《Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1》Living Life Part 2:


(Uwaa? Two chapters in a few hours release?? Sry my brain kept going haha)

The TV was blasting loud sounds and hyper music as two karts were zooming across the track on screen.



The two gamers were sitting on a tattered couch as the two were shoving into each other in an attempt to make the other mess up.


Tbvg smirked "HEY DON'T FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO ME PAY ATTENTION TO THE GAME!" Oof let out a startled yelp as Tbvg kept repeatedly jabbing him in the side with his elbow. He quickly came up with a comeback and smirked "Hey I've got one place you can drive your elbow into!"

Tbvg was certainly caught off guard, first by confusion and then quickly blushed deeply, pulling quickly away from Oof "OH MY GOD OOF WHAT THE HELL!?"

Oof reached over and smacked the control out of Tbvg's hands and successfully won the game as his kart crossed the finish line. "Haha! Suck it Tbvg! I won!"

Tbvg picked his controller back up "Y-You get really competitive I swear…"

The twister man looked at him and felt a little guilty for what he said as he set his controller down, taking in a breath "Hey um sorry for making that remark, that was a little over the line." Tbvg rubbed his hands "Smacking my controller didn't help.."

Oof subconsciously reached over and took one of the gamer man's hands, looking at it "I didn't hurt you did I-?"

Tbvg felt his face heat up as he felt the air in his lungs leave him "N-n-no I don't think-"

The two both looked up and stared into each other's eyes; both blocked by their respective glasses. Oof's bulky sunglasses hid his pale blue eyes with a soft green tint as Tbvg's visor hid his pastel purple eyes away from anyone to see. They both stared at each other in a strange; yet comfortable silence.

"...H-Hi" Tbvg managed to choke out softly as he blushed deeply.

"H-h-hi-" Oof stuttered as he stopped himself from making anymore of a fool.

Tbvg's other hand slowly moved closer to Oof and gently grabbed his other hand; intertwining their fingers as he stared into Oof's eyes past his sunglasses.

He gulped softly as his lips parted slightly "...O-Oof?.."

The latter didn't notice the two slowly inching closer, staring into his eyes "yes, Tb..?"

Tbvg felt his heart race as it has countless times before "I-I-"

The two jolted away from each other when they heard the doorbell ring.

"...I-I should-Get that-" Tbvg stuttered as Oof quickly pulled away, nodding "Y-Yeah! Yeah y-you probably should-" "y-yeah" Tbvg quickly stood up off the couch and sped walked to the door.

He opened it to reveal Oompa in the doorway, holding Nadwe in his arms and carrying a satchel bag.

"O-Oompa-? What are you-"

Oompa laughed nervously "Laff called me and asked if I could watch the baby since the last week was a strain on his sleeping schedule because Socks and Meme are out of town and he doesn't want to leave Nadwe with Joocie and Tbh while they are figuring things out, and of course Woolfster is to young to watch him and Dino can't be reached so I offered to watch him."


Tbvg blinked in confusion then shook his head "W-Wait then why are you here?"

Oompa set down the satchel "I forgot I had an appointment for my candy company and I can't take Nadwe with soooo…"

In a quick motion, he handed Nadwe to Tbvg.


Oompa then quickly turned around and ran away.

The gamer man jolted before correcting his hold on Nadwe, looking at where Oompa left in confusion "W-WAIT OOMPA COME BACK!!!"


Tbvg sighed quietly and cursed under his breath "Mother-Fucker-!" He huffed and grabbed the satchel before walking back into his home before closing the door.

Oof noticed Tbvg carrying Nadwe and quickly stood up "H-Hey what's the baby doing here..?"

Tbvg sighed softly "Something about Laff needing a break, I'm not sure Oompa left pretty quickly…" Oof let out a soft chuckle and walked over "Hey, that doesn't change any plans-! Hell, I love having him around." he smiles and looks at Nadwe "I mean look at him, he is soooo cute!" He cooed.

Nadwe stared up blankly at Oof.

Tbvg smiled softly "I do too, haven't seen him since last week." He looked down at Nadwe and gently held his tiny closed fist, "Ohhh look at this tiny mighty fist!" He giggled as Oof chuckled, holding Nadwe's other hand that was open. "Jesus Tbvg I don't know what is cuter, the baby or you."

The latter blushed deeply "H-Hey don't say stuff like that in front of Nadwe-!"

Oof chuckled " 'fraid your gonna be embarrassed in front of him?"

Tbvg puffed his cheeks out "No-!" He stuck his tongue out as Oof chuckled quietly. "You better put that tongue back before I lick it." Tbvg narrowed his eyes "You wouldn' dare." He stuck his tongue back out.

Oof smirked and stuck his out before leaning towards Tbvg quickly.

The latter blushed deeply and instantly jerked away, Oof quickly taking Nadwe as Tbvg fell to the floor. He let out a loud laugh as Tbvg blushed deeply and huffed "NOT FUNNY!"

Nadwe giggled and waved his hands as Oof snickered "Nadwe thought it was funny."

Tbvg pouted softly as Oof grabbed his hand, helping him up. "Hey now don't pout. You look cute when you smile." Tbvg blushed softly and fidgeted "y-you...mean that?" Oof leaned in closer and chuckled "Well, I wouldn't say that to anyone else."

Tbvg felt his heart race again, his face heating up. -o-oh be still my heart…-

Nadwe looked at the two and cooed, waving his arms. Oof glanced down down at him and smiled warmly. "He is so adorable...Laff is a lucky man to have found him.."

