《Tbh X Laff》27. Lipstick marks


Includes :

Making out



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Tbh and Laff had been dating in secret for a while now. They'd started as friends, but after their friendship grew into something more, they were inseparable.

They hid it from everyone, afraid their friends might leave them after finding out. They'd spent hours upon hours together, going to movies, concerts, parties, everything a normal person would do with a friend.

It wasn't easy hiding something so big from your friends when you live with them, but they managed it somehow.


Socks had invited Ally to come over and the beautiful girl immediately agreed.

As Ally's car pulled into the driveway Tbh came downstairs noticing how Socks and Blaza were already waiting for their lovely guest.

The door opened and Ally walked in, immediately pulling the guys into a tight hug with a wide smile on her face.

They all sat down in the livingroom happily talking and making jokes. After hours of talking Ally sighed mentioning how bored she was.

"This is kinda boringg, wanna play something guys?" She whined and the three agreed. Minecraft was their first choice everyone was more than happy to play.


About an hour later Socks sighed stretching his arms and bending them behind his head.

"This is kinda boring, we should add a twist." Socks said as he began to brainstorm what kinda twist they could add.

"Nice lipstick Ally." Tbh jokingly complimented as Ally went to put her hair up, the dark red color looked good against her fair skin.

"That's it! Whoever loses Ally can do makeup on them." Socks declared, getting excited at the thought of a challenge.

"Oh yeah. Let's go!" Blaza exclaimed and the others quickly followed suit.


Tbh stared at the screen in shock, his fingers hovering above the keyboard, not sure if he actually saw that right.

The game wasn't even finished and he's already been beaten by Socks. Blaza had won again by one point. Tbh couldn't believe this. He wanted to play another round but he wasn't sure if that was really allowed.

Before he could even argue he was facing Ally, who was grinning widely.

"Don't worry I'll go easy on you."

An hour after Tbh was staring at himself in the mirror, Ally really did go easy on him, she didn't do anything drastical, just a bit of blush here and there, a little touch up on his eyebrows and darkish red lipstick.

He looked pretty, a perfect balance of masculine and feminine. Tbh sighed closing his eyes.

Warm hands found themselves on his hips gently holding them. Tbh lifted his head opening one eye and smiling widely when he saw Laff in the mirror's reflection.

The other wrapped his arms around Tbh's waist bringing him closer and pacing a soft kiss on his cheek.

Tbh turned around cupping Laff's face into his hands and pressing their lips together. The kiss was long and passionate.


When Tbh finally pulled away he noticed the lipstick mark he left on Laff's lips. It was big and smeared, a silent declaration of love. Tbh smiled pecking Laff's lips over and over.

Finally after a dozen kisses Laff pulled away placing his palm flat onto Tbh's mouth.

"What's up with all the kisses?" Laff asked through a soft giggle, his eyes shinning with love and happiness.

Tbh kissed Laff's palm.

"I like it."

"I know Tb, I like kissing you too."

Laff planted another kiss on Tbh's cheek.

"No not that." Tbh started off. "I uhh, I like the marks."

"What marks Tb? What's going on?"

"The, the lipstick marks. I'm, uhh, I'm wearing lipstick." Tbh admitted shyly.

Laff stared at him for a moment and Tbh grew more and more worried. Maybe he could explain everything to Laff. He didn't want his boyfriend to think weirdly of him. Finally after the long uncomfortable silence Laff spoke up again.

"That's so.." he stopped mid sentence. "I, I love it. That's so cute Tb." Laff says a big grin plastered on his face.

"You do?" Tbh asks in disbelief.

Laff nodded, "Of course I do Tbh." he replies leaning in and capturing Tbh's lips once again. The kiss lasted a while longer, a clash of lips and teeth. Tbh's hands tangled in Laff's hair tugging slightly.

After a few minutes, both boys needed air and broke apart for a while. They both rested their foreheads against each other taking a deep breath before looking at each other.

A smile brightened every inch of Laff's face and Tbh felt his heart melting, so he pulled him in for another kiss, much deeper this time, and held the taller boy close as he explored every part of Laff's mouth, his tounge ran over every single crevice of Laff's mouth exploring it thoroughly.

After some moments of pure bliss, they parted and Tbh pressed soft pecks on his boyfriends forehead, cheeks and nose.

Laff blushed furiously, he always blushed easily when anyone got this close to him, especially since Tbh was quite affectionate, and was extremely handsome.

Tbh continued his ministrations, kissing and licking over Laff's jawline trying to leave red marks wherever he could.

Laff let out moans and sighs of pleasure as he leaned into Tbh's touch. Tbh slowly made his way down to Laff's neck sucking and biting, his lips trailing over every inch of it leaving hickeys everywhere, leaving Laff gasping louder.

Laff gripped his boyfriends shoulders tightly as he tried desperately to pull him even closer.

Tbh chuckled softly moving further up until he finally reached Laff's ear, kissing and sucking lightly on it. He then nipped Laff's earlobe hard causing him to let out a quiet groan and his body shuddering.

