《Seventeen One-Shots》(3)%Jeonghan% REVISED


You layed on a towel by the pool in your backyard, pretending to watch your little brother while he swims. Your mom was always afraid he'd drown even if he knew how to swim so she made you sit outside with him.

You eventually dosed off. You literally fell asleep while lying on the ground, next to the pool. One can only wonder why you were so tired. Naturally that 'one' would be your beloved neighbor, Jeonghan, who you low-key had a thing for. You believed that he low-key had a thing for you too.

He just had to stop by to hang out while you were drooling poolside.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Sloth!" You heard Jeonghan yelling in your face. You ignored him the first 3 times but couldn't help but laugh when he called you a sloth. You opened your eyes and he looked like he was judging you. "What?" You laughed one more time. "Do you wanna go see a movie with me?" "No. I just wanna sleep." You yawned. "It's summer. You need to do things. You can sleep in class next year." "Like I do every year?" "I don't get how you're so high in the class ranking." "It's called being a genius." You smirked, sitting up.

You looked around and couldn't find your brother. "Where did that twerp go?" You asked yourself out loud. "He drowned because you weren't watching him." Jeonghan joked, shaking his head at you. "Don't joke like that!" You pouted. "I'm sorry. But seriously. What do you wanna do today?" He asked, helping you up. "I don't know...nothing. I'm in the mood to laze around all day and do nothing but eat." You laughed. "Fine. Let's go get ramen." "But that involves moving." You pouted.


Eventually he had convinced you to go out and eat lunch with him.

Both of you spent the outing dropping hints that yall wanted to start a romantic courtship...sadly this was a waiting game to see who the more dominant one was...considering its usually the dominant one who makes the first move.

This was shaping out to look like the both of you were stuck in submission.

Then it happened.

You two were walking around and a group of guys began cat calling you...well you AND Jeonghan. It pissed both of you off. Jeonghan quickly grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his and began yelling at the guys who were cat calling yall in a low voice.

"Can you not see that we are on a date?! Have some respect! Geez!" He yelled harshly, waving a fist in the air.

After the guys were out of sight he didn't let go of your hand. "You okay?" He asked, looking down at you. You nodded and looked at your hand. "Sorry...I kinda like holding your hand." He laughed lightly, letting go of your hand. "I like holding yours too." You said smoothly, grabbing his hand again.

I wanna write a teen fic that has nothing to do with K-pop but I feel like nobody would read it lol

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