《Seventeen One-Shots》(3)%Dino% REVISED


You were walking into the dance studio where your favorite dance teacher held classes with her husband. You started coming here because your friend Chan, convinced you to come. You thought it was awesome that he was so involved with his parents and you were able to make more friends through coming here.

You were stretching in the corner with a few friends before class started.

They were all gossiping about the boys in your class.

"Who do you think the best dancer is (y/n)?" A friend asked you. You gazed over at Chan. "Do I say Chan or do I lie?" You contemplated. "Me." You joked. "Boy dancer. Stupid." "Uh...I don't know...I'm normally too focused on my own reflection." You lied. "Really?" "What can I say? I'm phenomenal." You lied again. You were an awful dancer. You knew it too. You weren't about to admit that to anyone though...even if they knew too.

Chan walked over to your little group of friends. "(y/n)...Me and you need to talk." He said in a serious tone. You followed him out into the hall. "Sup?" "What was with your texts early this morning? Nothing you sent me was coherent Korean." "I'm having a hard time Korean-ing today." You laughed.

You hadn't been in Korea very long. You moved with your parents after your grandmother passed away and your parents decided you needed to get more in touch with where your family came from. You were barely fluent and often used the excuse that you couldn't be Korean today.

"Did you really get Kimchi and Kimbap confused too?" "I told you...I can't Korean today. It's a miracle I'm able to speak to you right now." You laughed. He looked very concerned for a moment then his face lightened up a little.


"What is this I hear about you being the best dancer?" He asked, clearly trying to hold back his laughter. "Sarcasm." You lied...again.

He made a face that looked like he was judging you and he left.

You threw yourself against a wall and started calling yourself stupid. He makes you forget how to breath. Whenever he texts you, you forget how to type. You'd be a better dancer if you weren't so focused on his reflection while dancing. "I'm gonna cry...He's so perfect." You said to yourself, sniffling a little bit

Chan's dad walked to the door and stopped when he saw you. "(y/n)...Are you okay?" He asked with concern. "I'm fine...Just a little light headed." "I'll get you an apple and a bottle of water...Do you wanna skip class today?" "That'd be good I think...Thank you." You said taking a deep breath.

You started feeling sick...Like really sick. The room was spinning and you felt like you were gonna throw up. Chan walked back into the hall with your apple and water. "Someone isn't staying hydrated. Dad told me to walk you home. Come on." "Strike me down now...Please." You thought to yourself, praying to God for this to be a nightmare. "As hot as it is this summer, you need to stay hydrated." "I don't really think hydration is my problem." You mumbled. "You're whiter than Suga from BTS right now, you're incoherent, confused and you're having trouble focusing. You're not staying hydrated and you are working yourself too hard." He went on and on and on. You hung your head, admitting to yourself that you definitely weren't taking good care of yourself.

"I'm sorry for scolding you but you need to learn to take it easy when you can and stop pushing yourself. I'm worried about you...I'd hate it if something happened." He said looking down. "I'll be fine." The two of you stopped walking. You looked around. "Oops..." You mumbled. "What's wrong?" "My house is the other way." You hung your head. "Maybe I do need to take it a little easier." You thought to yourself. "I don't know what I'm gonna do with you..." Chan shook his head at you. You smiled widely. "Adore me until the day you die." You laughed. "I hate to say this but you look closer to death than me...You're turning green." He said worriedly.


You stopped again. "We going the wrong way again?" He smarted off. "No...My legs are a little shaky." You said quietly. Chan squated down. "Hop on my back. I'll carry you." He said sweetly. You climbed onto his back and he told you funny stories to cheer you up and take your mind off of how shitty you were feeling.

Yall made it to your house and he put you down. "If you need anything call me...Okay?" "Ugh....Why are you so sweet?" You thought to yourself. "Alright. I will." You smiled weakly.

Chan looked you in your eyes and hugged you tightly. "I love you. Please get better soon." He whispered in your ear. "I love you too." You whispered back without thinking.

Chan let go of you and flashed you a somewhat suggestive smirk as he walked away.

"Shit...Are we dating now?" You asked yourself, still wondering if everything was dream or not. "Man, I need some medicine."

My last first day is tomorrow and my niece's first first day is tomorrow. She's gonna start pre k and shes the only one excited about it lol. I was watching her today and when my sister came to pick her up, she hugged me and said "Bye Blue, I'll see tommorow after school." I wanted to cry.

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