《Seventeen One-Shots》(3) %DK% REVISED


You were at a summer lodge with your family on vacation. It was like a ski lodge only on the beach. There were several families there, but from what you noticed you were the only teenager there. You felt a little lonely.

It was around 7 pm when the sun was starting to go down. You were curled up in bed, reading BTS fan fiction on Wattpad (hehe) when your mom got your attention. "Honey...The lodge is doing some sort of bonfire and movie screening on the beach...ages 16-20 if you wanna go." "So I can be the youngest person there? No thank you." You protested. "They're showing The Outsiders." Your mom said persuasively, knowing that was your favorite movie. "I guess I'll go." You said, rolling out of bed.

You changed out of your pajamas into shorts and a flannel over your swimsuit top. You awkwardly walked out onto the beach where the movie was gonna be shown.

There were several lines of lawn chairs set up in front of a large white sheet being held up by wooden posts.

You shyly sat down in an empty seat and patiently awaited either the movie or someone to pity your loneliness...whichever happened first.

You felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You turned to see the dreamiest guy on the face of this earth. He gave you a gummy smile and you couldn't help but smile back. "Is this seat taken?" He asked you. "No. Help yourself." You smiled sweetly.

He sat next to you and introduced himself. "I'm Seokmin...but all my friends call me DK." He flashed you another charming smile. "(y/n). I would say my friends call me an awesome nickname like DK...but they don't." You laughed. He laughed with you. "So...How old are you?" He asked. "18. You?" "19...Looks like you gotta call me oppa now." He joked. "We'll see." You laughed lightly. "How long are you at the lodge?" "I think a week...I'm not exactly sure." "Same. What room are you in? I'll walk you back after the movie." "Thank you. 210." "Aye...209. Looks like we're neighbors." He cheered. You laughed at his over excitement.


You and DK swapped cheesy jokes until the movie started.

When Johnny stabs the Socs, you glance over at him and he's staring at you. He waves and smiles brightly. You giggle a little and wave back, returning your attention to the movie but you suddenly hear him mumbling 'stupid' to himself over and over again. You lean over to him slowly and discreetly. "You okay?" You asked curiously. He gulped a little. "Peachy keen." He smiled largely. "He sure does like smiling. He has a good smile. I don't blame him." You thought to yourself.

By the end of the movie he moved his arm around your shoulder and you honestly had no problem with that.

He walked you to your room as he promised.

"So is it okay if I count that as our first date?" He asked you boldly. You blushed and got a little shy. "S-sure." You said quietly. "Would it be inappropriate of me to ask for a kiss on the cheek?" He asked politely. You looked up at him. "You're too tall." You whined. He squatted down a little. You leaned in to kiss his cheek but he suddenly moved. He gave you a sheepish grin. "Sorry...There was a fly." He laughed. He knelt down again and you pecked his cheek.

Y'all said your farewells and that is how your ship sailed.

I literally wrote this while listening to OMGT by Madtown on repeat lol

OMGT is a straight bop and I had like 2 errors in this chapter. Go me!

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