《Seventeen One-Shots》(3) %S.Coups% REVISED


You were dragged to the airport by your family to go on a stupid vacation to Disneyland.

You did want to go...just not at the moment. Your cramps were really bad and you were miserable. Your family was only worsening your mood. That's why you were so happy you didn't have to sit near any of them...and you had a window seat. "Good. Now I only have to sit by one creepy stranger and not two......What if someone really cute sits by me?...I look and feel like trash right now. It'd be my luck if a hot guy sat by me." You pouted to yourself.

You stared out the window, not even noticing the seat next to yours had been taken. You glanced over at who would be torturing you with their existence. "Holy shit. You are gorgeous." You thought to yourself. You gawked at him until you felt like you were burning a hole in his neck. He turned his head and smiled at you. "Hi." He said simply. "Hello." You said politely.

"This may seem straightforward but...uh...do you have a pocket charger?" He laughed lightly. "I think so." You smiled, digging in your purse for the charger you knew was in there. "Here you go...sorry if it isn't charged." You laughed. "Ah sweet! Red and white! My favorite colors!" He laughed. "No way. Mine too." You smiled brightly. "I'm Seungchol. It's nice to meet you."He said holding his hand out to you. "(Y/N). Nice to meet you." You shook his hand shyly. "So..where you heading?" He asked, plugging his phone in. "Disneyland." You said simply. "By yourself?" "Nah...My parents are the middle aged couple in the matching Hawaiian shirts and my brother is the dweeb with a headset and 5 Gopros on his tray." I said pointing out each of my family members. "No way! Me and my family are going there too! I think the universe is trying to tell us something." He giggled lightly.


"Why?!" You screamed internally and blushed a little. He slightly smirked and continued to make small talk the entire flight.

The universe really did want yall together. Yall's parents ended up becoming friends and decided to spend the week long vacation together.

It had been a long first day and you were laying in your bed and your mom started talking. "That Seungchol boy sure is sweet." "To sweet if you ask me." Your father interjected. "He's her boyfriend. Did you see the way he tried holding her hand the entire day?" Your brother laughed obnoxiously. "Shut up dweeb! He is not!" You got defensive.

There was a knock at the door. Your father opened it and it was Seungchol. "Hello Mr.(y/l/n)...M-may I invite (y/n) out for a walk?" You heard him stutter. "Just a walk?" Your father said suspiciously. "Go ahead sweety. Have fun." Your mother said to you sweetly while glaring at her husband.

You and Seungchol walked around the empty park quietly. "Any reason why you invited me out on this peaceful stroll?" "I kinda figured your family was bugging you as much as mine was." He laughed. "You figured correctly...I had fun today." "Me too...We have so much in common." He joked.

Y'all walked around the park at night every night the whole time y'all were there.

The last night, he was right on schedule and your dad opened the door to reveal Seungchol in nice clothes, not his usual sweatpants and t-shirt, holding as bouquet of roses. "Hey Sir." Seungchol smiled at your dad. "Those flowers better be for me and not my daughter." Your dad said harshly.

Seungchol smiled down at the bouquet of flowers and plucked a flower from it. He smiled brightly and handed it to your father.


You walked to the door and looked at your father who was struggling to contain his laughter. "Have fun sweety." Your father said, not looking up from the flower.

You and Seungchol walked around forever before he actually gave you the flowers. "Sorry. I guess I should give these to you." He laughed nervously.

"They're so pretty." "Not as pretty as you." He smiled shyly.

"I was thinking...since we both live in Daegu....we could hang out a lot...and...um...I was wondering if....maybe...you'd like to be my girlfriend?" he said looking down at the ground with bright red ears. You smiled brightly and kissed his cheek.

So more and more people at my school started liking kpop last year and it actually made me really uncomfortable because they'd only talk about BTS and Twice and I'm just sitting in the corner with my "5 Years With K-Pop" badge and the 101 groups that I bias, just thinking how lame it is to bandwagon something and only do a half assed job of it lol

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