《Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1》Moving On (Part Five: Segment End)


Fiddling with his hoodie drawstring, Joocie sat anxiously in Laff's armchair as he glanced towards the front door periodically. He twisted the drawstring in his fingers as he glanced back over at the hallway towards Nadwe's room. Nadwe was coloring quietly in his room as he hummed softly. Joocie sighed quietly and jumped when someone knocked on the door, getting up quickly and walking over. He paused for a minute and brushed back his hair behind his shoulder, clearing his throat softly. Grabbing the door handle, Joocie took a moment again before opening the door quietly.

On the other side of the door stood Charlie, dressed in a blazer and jeans, and a sleeveless vest. He smiled warmly and stepped inside, "hey there Joocie." Joocie blushed softly and ran his hand through his hair "hey Charlie...sorry we had to change plans tonight.." Charlie chuckled quietly and waved his hand "hey it's no big deal. I don't mind having dinner here instead, plus I've been meaning to have you try my cooking. Your friend doesn't mind that, right?" Joocie nodded softly and started walking to the kitchen "yeah, Laff doesn't mind too much as long as we clean after ourselves." He stopped in his tracks and turned around "oh I almost forgot!" He turned towards the hallway as Charlie looked at him. "Hey, Nadwe! Come on out!"

Nadwe quickly stopped coloring and got up, running out of his room and over to the two adults. He stopped a few feet away and noticed Charlie standing there beside Joocie, "oh! Who are you?" Charlie looked at him and smiled softly, kneeling down and offering a hand to him "my name is Charlie, your name is Nadwe right?" Nadwe was quick to start smiling and grabbed his hand quickly "yes sir! Uncle Joocie told me a lot about you!" Charlie chuckled softly and shook his hand "well it's a pleasure to meet you." Nadwe smiled brightly as he let go of his hand "my daddys at a party tonight so Uncle Joocie said you were gonna hang out here with us!"

Charlie stood up and nodded "I heard, and I am gonna cook all of us dinner tonight." Nadwe looked up at him and pouted softly "aw, Uncle Joocie told me we were going out to eats..." Joocie chuckled quietly and pulled gently at his own hair as Charlie smiled "ah well there are no restaurants for children open at this hour bud, so I'm gonna make the best damn food you've ever had."

Nadwe gasped and pointed at him "YOU SAID A SWEAR!" Charlie jolted softly as Joocie started chuckling "you owe a dollar in the swear jar~" Charlie chuckled softly and rubbed his head "my bad, haha." Nadwe started giggling as Joocie walked into the kitchen to retrieve the jar, calming down after a few seconds and looking up at Charlie, taking out his wallet. "...hey Mr.Charlie?" Nadwe started as Charlie turned his head to look at him "...are you gonna be Uncle Charlie soon?" Charlie looked a little taken aback by this question before smiling softly, chuckling "you really think I have a shot?"

"Well...Uncle Joocie seems to like you a lot more than Tbh.."

Charlie smiled a little more at this and knelt down to his height again "If you have that much faith in me, then one day I hope to be." Nadwe squealed quietly, smiling brightly as Charlie quickly stood up again once Joocie came back in with the swear jar.


Well this certainly took a turn in Laff's expectations.

Laff was currently standing in a large room holding a bottle of water as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. Every single member of the Socks-Gang (minus Joocie and Woolfster), every member of the Dream-Team and Mr.Beast's friends were having the time of their lives, co-mingling with each other while Laff just stayed off to the side by himself. He was keeping a good distance from both Tbh and Blaza, the two have tried to approach Laff a couple of times before giving up for what Laff believes is 'for now'. Other than that, it was really sweet to see all of his friends having a good time. Although Laff couldn't help but feel this is for something much bigger than how it seems, he sort of knew how Mr.Beast is and whenever he has a group of people around he's almost certain something will happen.

And of course, he turned out to be right.

