《Since You Been Gone》Epilogue #4


"RUN!!! RUN!!!" I yell. I watch as the players run up and down the field. Christina laughs and shakes her head.

"You know, for this to be your second child, you would think that you would know better than to yell in its ear," Christina says. I look down at Connor. She is sitting on my lap with a big grin on her face. The little blonde hairs on her head are up in a ponytail thanks to Christina.

"At least I didn't drop her like someone," I say accusingly at Uriah. He leans back in his lawn chair and looks over at the row of trees on one side of the field.

"Come on, Lucas!" the coach yells. I look over at him and shake my head.

"I can't believe he is actually coaching," I tell Christina, pointing at Tobias. While the season is half way over, I'm still in shock. I never saw Tobias as the coaching type.

"But seriously, who wouldn't want a professional as a coach?" Christina asks. I laugh and nod.

"His coach," I answer. He laughs. Tobias has been playing with the Chicago Bears for five years now, which also means we have been married for five years. In that amount of time, Tobias has ditched the team for us multiple times resulting in his coach threatening to kick him off the team. His coach was furious when he found out that Tobias wouldn't be able to have games certain days in order to coach Lucas's team.

"Is he still threatening to take his position?" Christina asks. I nod.

"Oh, yeah, but we all know he won't because Tobias is the best quarterback on the team," I tell her. She nods. I watch Lucas catch the ball and begin running.


"Let's go, Lucas!" I yell with Christina, Zeke, and Uriah. Lucas runs faster, scoring the team several points. We all jump up and cheer. Connor starts crying and I immediately set her down in her stroller. "You're okay," I tell her. She continues to cry so I pull out her pacifier and give it to her.

"I am so not looking forward to that," Christina says, nodding to the upset Baby. I laugh and nod.

"I'm used to it by now. This is the second and she doesn't cry as much as Lucas did. . . Plus I have help," I tell her. She laughs and looks down at her large belly.

"You better live by Connor's example and not Lucas's," she tells it. I laugh and shake my head.

"Four more months," I sing. She sighs.

"Don't remind me!"she replies. I laugh and shake my head.

"It's okay. Just remember that when your hormones are out of balance and you have all these weird cravings Will will be making a list of ways to kill you. . . And then you get to celebrate how he didn't become a murderer when you feel like you are being murdered in order to have one of these precious little angels," I tell her. At the end, I motion towards Connor like she is the prize on a game show. She grimaces.

"Why didn't I just adopt?" she asks. We both laugh. The whistle for the end of the fourth quarter blows. Both teams line up in the middle and shake — er, hive five — the other team's hands. I stand up, put Connor in her stroller, fold up my chair, and walk over to the bench,

"What was the final score?" I ask Tobias. He looks down at the clipboard in his hand.


"Ten to eight, us," he tells me. I smile at him and walk over to Lucas. He has his helmet in one hand and Tobias's bag of footballs in the other. I take both from him and kiss his cheek.

"Way to go, Lucas!" I tell him. He smiles and hugs me.

"Thanks, mom," he says with a smile. He turns away from me and talks to his friends. Tobias walks over and takes the bag from me. He puts an arm around my shoulder.

"He's growing up," he whispers. I nod and smile at him.

"I can't believe he's already eight," I tell him. He nods and looks down at the stroller.

"At least we have this one," he says. He reaches down and tickles Connor's stomach. She giggles and kicks her legs. I laugh and nod.

"Yes, that way we have another one to spoil once he moves out," I say. He laughs and gets down to Connor's level so they are eye to eye.

"And you're never leaving us so we can spoil you for the rest of our lives," he tells her. I laugh and shake my head. I begin pushing the stroller towards the car.

"Come on, let's go get food," I tell him. He laughs and nods.

"Okay, I guess we can go food," he says before calling Lucas over.

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