《Hunter's Beta (mxm)》Chapter 13


Long ago there were not any packs and Phoebe's children were scattered all over the world. Living their lives in solitude and next of kin making them vulnerable to danger they didn't even know existed. Soon they were hunted and feared by many and once even enslaved and ruled by a tyrant. But seeing and hearing her children suffering their Goddess acted. And so the Alpha wolf emerged. Stronger and faster and able to cast out his power to dominate lesser wolves, the pack leader. The leader that would bring them to greatness and set them free. Some challenged the new authority but only other Alpha's stood a chance. They were rare and became the saviours of their kind breaking the chains from the tyrant that kept them prisoners. And when it was discovered that they were more than just beast. Those who seek to destroy them become restless about the whispers about this new threat and acted quickly in killing every last of the tongues that spread the news. Males no matter how young were killed because they could possibly be the alphas legend spoke of. They sent legions of wolf armies into death traps betrayed by the very generals that commanded them. But Phoebe made sure the chosen ones would survive. Wolfs fleet into the forest the forgotten home they have forsaken to follow power and wealth. And slowly built their numbers and following the nature inside and grew their numbers in wait.

History is great teacher if one only has the patients to learn. Xavier Max was not always one to read old books but someone long ago instilled in him a passion for knowledge. And since then he hasn't stopped reading after a tough training session it was his favourite pastime. He stood putting away the old book but he did not put it on the bookshelves with the rest but in a safe disguised as simple floor tile. After talking to his son earlier he wanted to follow up on something that bothered him. But now he had to hurry for his sons mating ceremony.


"Alpha Beta Michael was just calling..." Xavier waved of the enforcer with amused expression. "On my way Carl..." A flash of figures jumping through the air and Chase's frantic voice went through the mind link and judging from the look on the enforcers face he saw it too. Chase must've broadcast it through the pack link to anyone who would hear. He tried mind linking Chase but he got no response back. "Bullocks!" He contacted Michael instead. Turning his attention back to the wolf in front of him. "Lets go Carl." They both blurred down the hall.

Dewald and Lyla was walking toward the huge gazebo tent decorated with light when the screaming started. "What the hell?" They both sprinted forward but Dewald stopped Lyla. "Hey where do you think your going ?" Lyla shrugged of his hand. "To help. Dewald shook his head at her. "No your heading for the Safehouse." He spoke sounding just like his dad. Lyla only took another step forward making him block her way. She growled but then a few pups run towards them screaming and crying. "Hey, hey its ok Dewald scooped up the smallest one who was a little girl with blonde hair and brown eyes filled with fear and tears. They nodded at each other leaving they argument for later and they both rush to the Safehouse with the pups in tow.

Hunter was not having it easy with the four vampires that surrounded him. Firstly he had a pup and female by his side and the vamps were circling them like prey. He kept the female close to his side as she held the pup barricaded in her arms. He couldn't shift because that would leave the female and pup vulnerable even if it's for few seconds the vamps will make their move. Just then a huge black wolf barrels into two vampires knocking them out the way. Jaws snapped revealing death canines the vamps screamed as their limbs were ripped apart. The others quickly leaped back and threw black ash into air as they disappeared in it's hue. The black wolf snarled as it stood above the corpses of their fallen.


Dalia enjoyed the chaos from the balcony of the Packhouse. Jumping from above she landed right behind Dewald as he turned around with crawled hand ready to strike the enemy. But he paused as he recognized her. "Dalia what are you.." She cut him of as she blew a shimmering essence into him making him sneeze as he breathed it in. Soon it stunned him as he stood the like a statue. She spoke something in a strange language making her eyes glow green as she opened her mouth. A green light flowed out just as he felt his body burn and mouth open with a blue light flowing out of his. The two light flows began too switch vessels. Dewald blue flowing into Dalia and Dalia's green flowing into Dewald. He felt like he was leaving his body and when he blinked again he saw himself before blacking out.

"We can't find him anywhere! Michael shouted his frustration. Hunter was pacing up and down as Xavier's eyes emitted silver hue as he communicated through the pack link. Hunter's phone beeped and he quickly checked it and almost threw it against the wall but he reluctantly gave it to Michael who gasped at the text message.

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