Coming out of one of the double doors, Jimmy; aka Mr.Beast himself, strolled into the room as the attention was quickly on him. "Everyone, I just wanna say how glad I am that all of you could make it!" He started as his friends; Chris, Chandler, and Karl started making their way over to him. "Now I know all of you are wondering why I invited you all here-"

"Yeah you got that right!" Oof quickly called out as Tbvg glanced off in embarrassment. "C'mon what's the catch!?"

Jimmy laughed and waved him off "there is no catch! All I wanted for tonight is to have a party with such wonderful people!" Laff didn't really buy that for a second as he notice someone move through the mini crowd towards Jimmy. He quickly noticed it was Shroobz, dressed in a dark gray hoodie with mid-length shorts and platform boots. Shroobz grinned softly and chuckled, turning Jimmy's attention onto him "Oh c'mon Jim-Jam, aren't you gonna tell us the other thing?" He asked with a cheeky expression as Jimmy noticeably paused.

"Oh! That's right!" He chuckled and smiled softly "I may have a game planned for us tonight!" Laff knew it as he chuckled softly, everyone else started loudly exclaiming as a few other people came in with two tables of bags of stuff. "I have planned for us a little murder-mystery party for us! Each of these bags contains a random item and a role card! There are two roles: Safe and Murderer and at least 10 of these bags have a murderer role card as well as a can of silly string; we do not want to actually murder anyone tonight." He laughed softly "The game ends either when all the safe people are pretend-dead or all the murderers have been found out! So-"

Socks was quick to interject as well "Hey that sounds a lot like Among Us!" Oompa was quick to roll his eyes and look over at him "God PLEASE don't bring that up! Now that's all I'm gonna be thinking about!" Socks was going to respond before Shroobz quickly shot a death glare at the two "How about the both of you shut your traps, Jimmy worked hard on putting this together! And if anything, this is more like Clue; so be grateful you ungrateful jerks!" Both Socks and Oompa quickly dropped it as Jimmy offered a nod to Shroobz, silently thanking him for shutting down the inevitable argument.

"And as a failsafe so this game doesn't drag out too long, this game will go on for 3 hours before we call it quits; and whichever side wins get a prize of their choice!" He took out his phone and looked at the digital clock on the screen "and the timer starts...now!" Laff was quick to run over to one of the tables and take one of the bags close to the edge and run through one of the doors. He reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a tiny card, reading the word "safe" printed onto it. He sighed in relief and put the card in his pocket, good; he didn't have to worry about getting anyone. Behind him, a small group of people came running past him as he flinched to the side, thankful they didn't bump into him.


Shroobz was casually looking through his bag while still in the middle of the room without a care in the world. He was really nonchalant about the thought of anyone being able to clearly see what card he has.

"Hey-Do I-"

Shroobz flinched and turned to the side over towards one of the small groups of people who stayed behind, locking eyes with BadBoyHalo. He immediately became tense and turned the other way and ran, despite the taller trying to stop him.

Walking down the hallway, hand in hand, Tbvg and Oof kept close by each other as Oof kept looking around. "Who've thunk that this would turn into a murder mystery dinner party?" Tbvg asked the air as Oof chuckled softly, cracking a small smile "I did, I knew a simple party is too suspicious for the most eccentric YouTubers in the world." Tbvg laughed softly at that. The two kept walking for a bit before stopping to look through their respective bags. "Should we, show each other our cards?" Oof calmly asked as Tbvg looked at him "What-you wouldn't trust me enough if I told you I was safe?"

