《Tbh X Laff》5. Overreacting


The first time Laff showed how overreactive he can be was on their first anniversary.

He planned everything ahead, picked the restaurant, decided what to wear and bought Tbh's favourite flowers. He was ready.

"Tbh you ready?" Laff called out through the closed door waiting for his boyfriend to get ready, trying to tie his tie, being unsuccessful at first but succeeding eventually. "I guess." Tbh answered opening the door of their shared room. Laff stood there for a minute taking in the sight in front of him.

"Does it look bad?" Tbh asked shifting slightly looking at Laff. Laff took a step forward placing his hands on Tbh's hips. "You look perfect. Like always." He said looking at the boy who only giggled.

Tbh took a good look at Laff, he was really handsome the black suit showing off the muscular arms and broad shoulders. Tbh giggled to himself seeing the last few buttons of Laffs button-up shirt open showing of his sharp collarbone. Tbh took the buttons in his fingers and buttoned it up. "Thank you, darling," Laff said kissing the top of Tbh's head.

"Let's get going," Laff said moving away grabbing something from behind him. "Why don't you go to the car and I will come in a minute?" Tbh smiles and walks to the car waiting for a minute before Laff shows up with a bouquet of roses. Laff enters the car giving the roses to Tbh.

"Laff these are beautiful!" Laff smiles and kisses Tbh's hand. "It's called Rosa 'Buff Beauty. It's a weird name for a beautiful rose I know. " Tbh laughs. Laff looks at Tbh again and picks up his hand interviewing their fingers. "It's the most beautiful rose out there." Laff looks at their hands kissing every knuckle on Tbh's hand. "That's why I picked it up for you. Because you are the most beautiful person in the world."


Tbh full-on laughs "That's soo cheesy I can't." Laff smiles at him and nodds agreeing with his boyfriend. "I love it tho." Tbh says getting Laff's attention causing Laff to turn his head to his side. Tbh puts both his hands on Laff's face bringing it closer and giving him a soft kiss.

Soon they are at the restaurant, they take their seats getting the best ones as Laff knew the owner pretty well. "Laff this is amazing." Tbh's looking out the window which they are seated next to admiring the view. Laff giggles and shakes his head.

The dinner goes amazingly, they exit the restaurant. "Could you wait here for a bit? I need to do something." "Yeah of course!" Tbh kisses Laffs cheek and Laff walks away leaving Tbh alone in front of the restaurant.

Tbh stands there minding his business playing on his phone until he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around eyes meeting a well dressed short blond male. "Hey sorry for bothering but I noticed you standing alone and I need some company so can I stay here with you." Tbh looks startled for a second but responds quickly. "Sure." The boy smiles and hugs Tbh, he lets go after a bit. They stand like that for a minute before the boy runs of waving to Tbh.

Soon Tbh is turned around. "Hey, do you know the way to the nearest train station?" "Yeah go straight then turn left twice and you are there." "Thank you." The man says but stays and talks to Tbh. Tbh's takes out his phone and starts playing with it, but the phone is suddenly knocked out of his hold.

"Hey, I am still here have some respect!" The man yells at Tbh and he flinches. To Tbh's aid comes a very angry Laff approaching them at the speed of light. "Hey mate what do you think you are doing? Get away from my boyfriend."


"He should have some respect for people!" "Yell at him again and I will knock your teeth out! Try anything and I will beat the living shit out of you. Got it?!" The guy puffs walking away in shame. "You're overreacted a bit." Laff turns to Tbh hugging him tightly and kisses his cheek. Laff pulls away and inspects Tbh's body.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" "No Laff he just yelled a little. Don't worry so much." "Are you sure?" "Yeah!" "Okay," Laff says quietly and pulls Tbh in a big hug.

"Promise I will never leave you again like this. I am so sorry." " Laff you are so overreacting." Laff pulls away and kisses Tbh long and sweet like honey. "You don't know how much you mean to me, if anything happens to you I don't know how I would cope with myself." Tbh giggles quietly and kisses Laff again. "You are my overreacting baby got it?" Laff nodds and smiles.

After the incident, they went back to their apartment watched the sunset from their balcony in their pyjamas and hot cocoa, after which they watched different shows while cuddling. "Best day ever." Tbh says in Laff's chest smiling to himself. They fall asleep on the couch cuddling.

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