《Black Butler Boyfriend Senerio》🤍When he kissed you🤍


: you and Ceil was walking down the street's after solving a case and the lights on the street's where dim so while y'all was walking you kept having a feeling that someone was watching you when you turn around there was no one there but Ceil when Ceil dropped you off at your house he pinned you to the wall and kissed you very softly when y'all broke apart he said " so does this mean your my girlfriend now" you looked at him and than said yes.

: you and Alois are riding a carriage back to your home and Claude is driving you did not know that Alois was watching you so when you looked up you saw Alois right in your face and you started to blush he than kissed you very roughly ( but hey you enjoyed every moment of it) you guys than parted and looked at each other than Alois said " so Miss pretty will you be my girlfriend" you than looked at him and you said yes.

: you and Grell just came back from reaping and you had blood all over you and so did Grell but you kept having a feeling of be watch from somewhere when you turned around you meet face to face with Grell and he slam's you into a wall and he kiss you very passionately but you kissed back than he asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.

you and William where working silently and it was very quiet to the point that you can hear a cockroach than William got up and start walking to your desk he than stoped in front of you. you looked up and saw him he than walked by you and grabs your arm and start to kiss you you than kissed back and after your make out session he asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.


you and undertaker where working together on the new body that just came in and while you where working he kept asking you for jokes so you told him some later after you finish dissecting the body and went to the back to get your things to leave undertaker than pulled you and started kissing you but of course you kissed back and after words he asked you to be his girlfriend.

you and Claude where walking with your master when they asked y'all to go get something so you both went to where they were talking about to go get the stuff when y'all reached in a ally way Claude pushed you to a wall and started kissing you and you kissed back he than asks you to be his girlfriend but of course you said yes.

you and the triplets where in the garden chilling and watching the flowers blow in the wind and just relaxing when the triplets kept with their dirty thoughts than Thompson kissed you so you kissed back than Timber and Canterbury said "let us have a turn" so Thompson let them after that they asked you to be their girlfriend and you said yes.

(ok let's be honest Pluto is a demon hound and is basically like a dog so he does not know what kissing is or a girlfriend is but let's say that now y'all are together)

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