《Tbh X Laff》10. Yandere Tbh


Story: Yandere Tbh falls in love with student council president Laff.

(Idea by )


Student council president: Laff

Vice President: Socks

Secretary: Blaza, Tbvg

-Secretary (keeps track of information the council.)

Enforcer: Joocie, Oompa

Treasurer: Woolfster

-Treasurer(manages all financial aspects of the school)

Committee: Muffin, Nadwe

-Committee( reporting information about certain aspects of school)

Historian: Dino

-Historian(keeps track of information to student council)

Parliamentarian: Memegod

- Parliamentarian: Make the Council members aware of good parliamentary practices.


Tbh Pov.

It was a start of a new school year and I couldn't wait to see him. I just wanted to hug him and run my fingers through his perfect fluffy dark brown hair. Except I could never do that, not with him hating me as he does now.

I never knew how to get his attention, so I relied on picking up fights and doing anything that could get me in trouble so I could go see him. He is really friendly with everyone and the nicest most perfect person in the school.

I want him to myself and I have shown that many times, I threatened his friends, girls who got too flirty or anyone at that matter. I picked up fights with his friends just to tell them to back off.

He would always be there to break up the fights, he would always be there to pull me off of his friends when the fight got too nasty, and he would always take me to the nurse's office.

It was no different this time, I was sitting on one of the beds in the nurse's office ice pack pressed to my eye while Laff scolded me.

"You know what. You have been picking too many fights, you don't listen to anyone. So from today, you will be spending every day with me which should show you how much trouble you cause me." I looked at him my eyes opened so wide I thought they are gonna pop out.

For most people, this would be bad news I mean spending every day with the student council and being controlled and watched all day, but not for me I was getting rewarded for my bad behaviour. Spending every day with Laff sounded like a dream.

So the next day as I'm walking to the school I see Laff standing by the door alone and waiting. " Come on let's go." He says entering the school, I follow closely behind him.


Suddenly Laff stops in his tracks and turns around facing me.

"Why are you walking behind me like a dog? Come walk with me." I just nodded not being able to form any response. We walk together side by side when someone crashes their way into me.

"You should watch where you are going!" I look down to see angry Nadwe, he gets up brushing the dust off of himself. "Laff! I've been searching for you!" Nadwe happily hugs Laff and I clench my fist. "So what are you doing with him?" Nadwe looks at me disgusted and I return the look right back at the short boy.

"Nadwe don't be so mean. Now, why were you trying to find me?" Laff says patting Nadwes head, and I feel like I am about to explode. "Well, Dino found something you might not like about you on the school page."

Laff looks at Nadwe then at me. "Show me what Dino found." Nadwe nods and starts walking Laff following behind. "Come on pretty boy you coming?" I look at Laff who's waiting for me. My face explodes in red and I nod walking right after Laff.

We enter the student council room and I'm getting weird glares from everyone.

"What did he do this time?" Socks asks putting his hand on Laff's shoulder and giggling. "Who? Pretty boy? Nothing." Laff says and Socks looks at him surprised but nods right after.

Laff walks to Dino who shows him something on his laptop. Laff's eyes go wide and his fist clenches but soon he pats Dinos back. "Thank you good job, Dino." Laff smiles at Dino and he just smiles back.

"Umm, can I see?" I ask and everyone looks at me then at Laff surprised.

"Sure come here," Laff says and I make my way towards Dino and Laff who both smile at me reassuringly. I look at the screen and it's some kind of a page, a page about insulting and saying terrible things about Laff.

I was beyond mad but I controlled myself.

Later that day with a little beating and threatening I found out who made the page pretty fast.

The next day I stormed into the student council during lunch break.

I pull the guy after me and throw him into the room. "He made the page about Laff," I say breathless and everyone looks down at him. "Did you make the page?" Laff asks and the guy nods visibly scared. Laff stretches out his arm and helps him up. "Okay, you will be on the cleaning duty for a month. You can go now." The guy rushes past me and leaves.


"That's it?! He made a whole terrible page about you and that's what you do to punish him." I yell out. "Yeah," Laff says carelessly. "Not everything needs to be solved with violence Tbh."

I storm out. "I'm gonna take matters into my own hands." I beat the guy up again just for good measures.


It's been 2 weeks since the incident, all my classes have ended and I was walking down the hall to the student council room because I needed to meet up with Laff.

I enter the student council and I see Laff hugging Memegod who looks like he has been crying, as soon as Memegod notices me he hides his face in Laff's neck and I feel my blood boil.

I rush to them and pull Memegod off of Laff and punch him in the face. I don't know what came over me but I wanted to kill him.

Memegod moves away from us holding his cheek. Laff looks at me anger burning in his eyes and this is the first time I ever got scared of Laff. Laff raises his hand over my face and I close my eyes and hide my face in my hand's scared of what might come.

Laff didn't do anything he just walked to Memegod. "Go to the nurses and tell her I send you. I will talk to Tbh." The tone of his voice scared me. Memegod nodded and walked out the door.

I remove my hands from my face bearing for what's next to come. Laff walks to me like a predator to his prey.

"Laff." Laff moves closer trapping me between him and the table. "Pretty boy," Laff whispers into my ear.

"Why do you have to make my life harder?" Laff suddenly pulls me forward crashing me into his chest. I am confused for a second grabbing at his shirt.

Laff's hands make their way on my backside and he lifts me up and puts me on the table. His hands are trapping mine on the table, his body is pressed against mine and he is in between my legs.

Laff's hand is on my chest and is pushing me down. I'm now lying on Laff's table books, papers surrounding me.

Laff towers over me his hand pressed to my chest the other one squeezing my hands together. I'm completely surrounded by Laff and his scent, and I love it.

Laff's face is dangerously close to mine, my lips are quivering, they feel so dry. Laff's lips look so delicious, soft and perfectly plump.

Laff moves a little and my legs clamp down around his waist trapping us together. Laff looks at me surprised and I look away blushing, Laff only giggles.

Suddenly his hot breath is hitting my neck and I squirm. Laff's hand is still pressing me down on the table only this time a lot rougher, his other hand is squeezing my hands together like it was intending to leave a bruise on them.

Laff licks down my neck and I gasp at the sudden motion. He continues to do so, after a little time small, gentle bites are pressed to my neck and I'm gasping louder.

Laff's face is now in front of mine a and he is grinning at me, I squirm again uncomfortable under his gaze. I try to free my hands but his grip is too strong not letting me move a muscle.

"Stop that. You'll only hurt yourself." Laff whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Laff's lips suddenly meet mine, my eyes close by themselves, my body relaxes under Laff and I feel like I'm on a cloud.

Laff pulls away and I whine at the loss. Laff ducks his head down again kissing me again, he licks my lips and I open them letting his tongue explore my mouth.

All my senses are turned off, all of them replaced by Laff. Laff bites down on my lips and it feels amazing.

The doors open and Laff pulls away leaving me whining for more.

"Blaza what do you want?" Laff asks voice hoarse from the kissing looking behind him, not letting me go. "Laff! I'm so sorry! I'll come back later!" Blaza quickly rushes out the door and closes them.

Laff's gaze turns back to me, he lowers himself down kissing me again, licking and biting my lips. Laff pulls away and puts his head on my chest.

"Tbh?" "Yeah?" "Will you be my boyfriend?" I was beyond happy and I smiled widely. "Of course!"

This day couldn't have been better.

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