelf and picked out a book with an antique leather cover and gold details on the spine. "What's that book?" Asked Kiriwo. "This was a famous play written by a famous writer in the human world; a romantic tradegy of forbidden love, going by the name of Romeo & Juliet." Said Ryūko walking with the book before sitting next to him, "It's in one of the many languages of the human world. Why not we watch a film based of this play? I can translate the subtitles if you want. But the vocabulary of this writer is quite hard to understand, there's a guide there at the bottom of each page for readers to understand." Kiriwo took a look in the book and noticed that it was translated in the demon language. "So, you managed to translate this whole thing?" Asked Kiriwo. "No, my grandfather used a bit of magic for that." Said Ryūko, "Let's watch that film." She tapped on her little Demonitor, requesting for the film.
As they began, Ryūko translates the subtitles that are seen on the projection. "Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; whose misadventured piteous overthrows do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, and the continuance of their parents' rage,which, but their children's end, nought could remove, is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; the which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend." Translated Ryūko, "Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals. No, for then we should be colliers..." Time went by as they reached the party scene at Capulet's house, where Romeo Montague found Juliet Capulet and where Tybalt Capulet is unhappy about the young Montague's presence.
Suzuki Ryūko: "What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight?" - Romeo
"I know not, sir." - Servingman
"O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear;
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,
As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.
The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand,
And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand.
Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." - Romeo
"This, by his voice, should be a Montague.
Fetch me my rapier, boy. What dares the slave
Come hither, cover'd with an antic face,
To fleer and scorn at our solemnity?
Now, by the stock and honour of my kin,
To strike him dead, I hold it not a sin." - Tybalt
"Why, how now, kinsman! wherefore storm you so?" - Capulet
"Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe,
A villain that is hither come in spite,
To scorn at our solemnity this night." - Tybalt
"Young Romeo, is it?" - Capulet
"'Tis he, that villain Romeo." - Tybalt
"Content thee, gentle coz, let him alone;
He bears him like a portly gentleman;
And, to say truth, Verona brags of him
To be a virtuous and well-govern'd youth:
I would not for the wealth of all the town
Here in my house do him disparagement:
Therefore be patient, take no note of him:
It is my will, the which if thou respect,
Show a fair presence and put off these frowns,
And ill-beseeming semblance for a feast." - Capulet
"It fits, when such a villain is a guest:
I'll not endure him." - Tybalt
Amy Kiriwo: (Pauses film) "Well, that ain't reasonable. I mean their familes do fight, but he shouldn' be throwing a scene at a party in his family's house."
Suzuki Ryūko: "Agreeable. I'll get on now, if you don't mind." (Resumes film)
"He shall be endured:
What, goodman boy! I say, he shall: go to;
Am I the master here, or you? Go to.
You'll not endure him! God shall mend my soul!
You'll make a mutiny among my guests!
You will set cock-a-hoop! You'll be the man!" - Capulet
"Why, uncle, 'tis a shame." - Tybalt
"Go to, go to;
You are a saucy boy: is't so, indeed?
This trick may chance to scathe you, I know what:
You must contrary me! marry, 'tis time.
Well said, my hearts! You are a princox; go:
Be quiet, or--More light, more light! For shame!
I'll make you quiet. What, cheerly, my hearts!" - Capulet
Amy Kiriwo: "Well, that ought'a shut him up. Carry on."
"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." - Romeo
"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." - Juliet
A Few Minutes Later...
Act II Scene II
Capulet's Orchard
"Alrighty! It's time for my favorite scene! It's the very spotlight of the show! Are you ready?"
Amy Kiriwo: "Sure am. Let's do this!"
Suzuki Ryūko:
"He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious;
Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!
She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that?
Her eye discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks:
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
What if her eyes were there, they in her head?
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night.
See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!" - Romeo
"Ay me!" - Juliet
"She speaks:
O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air." - Romeo
"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet." - Juliet
"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" - Romeo
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself." - Juliet
"I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo." - Romeo
"What man art thou that thus bescreen'd in night
So stumblest on my counsel?" - Juliet
"By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am:
My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself,
Because it is an enemy to thee;
Had I it written, I would tear the word." - Romeo
"My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
Of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound:
Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?" - Juliet
"Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike." - Romeo
"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?
The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art,
If any of my kinsmen find thee here." - Juliet
"With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls;
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do that dares love attempt;
Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me." - Romeo
"If they do see thee, they wil murder thee." - Juliet
"Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet,
And I am proof against their enmity." - Romeo
"I would not for the world if they saw thee here." - Juliet
"I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight;
And but thou love me, let them find me here:
My life were better ended by their hate,
Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love." - Romeo
"By whose direction found'st thou out this place?" - Juliet
"By love, who first did prompt me to inquire;
He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes.
I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far
As that vast shore wash'd with the farthest sea,
I would adventure for such merchandise." - Romeo
Amy Kiriwo: "That's... that's a lovely way to say your love out to someone."
Suzuki Ryūko: "I know. This is why this part is my favorite and why it is so famous."
About An Hour Later
Act II Scene III
A Churchyard; In It A Tomb Belonging To The Capulets
"This letter doth make good the friar's words,
Their course of love, the tidings of her death:
And here he writes that he did buy a poison
Of a poor 'pothecary, and therewithal
Came to this vault to die, and lie with Juliet.
Where be these enemies? Capulet! Montague!
See, what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love.
And I for winking at your discords too
Have lost a brace of kinsmen: all are punish'd." - Prince
"O brother Montague, give me thy hand:
This is my daughter's jointure, for no more
Can I demand." - Capulet
"But I can give thee more:
For I will raise her statue in pure gold;
That while Verona by that name is known,
There shall no figure at such rate be set
As that of true and faithful Juliet." - Montague
"As rich shall Romeo's by his lady's lie;
Poor sacrifices of our enmity!" - Capulet
"A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." - Prince
"That's the end of the film. What do you think?"
Ryūko received an expected reaction from Kiriwo, softly crying from the film. "That... That was wonderful, Ryūko-chan!" Cried Kiriwo, "I never thought a story full of despair would make me feel like this!" "Well, it is a tradegy, after all." Nodded Ryūko, "The real definition of true love: If you truly love someone, differences don't matter and neither do your families being enemies." Kiriwo wiped away his tears with a tissue provided by Ryūko before he blew his nose in a cute way, making the girl just smile. "There's somethin' I've been wanting to tell ya, Ryūko-chan." Said Kiriwo resolved. "The same with me, Amy-senpai." Replied Ryūko, "Do you want me to go first?"
"Maybe I should start. Ryūko-chan... I...... When you scared the ones who made fun of me, for the first time, and when you supported me... I felt the same feelin' in my chest, when someone was in despair." Confessed Kiriwo, "But this is different in a case like this. Your very being made my heart skip a beat. Yes, it was... . " Ryūko was shocked, to know that the one she fell in love with actually... loves her as well. She never thought that he loved her from their first encounter. With a slight blush and a soft smile painted on her face, Ryūko confessed: "Roses are red, violets are blue. I knee our fireworks bloomed, but the only one who stole my heart . When you first told me the outline of your ambition, I was moved without a price, for you chose social equality to be a highlight in that ambition. That's where I knee, that even the weakests ones carry great suprises. Despite your wrongdoings, I won't turn away from my feelings; I, too, "
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