《Tbh X Laff》28. Arguments





A bit of violence


Relax and stay safe.


Laff and Tbh rarely had arguments, not thanks to Tbh, but to Laff. Who always took time to sit down and listen to whatever his boyfriend had to say.

Laff always insisted on sitting down and talking over problems, Tbh wasn't like that, he liked taking action and even throwing threats if needed.

But every time something happened he'd listen to Laff, he'd sit down with his boyfriend and talk to him about the problems. It worked out every time, together they managed to get over any problems thrown at them through talking.

Tbh was thankful for having such a gentle and soft boyfriend, someone so peaceful and just felt like home. Someone who could help him in so many ways.

The same goes for Laff. He was grateful for his feisty and strong boyfriend, not everyone will sit down with you and talk to you, so when that happens Tbh takes the matters into his own hands.

He made sure Laff was safe and sound, which the older was really thankful for.

They've been dating for over two years now and Laff is still the love of Tbh's life. He can only ever wish one thing, that Laff will be able to give him all the love that he deserves.

So Tbh wasn't the happiest when Laff had mentioned being made fun of at work. The older laughed it off like a joke. However Tbh didn't laugh off this one.

He tried not to act overly annoyed, he knows how much Laff hates when he intervenes with his work.

They laughed it off, together, Tbh trying to sound as genuine as he can.

Slowly the bullying became worse and worse, Laff's partner at work was constantly being mean to him, bringing him down and pulling at his nerves.

But the older laughed it off, told his beloved "brave house wife" everything was okay.



In a perfectly ironed black suit and with neatly slicked back hair Tbh was standing by Laff as the other spoke business with his boss.

He had just gotten a break from work and decided to accompany his boyfriend to his business dance, honestly it wasn't much of a dance.

Nobody was dancing. Everyone was busy talking rates and going off about new projects.

Not far away on a table drinks were served and a particularly good looking glass of wine caught Tbh's attention.

Slow, graceful couple of steps and he was at the table, he took it content to go back to his loved one.

Walking back his eyes darted over the room and finally landed on Laff's coworker who was quickly walking over to Laff with a glass of wine like Tbh's.

Right before Tbh's eyes, the man "tripped" and spilled wine over Laff's beautiful white silky button up shirt.

It was bad, really bad, even worse with the fact that it was Laff's favourite shirt. Tbh had bought it for him on his first birthday they celebrated together, he loved the shirt to pieces.

The corners of Laff's eyes filled with small tears, barely visible, but Tbh could clearly see the pained look on his boyfriend's face.

A single thought didn't cross his mind before he was in front of Laff swinging his hand and punching the other square in the nose.

Blood, all over his knuckles, flying everywhere, Tbh flexed his fingers watching down at the man as he held onto his nose, tears filling his eyes to the brim.

Shoulder, something was on his shoulder, Tbh turned around, eyes meeting Laff's as he, without a single word, stretched out his hand.

A gentle smile formed on Tbh's lips as he placed his hand into Laff's letting the bigger look over his knuckles and gently run his thumb on the back of his hand, eyes coming to meet Tbh's again.


They're soft and oh so warm as they press over Tbh's knuckles and he watches as the plump lips get a single speck of blood smeared on them.

Whole time Laff's eyes haven't left his, dark brown eyes searching through his soul, communicating with him without a single word.

"Control your animal Laff"

Why can't anything be perfect?

Tbh thought to himself as the annoying voice of Laff's coworker filled the silence, pulling both of them from their world.

Swift motion, it was enough for Tbh to turn and land another punch in the assholes jaw leaving an ugly mark behind.

Ugly faces getting even uglier, sounds like it's not possible, but Laff was witnessing as it happened.

He figured Tbh would stop at this point, but he wasn't, he kept going, muttering quiet curses and trying to land more hit of the other.

As much as Laff would love to watch the show, a quick glace around him told him it's better to stop it right now than to let it progress further.

Calling out to Tbh, he tried it a few times, but the younger was in his own world of fit and rage, he tried being gentle, pulling at his shoulder or at his wrist, but nothing seemed to stop the overprotective boyfriend of his.

A quick step and he was in front of Tbh, one arm tightly wrapped around the other's waist as he pulled him up hoisting him into the air and over his shoulder.

Kick or two, Tbh tried, but it didn't work, he continued hitting the man's back with his fists tightly clenched, demanding to be put down.

The older didn't budge, he excused himself to the boss watching as the man snickered and patted Laff's unoccupied shoulder telling him he got the deal.

Laff walked slowly, letting Tbh be humiliated throughout the whole room as he carried him like a sack of flour.

After a few minutes of protesting, cursing and hitting Tbh went limp on Laff's shoulder, now he really felt like a sack of flour.

He wanted to protest, he wanted to fight back against the insults and the laughter. He wanted to scream at the others, tell them that Laff doesn't deserve this abuse and he has a boyfriend, someone who loves him and who cares for him above anyone else.

But Laff knew that it wasn't worth it, so he told his beloved to save his voice.

They made it to the car Laff having some trouble getting Tbh into the back seat and ending up falling on top of the other. So now Laff was stuck, his legs hanging out through the open car door and Tbh grabbing at his face.

Tbh didn't wait a second as soon as he saw an opportunity to cradle the others face and kiss him all over he took it.

His hands held a firm grip on Laff's face and he brought their lips together, hungrily kissing his boyfriend and pulling at his bottom lip.

Like a starving man Tbh kissed at Laff's lips, just kissing and kissing them not stopping when it was obvious he needed to breathe.

After what feels like seconds, but has been minutes Tbh pulls away, both boys sigh, raw, red and swollen lips.

He doesn't want to wait his, lips are immediately back all over Laff's face, kissing his cheeks, eyebrows, eyelids, chin, forehead, nose, anything he could get his lips on.

"I love you" Tbh repeated like a mantra and the older chuckled just laying on top of his boyfriend and letting him kiss every inch of his body.

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