《Seventeen One-Shots》-5- Wonwoo Revised


"Cheers to the mafuckin weekend! I drink to that!" You bellowed out while you were sitting in the living room of your empty house, painting your nails. You jammed and jammed and jammed until you heard a loud knock on your front door. You looked down at your wet toes and wondered if it was worth it.

You waddled to the front door and opened it, being extra mindful of your feet. "Hey...Wonwoo...What's up?" You said, shocked to see your classmate who lived across town from you. "Hey (y/n)." He smiled sheepishly. "Do you think you could help me with this essay for creative writing?" He asked as you invited him in. "I can try...What's it about?" "Didn't the teacher give everyone the same prompt?" "No. Everyone got a different one. I had to write about a place that makes me feel safe." "What'd you write about?" "I wrote about the library...I'm a total nerd, I know." "Nah. I get it. You're surrounded by books holding stories of people just like you. I get how that'd comfort you." "What prompt did you get?" "How does the person you love make you feel." "That's a tough one." "I know...Now you see my dilema." "Well...let's start with...who do you love?" "I'm a little embarrassed to say." "Well...then just write about your mom." "It's creative writing. My mother would be to cliche." "So...It's a girl you have a crush on?" Wonwoo's cheeks got red. "Yeah." He mumbled. "Who is she? I wanna know!" You pleaded. "Don't worry about it." "Do I know her? I could hook yall up?" You bargained. "I don't wanna trouble you." He backed away from you, going deeper into your house. "Tell me please! I 'll be your best friend!" You pleaded. "You already are my best friend!" He griped at you. "I'll owe you a solid!" You refused to give up. Wonwoo looked at you like he was contemplating on telling you or not.


"I-it's you." He mumbled. "What? Did I hear you correctly?" "It's you...Okay? I've liked you ever since the first day of school." He said quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Awe...Wonwoo. Is that why you're always asking me for help even though your grades are better than mine?" You laughed. "Maybe..." Wonwoo looked rather guilty.

You walked towards him to retrieve a hug.

"Now...about that solid you owe me..." Wonwoo laughed.

So I went to the office the other day to get my transcript so I could check my class rank.

Now, I'm of average intellect. I am a B average student and I go to a fairly small school. We're not tiny but we aren't huge either...like 500 kids in total. My senior class has exactly 148 kids in it rn. I will admit that I go to school with some insanely smart people so I wasn't expecting to be ranked super high in my class. I wasn't expecting top 10% or even to be in the 1st quartile.

I got my transcript and looked at my rank...89/149...I am in the bottom of the 3rd quartile and I feel like a fucking idiot.

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