《Seventeen One-Shots》(3) %Joshua% REVISED


You were on your way to Church Camp for the summer. You didn't wanna go. It's not that you were being forced or had something against Church Camp. You had plenty of friends going. It's just...He was gonna be there.

No, not He from the Bible...He from school.

Your church would be taking a bus to the summer camp. You were late getting to the pick up and guess who else was late. It had to be Joshua. It had to be Him. Yall got in the bus together and all your friends were in the back, saving the last empty seat for you.

"Lucky me. I get to sit with you (y/n)." Joshua cheered. All your friends laughed as you sat next to him in the seat.

"More like Lucky (y/n)." Your best friend mumbled. You hit her in the arm and told her to shut up.

"Alright kids! It's gonna be a long drive. Who's up for karaoke? I'll even make an exception and let all of you sing non religious songs." Your youth minister cheered. Everyone faked a smile and went along with it. Joshua volunteered first and hypnotized you with his angelic voice.

Someone up front was singing and your best friend turned around and smirked at you. "Why don't you sing You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift? It's the friend zone anthem and is totally your theme song." She laughed. "Shut up." You said through gritted teeth. "What? You're in the friend zone? Who is he? Do I know him?" Joshua said, eavesdropping. "You are super close with him." Your bestie smiled widely. "I'm gonna hang myself." You mumbled putting your headphones in and falling asleep.

Joshua's POV.

(Y/N) fell asleep. I was super curious as to who friend zoned her. I asked her best friend lots of questions to see if I could figure it out. "Do I know him?" "Oh yeah." "Am I friends with him?" "Best friends." "Is he here?" "Yup." I looked around the bus...the only guy I could say I was best friends with was DK and he wasn't here. Who was she talking about.


The bus hit a bump and (y/n)'s head fell onto my shoulder. I sighed deeply. "I wish it was me." I said out loud. Her best friend looked at me like I was stupid. "Is it me?" I said in shock. She nodded. "How long?" "About a year."

Author's POV

At camp, Josh was acting weird. He followed you around like a puppy and did things for you...helped you unpack, saved a seat in the mess hall for you at dinner, roasted marshmallows for you, rowed the ores for you while yall were canoeing and helped you pray before lights out.

You got a cabin with all of your closest friends and they were all acting strange too. "So did you and Romeo have fun?" "You know...PDA is especially frowned upon during church events." "What are all of you talking about?" "Josh figured out that you like him on the bus. Has he not proposed yet?" "No." You said in shock.

The next day, you were awoken before sunrise. Josh was crouching beside your bed. "Come on. I need to talk to you." He said yanking you out of bed. He dragged you to the dock while you were struggling to walk as you literally just woke up.

"(y/n). It has come to my attention that I have been neglecting your feelings and have rudely shoved you into the friend zone. I humbly apologize for that and was wondering if...maybe when we get home...You'd like to see Risen with me." "Isn't that what we're going to see after this trip is over?" "Dang it...Then what about God's not Dead 2?" He smiled hopefully. "I'd be honored." You smiled weakly then yawned. "Can I go back to sleep now or are you not done confessing?" You asked in a tired tone. "Please...go back to sleep." He laughed as you trudged back to your cabin.


Gentleman Joshua at his finest.

Idky but I have a super hard time writing for Jisoos Christ and Dino but I try my best


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