Laff grabbed fistfuls of Tbh's hair desperate to drag him back up to his face and continue their passionate session but his boyfriend held firm, refusing to give in yet.


His kisses started coming more intense, more desperate and harder. He trailed down to Laff's throat leaving a trail of wet kisses, sucking and nibbling along his adam's apple until he reached Laff's collarbone, sucking it lightly and licking the spot where Laff's skin met his chest.

Tbh sucked one last time before pulling away. His hands slid down Laff's sides leaving behind a trail of goosebumps, and resting at his side, just under his belly button, Laff could feel his heart racing fast.

Tbh smirked looking proudly over the lipstick marks left everywhere on Laff's face and neck. As he was about to pull away from his boyfriend Laff's pulled at his hair making him look up at the slightly taller male.

Tbh's stomach dropped as Laff leant down slowly pressing their lips together again. Laff kissed him slowly, passionately, he took his time enjoying the other's soft, red lips. He pulled away for a second letting Tbh take a much needed breath.

And then he was back at his lips, kissing and pulling and sucking the smallers lips, he nibbled at Tbh's lower lip licking over the sweet tasting lipstick.

Tbh whimpered feeling Laff's tongue run over the edge of the paint stained lips and he opened his mouth for Laff's tongue. Their tongues fought for dominance and their saliva mixed as the kiss became hot and heavy.

Laff's hand slipped underneath Tbh's shirt running over his stomach and chest, his cold hand making Tbh flinch from time to time as it made contact with his scorching hot skin.

They fulled away, Tbh was breathing heavily, eyes half closed and mouth agape. Laff let out a quiet chuckle as he ran his thumb over Tbh's red, raw and swollen lips. Making the other moan low in his throat at the feeling.

"Wow, that was.... Wow..."

Tbh gulped, completely speechless by the heavy make-out session.

"I never knew you could kiss like that." Tbh admitted , his face still flushed from earlier.

"Me either." Laff agreed with a wide smile.

They sat there in silence staring lovingly at each other for awhile, just watching the other's reactions.

And that was something Tbh was thankful to have, someone who was able to read his facial expressions without even having to say anything.

Tbh leaned forward capturing Laff's lips in a heated kiss that was definitely longer than the last one.


Tbh walked downstairs, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He slowly entered the livingroom, the three other's immediately spotting him.

Blaza snickered and Socks slapped his shoulder. As usual, Ally greeted Tbh enthusiastically giving him a friendly hug which Tbh gladly returned. She pulled away taking his face into her hands and inspecting it.

"I'll have to fix your lipstick, what did you even do to get it smeared like that?" Ally asked as she dug through her bag searching for the lipstick.

"I smeared it with my hand after drinking water." Tbh lied trying not to sound so hesitant while answering the question.

Ally gave him a look clearly not buying into his lie. But she didn't press it any further. She continued to wipe off the lipstick and apply the new one. She stood up straight and stepped back to admire her work.

Suddenly the door opened Laff standing in the doorway, he quickly closed the door muttering a quiet apology.

Socks and Blaza just shrugged Laff was acting a little strange, but they didn't mind. Ally on the other hand looked back at Tbh smirking widely.

"Laff!" She shouted smirk growing wider. "Can you come here for a second? I need your opinion on something." Tbh's eyes grew wide and his palms were sweaty, he swallowed before cutting Ally off.

"Why would we need Laff here? We don't need the bri'ish man here." Tbh whispered mockingly.

She ignored him and went after Laff, as she exited the livingroom she spotted Laff in the kitchen, quietly and unnoticed she approached him looking over his shoulder at the red lipstick marks covering his face and neck.

She giggled and the other finally noticed her, wide eyed he tried to hide his blushing face.

"No need Laff I already figured what's going on."

She reassured the other placing a hand on his shoulder. He finally turned around fully facing her, Ally started inspecting him, looking over all the marks and giggling at them softly.

"Wow Tbh is an animal huh?" She joked eyes glued to Laff's neck, the other shyly nodded, blushing and looking away.

"Well I'll leave you two be now." Ally said with a wink before leaving the kitchen and Laff let out a quiet sigh, before taking off to his room.

Ally entered the livingroom again a big grin on her face, she looked at Tbh who looked extremely, wide eyed and slight blush on his cheeks.

"What's up with Laff Ally? Is everything okay?" Socks asked as he approached his friend placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"He's okay, full of lipstick marks tho." She answered giggling softly.

"Good to know our Laff has a girl over." Blaza commented chuckling.

"He should let us meet her!"

"Leave him be boys, I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready."

She says looking suggestively at Tbh

"You're right, best to leave him alone." Tbh says quickly and the others agree.

Right after they play some UNO for the time being and after some time Tbh excuses himself lying about being sick. Ally just smirks at him as he leaves the room.

He's more than happy to enter his room and see Laff laying on his bed, on his back, eyes closed and still covered in all the marks. It's brings a big grin to his face.

He crawls into the bed laying down next to Laff and nuzzling his face into the other's kiss covered neck.

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