Tbvg messed with his hands as he set the satchel down "...do you, want to have kids-?" He was met with Oof's look of surprise as he quickly corrected himself "O-Of course after you found the woman-O-Or man you want to be with-! O-or maybe after y-you feel like y-you're ready-?"

The latter nodded slowly "y-yeah…"


The two went silent as they both glanced away. Tbvg ended up excusing himself to the kitchen as he walked into the separate room fairly quickly. He proceeded to groan and grip at his hat "God what the fuck was that-!? Way to make the mood awkward, Tb!" He smacked his forehead and threw his hat to the otherside of the kitchen.

He let out a sigh and leaned against the sink, tapping his fingers. "God everything was going so well and then you had to go and fuck it up. Way to go Me, right?" He ranted to himself as he let out a short huff.

"Why the hell does Oof stay with you when you make everything awkward? Every-Single time we spend alone time with each other this shit happens-! Yet when you are with everyone else you can't deep comfortable being around him cause you know for a fact everyone is going to tease your brains out until you confess-!" He groans and pulled his hand down his face.

"I-It makes my wrists and blood so hot that You just want to-!"

"Tb are you fucking okay-?"

Tbvg spun around quickly to be met with Oof in the archway, stunned at hearing him talk to himself in such a reprimanding manner.

"H-Hey! W-What are you-Where's Nadwe??"

Oof took off his sunglasses and folded them, tucking them in his pocket "He was sleepy so I laid him on the couch- Tb, please answer me…" He moved closer and looked at Tbvg with serious eyes.

"Are you okay?"

The feeling of being backed into a corner wasn't a great one. Tbvg started to involuntarily shake as he backed up, starting to hyperventilate softly as he gripped at his sweater.

Oof jumped and quickly came over, taking the shaking gamer man into his arms "H-Hey-! I-it's okay I'm not mad if that's what you're worried about..!" He softly stated as he held Tbvg securely in his arms. He felt the other heave heavily and tremble as his knees grew weak. Keeping his grip, he gently lowered himself and Tbvg to their knees and held him close to his chest there on the floor.

After a few minutes of silence, Oof spoke again. "D-do you want to talk about it..?"

Tbvg shook his head violently, shaking as he didn't speak.

Oof nodded softly "O-okay, we don't have to, it's okay.."

He never saw Tbvg act like this...Oof was really worried and terrified. Tbvg was always so light hearted and caring as if he wasn't carrying any emotional or mental burden. But yet here he was, holding his crush in his arms as he watched him have a mental breakdown.

Thankfully after a while, he felt Tbvg relax in his arms as he panted softly

Gulping harshly, Tbvg gripped onto Oof's arm and spoke quietly "t-t-thank you…"

Oof looked down at him and smiled softly "of course, anything for you Tb…" he quietly responded and gently pulled Tbvg closer. The man in his arms slowly felt calmer and leaned into his embrace, trembling softly. He sighed softly, taking in the quiet atmosphere around them as he slowly felt more at ease. The two let the comfortable silence seep in as they enjoyed the other presence.

A thud was heard from the other room, followed by loud crying.

Tbvg instantly tensed up and looked at Oof who looked pale.


Bundled up in bed, Laff was in a deep sleep-like state. Not so much that he was asleep; but that he was relaxed enough to feel as if he was asleep.

Groaning quietly, he sat up slightly and looked at the digital alarm clock on his desk.

-2 in the afternoon…-

He let out a yawn and laid back down for a few minutes before quickly sitting back up

"2 in the bloody afternoon-!?" Laff only meant for Oompa to watch Nadwe for only a few hours-! He quickly got out of bed, still dressed in the clothes from yesterday and ran into the living room to grab his coat.

Someone started knocking at his door as he glanced over, caught off guard.

"W-Who's there mate-!?"

"Uhhh, it's Tbvg Laff-! I came to bring Nadwe back!"

Laff sighed in relief and walked over, opening the door to greet the gamer man and his son who was sleeping peacefully in the latters arms.

"Oh thanks mate. But-I thought Oompa was-"

Tbvg handed Nadwe back over and set the satchel down before shrugging "He dropped him off at my place and said he had a business meeting he forgot.." The British detective cradled Nadwe in his arms as he smiled softly "Well uh mate, thank you for watching him. I hope he didn't cause too much trouble..?"

Smiling softly, Tbvg shook his head "No of course not, he was an angel."

The two said their goodbyes as Tbvg walked away from the door, Laff closing it gently after. He sighed quietly and smiled warmly, looking down at Nadwe.

"Seems like you don't have much trouble being so manageable to our friends eh son?"

Nadwe remained asleep, cooing softly.

Laff yawned quietly himself and walked to his armchair "now I hope you didn't scare Oompa or Tb and Oof off, 'cause Socks and Meme said they would watch yous while I work...um, of course given I manage to change to a night shift.." He sat down and made himself comfortable, feeling drowsy. "Why don't we...take a small power nap and I'll take yous with me grocery shopping, okay?"

Nadwe cooed quietly, snuggled against Laff.

Laff smiled tiredly and felt himself starting to fade out, holding Nadwe close to his chest.

Of course he wouldn't fall asleep easily. Not with a sudden foul odor being present. He groaned softly and slowly sat up -Right when I am comfortable Nadwe-?-

Nadwe woke up and started fussing loudly as Laff quickly got up. "I know mate I know, I'm going right now.." He quickly walked to his room to change Nadwe before they head out.

(Ima head to bed now gn :>)

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