《Seventeen One-Shots》(3) %Seungkwan% REWRITTEN


You were sitting on your bed, listening to music with your neighbor Seungkwan sitting at your desk.

Both of yall were bored senseless.

"(YYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNN)!" He whined over AKMU. "Entertain me!" He pitched a fit at your desk like a fussy 4 year old.

"Wanna go out and do something?" You suggested. "I'm broke and I'm a man. Absolutely not." He protested. "What?" You were severely confused. "As a man, I can not and will not take you out somewhere and make you pay for everything." He huffed. "Lol okay." You rolled your eyes at him. "Don't talk to me like we're texting! What's wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" Seungkwan's eyes got big and he looked slightly (severely) distressed. "Don't you know that we could roam around Jeju all afternoon playing Pokemon Go for free and have fun as friends?" Seungkwan puffed out his bottom lip and put his hand over his heart as if he were highly offended.

"When I said go out, I didn't mean go to a movie or dinner like a date. I literally meant get out of the house and just do something." He turned the music down.

"Like, let's just enjoy eachother's company and go down to a fishing dock and listen to some music together or go to the mall and sit somewhere and just people watch. Why do you gotta over complicate everything?" You huffed.

Seungkwan's face looked less triggered as he folded his hands and rested his chin on them, as if he was thinking extremely hard about every word out of your mouth. "I'll be right back." He said calmly. "Where are you going? I didn't piss you off did I?" He said nothing and left your room.


Shortly after disappearing, he reappeared and flashed a stack of cash in your face. "Come on. Get dressed." "What?" "Put on some nice jeans, a cute shirt and your Vans. I am taking you on a date." "Why do you have to be so extra all the time? You aren't taking me on a date. We are not together." You said plainly, wondering why he of all people had to be your neighbor.

"Isn't that the whole point of dates? To see if you wanna really be with the other person?" He shrugged his shoulders. "You've gotta be kidding me right now." You let out a forced laugh. He remained straight faced. "Oh my God. You're serious." "Why would I joke about wanting to take you on a date?" "Because you are an extra as fuck diva." "I'll leave so you can get dressed." He walked out of your room and shut the door.

"I'm not changing." You said to yourself, getting comfortable in bed.

20 minutes passed and there was a light knock at your door. "Yes?" You hollered absently. "Are you ready yet?" You heard Seungkwan on the other side of your bedroom door. "No, lol." "What do you mean by lol?" You could hear how triggered he was.

He opened your door and pouted at you. "Do you really not wanna go on a date with me?" "Why should I? It's not like you actually wanna be my boyfriend." You laughed, kinda in denial about your true feelings towards Seungkwan. "I wouldn't have begged my mother for money if I didn't wanna show you a good time and take you out on a very nice date if I didn't wanna be your boyfriend." "You are persistent." You said, finally realizing that he was being serious. "Okay, give me 10 minutes to get dressed." You said, agreeing to go out with him. "Pfft, I already gave you 20 minutes." He mumbled.


This is the first one I've had to rewrite entirely.

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