"Eh, I could. But you do the same thing when you say you aren't working..." Oof quietly admitted as Tbvg felt his face flush. "S-Seriously- you're gonna bring this up now-" He looked off to the side as Oof let out a sigh "When are we going to talk about this Tb's? You always say we are going to talk about you overworking yourself and you always push it back. You need to relax-"

"Well what about you?" Tbvg quickly interjected, "You always get hurt at your job, you could be killed!" Oof scoffed softly and rolled his eyes "Oh please we take safety precautions, I am fine!" Tbvg took off his visors and looked at him "I can list five. Separate. Incidences where you ended up in bed for more than 2 days! You do NOT take precautions! Don't talk about me, because this is about you. You put yourself in danger a lot! I don't want to have to come home one day and get a phone call from the hospital saying you died! Fuck, if we ever have kids-"

Tbvg flinched as Oof huffed, rubbing his head "Do you think I don't wanna have some kids!? I do! But if you work yourself to death then there wouldn't be any point! I know my job is dangerous, and I would be more than willing to give it up when we have a family, but I can't do that right now since you aren't willing to leave your toxic job!" He sighed and took off his shades "Tbs, they do not care about you as a person. Anyone with a brain can see that! All they care about is using your talent and they would be happy to replace you if they found someone better than you!" Tbvg started trembling softly as he started tearing up, feeling all the repressed feelings from his employment bubbling up. Oof took notice of this and quickly took his hands, making him look at him "and I am totally implying you are a dummy, you've seen how bad places have treated Blaza. I know you are smart enough to see that this job is not good for you."

The two stood there in silence, Tbvg trying his hardest not to start crying as Oof reached over and started wiping his tears away "I know you are worried about me, and if you staying at this job is something you are doing to distract yourself from that, just please...find another thing to distract yourself. Your mental health ain't worth it..." Tbvg sniffled and pulled one of his hands away to wipe off his face. "B-But-what about you? What are you-"

"Hon, I'm not gonna be a daredevil forever. It pays well, and when I save up enough I'm gonna get you a nice ring and put the rest towards business school." Oof quietly said as Tbvg looked completely dumbfounded. "Business school?? You-huh-!?" Oof looked at him a little confused "...Did I forget to tell you I wanted to be an entrepreneur?"


Oof laughed nervously as he scratched his head "Uhhh...I guess I forgot to tell you that." Tbvg was quick to glare and jab Oof in the side "I COULD HAVE HELPED YOU, YOU FUCK!" Oof grunted and let go of his hands as he stumbled back, holding his side and chuckling "I know you could have! But I didn't want to put any more pressure on you. I know your job sucks the biggest balls and I wanna make sure nothing else stresses you out." Tbvg looked at him and threw his hands to the sides "I WOULD MUCH RATHER PREFER YOU IN BUSINESS SCHOOL THAN YOU RISKING YOUR NECK EVERY DAY"


Tbvg sighed and rubbed his face as Oof came closer to him. "I'm sorry I worry you every day." He held his arms out for a hug as Tbvg slowly closed the distance. Oof pulled him close in a hug and the two remained there for a while. "...I promise I will stop being a daredevil, and I promise one day we will have a family of our own...if you promise you will find better employment." Tbvg nodded softly and rested his head on Oof's shoulder "I promise...I just want you to live as long as me." Oof brought up a hand to his head and rubbed the back of his neck gently, tightening his hold. "I will." He muttered quietly as the two shared another quiet moment.

Oof jolted when he felt something make contact with the back of his head as he quickly deadpanned the man in his arms who was giggling like a maniac. "Oh you sneaky fuck" He muttered under his breath while beginning to laugh himself as Tbvg pulled away with a can of silly-string in his hand. "I got you!" He stated like a child and laughed as Oof kept laughing himself, just glad Tbvg was finally stress-free for the first time in weeks.

Looking around a corner, Shroobz quietly checked his surroundings before he started walking again. He felt unnaturally tense after noticing BadBoyHalo looking right at him. He couldn't tell why even if he did know deep down why. He was someone from his past and Shroobz would rather not have his past come back with Laff around. He couldn't let Laff find out or things could be ruined between him and Wictoria, and Shroobz did not want that.

