《Seventeen One-Shots》-5- S.Coups Revised


You sat in your room, blaring music, studying for a college entrance exam. You had been secluding yourself from everyone...even your parents.

There was a knock on your door but you ignored it.

The knocking got louder.

You only blocked it out more.

"(Y/n)! Open up!" You heard a familiar voice and smiled largely. "No! You're gonna distract me!" You laughed, opening your bedroom door to reveal your long term crush of 4 excruciatingly long and painful years.

He smiled at you largely and hugged you tightly. "I haven't seen you in a week. What's the deal?" He asked, plopping onto your bed. "I've been studying...a lot." You said simply, avoiding looking at Seungchol sprawled out on your bed.

You have liked Seungchol since y'all got paired up for a biology assignment your 1st year of high school. Shortly afterwards, y'all became good friends. Then...somehow, thanks to your lack of knowledge of the opposite sex, you became his wing woman and got him a girlfriend your 2nd year of high school. They've been together ever since and you have been shamefully awaiting the day she gets tired of him.

"How does your girlfriend feel about you seeking off to visit me?" You asked, sitting down at your desk. "What girlfriend?" You heard your bed creak as he sat up and you heard total animosity in his voice. You got wide eyed and turned to face him. "Y'all broke up?" You were in between feeling bad for him and feeling good for yourself. "Yeah...She decided that I wasn't good enough for her anymore. She said I tried to hard to be funny, I smothered her with to much attention, worried to much...I was to jealous and secretive. Also...she looked through my phone and didn't like that I sent you good morning texts 3 minutes before her." He counted everything off on his fingers.


You thought that was ridiculous.

"Do you need anything?" You asked sympathetically. "A hug would be great." He stood up and you walked towards him with open arms. As you got closer, you noticed tears welling up in his eyes. You hugged him tightly, wrapping your arms around his neck. He wrapped his around your waist and began weeping into your shoulder.

He cried for half an hour and you let him. Hell...you started crying with him. He sniffled and pulled away. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have taken you away from your studying...I just wanted...needed to see you." He wiped away his tears. "No need to be sorry. If you ever need anything at all...do not hesitate to talk to me." "Can I just hang out for a little while?" He asked, hope taking the place of his tears. You smiled softly and nodded. "If you keep the pestering to a minimum...then sure. This test is super important...but so are you." You sat down at your desk and picked up your pencil.

You felt Seungchol's strong arms wrap around your shoulders and his head rest on top of yours. "Thanks. I love you." He said simply and flopped back into your bed.

You weren't sure how to respond to that so you just sat at your desk smiling like an idiot the rest of the afternoon.

Long story short...you would've failed your test if your guessing skills weren't on point.

Just a little update on my health...I am feeling way better. I didn't end up going to the doctor and my headaches have stopped. I still have a stiffness in my neck but that's probably from sleeping with to many pillows tbh.

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