《Hunter's Beta (mxm)》Chapter 15


The map on the rounded table burst into flames right after Silas's chant. But instead of the whole thing burning up a small circle remained. "Looks like the best we are getting is a general location guys. Its to be expected when one is cloaked." Silas signs down at the unburned piece of map. Xavier picked it up from the table his brows knitted into a frown. "I know the alpha this territory belongs to. His not a easy guy." He admits. Cain mostly kept to himself and rarely left his territory. His pack is the second largest and they were very well secured having almost non existing rogue attacks or pack incidents. While peaceful and keeping to themselves most of New Elite were warrior wolfs and were handpicked and sought after by Paw Law. Which makes even more sense that the witches would hide in their territory. Alpha Cain will not be happy about Xavier snooping around in his territory on such short notice. But he is a reasonable alpha and a close friend. Even though they ruled so far apart he was like a brother to Xavier. Cain's territory is a whole state apart and stretches right over the human border from North America into Canada. The land itself larger then Xavier's. Most of it was wilderness but it was still a lot of land. Where Xavier had businesses and property as a driving financial force for his pack, Cain preferred natural resources and wildlife. His Hunting grounds very popular even with the humans. "Cain how have you been?" Xavier greeted when Cain picked up almost immediately with a gruff. "Where are you?" But the rough sign on the other end indicated he was expecting someone els. "I'm good Xavier, but what's this really about?" He sounded impatient, but Xavier took a deep breath before snapping at the other alpha. He was silent for a beat or two before Cain cut in again. "That serious huh?" His voice serious with a hint of curiosity as he waited for a response. Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose releasing a harsh breath. "Yeah it is, we are investigating a kidnapping of a pack member. His my son's future beta. Just giving you a heads up about entering your territory and any deaths that may or may not follow." Xavier left it at that not wanting to reveal anymore than he has to. Cain noticed the lack of directly asking for permission and the last part coming out as a statement. He knew there was more going on than just a search and rescue but left it at that for now. So shrugged of the alpha's bravado. "Still a hard ass as usual Xavier but I'm not going to waste anymore of your time. Just let me know if you need anything." And with that they ended the call. Soon they were on their way with Silas insisting on accompanying them. The journey to New Elite will be too long on the road. So their next stop will be a private airport where a jet will fly them the rest of the way.


"So they are coming?" The figure asked partially hidden in the shadows. "Yes they are the alpha and his son are on their way. "The gentleman in a dark suite relayed smoothly. At that the former stepped from the shadows and into the moonlight flowing into the room. The young men now revealed looked only more sinister with the moon's light casting his features in grey contrast like you would see in an old comic book scene. His lips pulled into a grin. "Well I suppose I should be happy that my love has come for me."

Meanwhile in a room that can only be described as a dungeon a low moan of pain could faintly be heard. Chained and locked behind bars imbued with dark magic the person finally opened their eyes. The young woman shot to her feet only to cry out in pain at the sudden action taken by her tortured body. Eyes widened with confusion as they took in what they could see in the dim light. Hands that were bound with just enough give for simple tasks felt and touched and stopped suddenly. "What hell happened...? How can this be?" The raspy voice asked into the darkness but there no reply. This had to be a dream right? People just don't go waking up in somebody else's body without knowing how? And a girl at that. I'm a girl!

It was already dark when they landed in Cain's territory, a town called Orion. Stopping at one of the local diner's. As soon as they entered they could immediately tell that most pay terns were local shifters. But there was no animosity towards them only surprised but polite nods. New Elite recognizing them as their allies and a friend of their alpha's.

"Well I'll be, what can I get the alpha of Midnight Moon and his friends?" A woman that looked to be in her thirties beams at them. But she was infect older than everyone in the diner. Shifters aged very slowly and could even pause their aging process but only once. The Quileute state can last up to a decade and thereafter they will resume aging normally at least for a shifter. But still far slower than humans. She was at least a hundred and fifty almost an elder if she isn't already one in her pack. The crows feet at the corners of her eyes a sign that she's always smiling. Xavier returned her smile easily. "Hi May, coffee will be just fine." May has served the alpha on the rare occasions that he visits if you can call the council meting that. She was in fact the wife of one council member he knew and respected. They made some small talk and she crooned about Hunter being so big and his mother would be so proud. After she left Silas told them about the energy source he felt nearby. Making their stay at the diner end rather quickly.


"Your up?"

Dewald faced the direction of the voice. A young men approached the cell he was in with food dishes in hand. And just then his stomach made his hunger known. Dewald could tell he was a wolf but froze when he saw the symbol on the necklace the guy was wearing. Dewald's silence made him chuckle then sign sadly. "It's OK if you don't want to talk to me man. I'm Kevin-Lee by the way." Dewald only stared at him more his brown skin was flawless his hair kept short with mischievous green eyes. He licked his lips and Dewald found his eyes drawn to the simple action. Kevin's lips pulled into a knowing smile. Kevin seemed to notice where his stare was making him glance away quickly. But he did catch the wink that was sent his way. He wanted answers about why after being drugged and chained up for how long his captors were suddenly nice to him. Because judging from the aroma coming from the dishes Kevin had put through the opening in the cell, this was not takeout but a healthy home cooked meal. He slowly reached for it cautiously as if it were a trap. "There you go, eat up made it myself man." Dewald frowned this guy was full of surprises. He mentally face palmed himself of cause he was a man. These tits were just a sick joke.. "How do know?" He asked quickly but after seeing Kevin's amused face he rolled his eyes. "Of course, your the guys that stuck me in this body." There was a quick flash of guilt on Kevin's face but he quickly covered it with one of his easy smiles. This guy sure smiles a lot for a wolf. Dewald only gave him a blank stare. "Don't worry to much about that. Believe or not it's only temporary." Dewald grunted as a response but soon only focused on the food in front of him as he stuffed his face not caring if he looked like a savage. Kevin suddenly clasped the symbol hanging from his neck in his fist. How could I be so careless! Keeping his eyes focused on Dewald he quickly hit it from view. His far to hungry to care, doubt he even noticed. He concluded while watching the prisoner eat. Flashing another smile he stood. "I'll be right back forgot about your drink you'll want to wash all that grub down right?" Not really expecting an answer he turned on his heel disappearing into the shadows.

PS pic of Kevin-Lee.

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