After a couple more steps, Shroobz quickly stopped in his place. He quickly turned around and pinned the person who was following him to the wall to his right, holding one of his wrists above his head and keeping his other hand pinned to his chest. Shroobz quickly noticed it was Jimmy who he had pinned to the wall and began laughing, "Nice try; ." He let Jimmy go and took a few steps back as Jimmy rubbed his wrist, laughing softly "Ah well, I could say that I tried to pin in my game." Shroobz smirked softly at this and chuckled "What? My best rat is gonna throw me under the bus? Oh, you wouldn't dare tell Lord Roserade you know where I am."

Jimmy chuckled and crossed his arms "ah well, you got me there. Even if I were to hint that I know where you are I would be thrown back into a conditioning room." Shroobz chuckled and leaned against the wall on his shoulder, quickly sighing and shooting Jimmy a glare "I wished you told me-" "I honestly forgot, my bad" Jimmy interrupted as he looked at him. Shroobz sighed softly and smoothed out his hair "I don't want Laff askin' questions, thank god he wasn't there when I booked it from seeing BBH." He turned so he was leaning his back against the wall and looked at Jimmy "Has there been anything regarding Candle Queen?"

Jimmy let out a slow sigh and shook his head "Not from what I could gather...the only thing I am aware of is that the higher-ups are starting to get pissed that it's taking one of their executioners this long to complete a task. It might be soon that they send someone else." Shroobz let out a long sigh at this and rubbed his head as Jimmy continued "I'm not sure if it'll be Syce, all I know about him is that he's already put on a new target to reel in. I don't know how he's going to pull that off; you were the only seducer in their ranks."

"Huh, surprised that they haven't trained a new one in my place." Shroobz looked at Jimmy as he chuckled softly "well you were kind of the best, didn't matter who it was you wooed them regardless." Shroobz raised an eyebrow as he stood up "Oh 'were' kind of the best, huh? But I will admit, I was pretty good. All it took for me was the right setting to-" He grabbed Jimmy's forearm, pulled him into his free arm, and into a deep dip "-make anyone fall for me." Jimmy was tense and his face was flushed red, stuttering as Shroobz chuckled "Oh Jim-Jam, only one move and you're completely flustered? What would your girlfriend say if she saw you like this?~" Shroobz leaned in close, deepening the dip as Jimmy blushed harder.

Shroobz let go of him and let him fall to the ground with a grunt, chuckling softly as he stood up "Just teasing, like old times eh?" He questioned as he helped Jimmy stand up on his feet.

Walking back into the main room, Meme glanced around before walking over to the speaker setup that was left there. He took out his phone and turned it on, pulling up "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith and plugged it into the system. It started playing on the internal sound system as the doors to the back of the room opened. He smiled to himself before turning around to see none other than Socks. The two locked eyes as Socks came up to him "Is this why you asked me to come back to the middle again?" He asked with a smile as Meme shrugged "ehhhhhh, perhaps."

Socks chuckled and took his hands into his own "I remember this song. The school you went to; that dance program put on a really cheesy ball and this is one of the songs." Meme blushed and glanced away as he giggled "Yeah, I remember...I just want us to share a moment together where we aren't interrupted by anyone."

Socks smiled and pulled him closer and started slow dancing with him "I do too." Meme smiled and buried his face into his chest as he pulled himself closer.

The two's slow dance slowly made its way around the room and back again as Socks kept a good hold of Meme's hands. They were both really bad at dancing, but this was enough for them. Meme seemed extra nervous as he kept tripping and almost stepping Socks' feet. Socks chuckled quietly and gently moved Meme's head to look at him "Just look at me प्यार।, you're doing fine." Meme blushed but maintained eye contact with him as they both got a little bold in dancing. The two started spinning each other around periodically throughout the song as Meme kept track of when Socks would spin him.

-On the next spin, drop down and propose. It's not that hard and well- the worst he will say is no.-

Socks smiled softly, grabbing his hand softly and spinning him again. He did it a little faster than last time and let go of him.

When Meme stopped spinning, he quickly turned to face Socks and noticed he had dropped down to one knee, holding out a box with an engagement ring inside of it and bore the softest look he has ever seen on him.

And asked something he could never take back.

"Meme, will you marry me?"

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