《Stuck with the British Men》Sitting on the Bench


Sitting on a bench. ON A BENCH. I HAVEN'T EVEN SAT HERE FOR A MINUTE. They better hurry up. Sigh. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Laff or Jooice at all. It just feels weird around them together alone. Mainly because of our interactions but that's my fault. Laff got up and started pacing back and forth. "Should we check on them?" Laff asked anxious. "Nah, something probably happened". Jooice said.

Laff is more father type who looks scary because of his mask. He's actually one of the most kindest people you'll ever meet. That is if his robot or parasite self isn't in control. Jooice can also be kind but won't always care what happens. More like a brother who can't decide if he likes you or not.

Seems like I lost track of time. "Jooice, we'll never be able to go home!" "Yes we can Laff-". Were they arguing? "We can simply leave them here." No, they were having a simple conversation. If Shroobz was here, he would stop them. Me on the other hand- "Look they will be fine" "MATE WHAT WILL WE DO IF THEY TAKE THE CAR?!" "YOU CAN BREAK EASLY". I'll let them keep fighting for a while. "Hopefully Blaza is not driving." I say to the British men. They both stare. Laff sits back down for a breather.

"They wouldn't be that dumb-" Jooice says in hope.

Both me and Laff stare at him. "Yes they would." Me and Laff say together.

I decided to punch Laff in the stomach. Just felt right. He fell on the ground. I used this as a chance to move over to the other side of the bench where Laff was sitting. "So Socks," Jooice started. "How does it feel to be with us?". He smirked. "I'm going to break that beautiful glass of yours." I said trying to get higher ground. That was the last thing I needed either of them to say. Laff had managed to get himself off the ground. Slightly shaking, but off the ground. "Oh look, he said your beautiful!" Laff said slowly moving himself onto the bench.


"Does your stomach feel?" I ask sarcastically. He pause. "I got 50 nerf bullets with your name on it." He just stayed quiet.

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