《Seventeen One-Shots》(3) %Wonwoo% REVISED


Your dad dragged you to a cookout his boss was doing to celebrate the start of summer. You pouted the entire way there. "(Y/N)...When we get there at least pretend to be happy." "No promises." You said, yawning a little. You stayed up late watching movies last night and was hoping you being tired would keep your dad from dragging you to a place full of adults and water cooler talk and little kids running around everywhere. "Why don't you wanna be here? You love my boss's cooking." "I don't wanna be the only teenager there...your co-workers don't take me seriously so I can't talk to them and I don't wanna hang out with a bunch of snot nosed brats." "Oh...did I forget to tell you...we have a new guy at the office...great guy...real hard worker... He has two sons around your age...Wonwoo and Bohyuk..." Your dad smiled. "Great..." You still didn't want to go. Whenever your dad said someone was around your age that normally meant they were like 13.

You and your father arrived at the cookout and were immediately greeted by his boss. Your dad's boss was evil...absolutely evil. He treated you like a 4 year old. He greeted you in a baby voice and pinched your cheek. "You sure have grown up since the last time I had a cook out. What grade are you in now?" "...I'm out of school..." You said through your teeth.

You left your dad and his boss to sit under a tree and hopefully take a nap. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you heard your dad yell your name. You sat up and pouted as your dad approached you with a co-worker and 2 younger looking boys. "(y/n)...This is the new guy I was telling you about...and his two sons." You stood up and bowed to them. "Dad...can I talk to you real quick...in private?" You asked your father, pulling him away. "How old are they?" You asked seriously. "Around your age...I told you already." "Dad...when you say around my age...that means they're 13...those are grown men...they didn't even look human." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means they are gorgeous. I can't stay here any longer. We have to leave." You said in a more than serious tone. "If you want...You can hang out in my boss's house and watch movies like the little hermit crab you are." Your father joked. "That sounds very peaceful."


Your dad's boss showed you to his extensive collection of movies and explained how to work his TV remote.

You plopped onto the couch and started watching Zombieland.

Right at the part where Bill Murray is sneaking up on Jesse Eisenburg, you heard footsteps. You jumped and threw a pillow at whoever was sneaking up on you. You looked and there stood one of that new guy's kids. "Is that how you say hello?" He laughed, quoting the movie. "Sorry...Wonwoo right?" You asked, sitting back down. "Yeah...(y/n) right?" "Yeah...did you get tired of all the old people too?" "Yeah...they all wouldn't talking about how mature I look...Like hello...I'm out of school...of course I look mature." "Your voice is deep as hell." You thought while listening to him. "I know what you mean. They all treat me like a baby." "Adults are the worst."

The two of you clicked immediately. Yall liked the same movies, listened to the same music, read the same books and had very similar opinions about being forced to go places. By the end of the cookout, yall had watched every zombie movie available to yall and had each become part of the couches yall were sprawled across.

Yall's dads walked in and said it was time to leave. "I don't wanna move." You both groaned. "Sloths...both of you are sloths." Your dad shook his head. "Hey Wonwoo...did you hear about how the one armed hillbilly who fell out of the tree?" "No...how'd that happen?" "Someone waved to him and he waved back." You laughed. Wonwoo laughed loudly at your joked. Even his laugh was deep and totally dreamy.

"I think our kids were meant for each other." Your dad's friend said. "I got a good one...Never mind... I was gonna say a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn't get a reaction." He smiled at you and snorted. "Kids...it's time to go." Your dad said with a straight face, unamused by your puns.


You and Wonwoo slowly got up and stretched. "I had fun (y/n)...We should do this again." He smiled at you. "Sounds like a plan..." You said shyly. Wonwoo handed you a slip of paper with his phone number on it. "Call me sometime." He smirked, leaving you craving more of his voice and amazing taste in puns and movies.

Tomorrow was supposed to be my first day of Senior year but due to the hurricane and flooding, it's canceled.

So far Monday is the only day canceled but they'll probably cancel the whole week.

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