《Seventeen One-Shots》-5- Hoshi Revised


You were running around backstage like a chicken with it's head cut off, trying to find the sound board someone hid from you. Being head of the tech crew in high school theatre was rough for you. Everyone loved playing pranks on you.

It was the middle of class and you weren't in class, playing warm up games with everyone else...like you were supposed to. You were to worried about learning the commands for the new sound board. You missed the old one. Sure it was from the 80's and shorted out sometimes but it was simple and familiar. This new one worked off of an app on an Ipad. It annoyed you that you had to depend on a confusing app that didn't work more times than none.

You looked everywhere for that stupid ipad. The girl's dressing room. The boy's dressing room. The costume closets...All 10 of them. The balcony over the stage. Out in the seats of the auditorium.

You couldn't find it anywhere. You layed out in the isle of chairs and started groaning in frustration.

You stayed like that for 20 minutes.

You could hear someone slam the door connecting the auditorium to the black box. "I don't see her!" You heard your classmate, Soonyoung yell. "I hear though!" He laughed.

You sat up and walked onto the stage. "Teach is looking for you." "And I'm looking for that stupid ipad." "The one with the sound board app on it?" "What other ipad would I be looking for?" "I was playing around with it in teach's office. I'll get it for you."

Soonyoung ran back into the classroom and back out to the stage with the ipad. "I am going to murder you." "And the Stage director is gonna murder you for being a poor sport and not doing warm up exercises with us." "I'm not an actor. It's not necessary." "It's good for you." "If you're an actor. I don't have time for red leather yellow leffer." You misspoke. "See?! You need the warm ups!" "Fight me!" Soonyoung rolled his eyes at you and mumbled something about 'tech geeks'. "Pfft! Background dancer!" You yelled spitefully. He turned back around with wide eyes. "Background is better than backstage!" He yelled, his voice just as full of spite as yours. Your eyes grew wide and you felt highly offended. "I'm triggered." You mumbled. "So am I." He mumbled too, crossing his arms.


"I make your job possible, you know?" You said, pouting a little. "Without us actors...you wouldn't have a job to do." Soonyoung smarted off, infuriating you further. "Without us tech geeks, nobody would notice you!" You yelled in his face, balling your fist.

You had taken enough crap from actors thinking they were better than everyone else just because they're on stage and seen by everyone. You weren't mad at Soonyoung specifically. His actions just pushed you over and you needed to hit something.

He started laughing. "What is so funny?" You questioned. Y'all were in the middle of a rather heated argument and he just started laughing. He made no sense and was confusing the shit out of you.

"I'm sorry...I've been egging you on to get you pissy. You're so cute when you're angry." He starts laughing hysterically.

You took in a sharp breath and cooled off a little.

Your face burned because he called you cute though.

"Give me my sound board...idiot." You shook your head. "I need a kiss as payment for my labor." He smirked.

You looked at him, unamused by his actions. Not even 2 minutes ago were y'all spitting venom in each other's faces. What was his issue?,

"We were literally just fighting. Quit flirti-" You were cut off by Soonyoung slamming your body against his and wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.

You were slammed into silence.

His touch made you forget the last 5 minutes of your life and you felt at peace.

Tell me why I've got people sliding into my DM's as if I don't have my current boyfriend plastered all over my IG

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