《Lucky Penny (MxB)》8


Rose bushes and trees flashed by as my feet thundered down the cobblestone path. The sun shone brightly, and not a cloud could be seen in the sky.

A childish laugh of joy escaped my lips, and the wind rustled between my dark locks. My forest eyes closed in happiness, so I didn't see the jutting stone in my path.

My shoe caught, my arms uselessly pinwheeled as I rushed face forward towards the ground. My little arms caught my body just in time to prevent damage to my face, but a searing pain in my knee forced me to sit.

Examining my knee, I discovered a large scrap, raw and bleeding. Little Rock's embedded themselves inside my tender flesh, and a few tears leaked onto my cheeks.

A rustle of papers above me caught my attention, and I raised my gaze to the stone bench overlooking the pond. Father sat as straight back as usual, clad in his usual hat and suit, a foot over his knee, and a newspaper clenched in his hands.

His eyes so similar to mine leisurely scanned over the printed words. A pained sob echoed in the still summer air, torn right from my heart as my father's head never lifted from his daily routine.

"Master Maddox! Are you alright?!" Nanny Marie came running down the garden path, settling down beside my hunched in form.

"Oh, Master Maddox, your poor knee. Let's go get that patched up." Marie grasped my hand in her withered one, gently tugging us both to our feet.

Nanny began leading me towards the mansion, but I took a final glance back at father. And felt another part of my heart wither and die.


I jolted awake as the familiar memory still clouded the edges of my mind. A cold shiver brushed across my clammy skin. My breathing slowed, and I took notice of the still open window. I shifted in my chair, and groaned at the knots in my neck.


That's what I get for falling asleep in my office chair. Kneading the stiff muscles, I shut the window on the frigid air, grabbing my coat on my way out the door.

Quickly navigating the mansion halls, I breathed in a lungful of crisp night air. My footfalls reverberated loudly in the dark. The lamp posts along the cobblestone path illuminated enough of the garden for the troublesome memory to try worming back into the forefront of my mind.

Almost by a sick twist of fate, the familiar stone bench sat illuminated by one of the lamp posts. Settling down on top of the frosty concrete, I watched as the still unfrozen water burbled. My left thumb skimmed over my gloved palm, and a burning sensation started behind my eyes.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but soon the sky was coloured pink and orange.

The sunrise was beautiful. "I wish we could watch this together, Tj. Just like we would every Sunday." I sighed.

I had been able to call Tj last night, and the happiness and relief at hearing his voice, safe and sound, had almost made my heart burst. I wanted to happily jig around my room. In fact, I did after we hung up.

Overall, yesterday was a good day. With winter creeping ever closer, it was marvellous to be able to sit and watch movies while cozy in sweatpants, a hoodie, and fuzzy socks.

My brand new designer winter coat caught my attention, where it peeked out from the shopping bags cluttering the corner of my room.

My gaze travelled back to the breathtaking sunrise, and to the little bit of the garden I could see from my window. I looked back to my coat, then to the door. It hadn't sounded like the maid had locked it after dinner yesterday.


"He did buy me a winter jacket," I mused aloud. "So why shouldn't I use it? It's not like he'll find out, either. I'll be back in like thirty minutes."

Decision made, I grabbed the jacket and my new running shoes, rushing towards the garden.

Running a finger over a few frost covered shrubs, a smile grew on my face. It may be cold, but I'd always loved the outdoors, whatever season it may be. Birds chirped, and squirrels skittered between bushes and trees.

A sound so different from usual morning's reached my ear, and I furrowed my brows. Turning the next corner, I felt my eyes widen. Dodging behind a shrub, I blinked.

That was Maddox Stone. Crying. No, he couldn't be. He's Maddox Stone. I've seen him shoot a guy point blank and not even flinch.

Peeking around the corner, I watched as a droplet landed on his knee, creating a clear wet spot. My mouth dropped open. Maddox Stone was crying. My heart constricted. Fuck it all, do I feel bad for the man?

Placing my hand on the shrub to get better balance, a short pain flared in my finger. Quickly pulling back with a hiss, I saw the little bead of blood travel down my palm. Roses. Fucking rose thorns. Sucking my finger into my mouth, I remembered where I was.

Realizing that I had jumped out of my hiding place, my gaze shot towards Maddox, who was briskly wiping his cheeks with the backs of his hands. Without looking at me, who was standing with my finger in my mouth like a baby, Maddox glared at the pond in front of him.

"What do you want?" He gritted out angrily, but I could hear a bit of tremor.

Popping my finger out of my mouth, I stared at him. He looked so down, defeated. So unlike the in control, powerful man I've seen. Almost of their own violation, my feet started taking me towards the extra spot on the bench.

My brain was screaming at me to walk away, leave the man in peace. But the moisture glimmering in Maddox's emerald eyes nearly forced me to my knees, his despair palpable. So instead of running for the hills, I sat on the freezing stone, and stared at the crystal water, the same as him.

I almost reached my hand out to grab his, clenched on the edge of the bench.

Instead, I just started burbling. This man made me nervous in more ways than one. "Thank you for letting me talk to Tj. All his life, it's really just been the two of us against dad and the world. I don't know what I'd do without him."

Maddox grunted in acknowledgement. And honestly, I was ok with that. Sometimes it was nice to just have someone who listened. Sitting here with Maddox, his thigh so close I could feel the heat radiating off it, I felt real, genuine peace, for the first time in a long time.

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