《Hunter's Beta (mxm)》Chapter Two


Long legs with smooth thighs damp with water patted into the room. With a white towel wrapped around a narrow waist the she wolf swayed up to the full length mirror. Ignoring the stunned wolf sitting on the bed. She was freshly showered and excited about tonight.

After she finished drying her hair she settles her eyes on Dewald. Red locks tumbled over delicate but firm shoulders as she shakes then out.

She gave Dewald a once over before grinning like a Cheshire cat. "Flies don't have brakes you know." She said giving him a knowing smile. She was one hot unmated she wolf and she knew it. She saw the lustful stares of the unmated wolves of the pack. And she enjoyed their attentions although there was only one she really had any interest in.

Hunter Marx. He didn't make it easy for her in the beginning with his passive aggressive attitude. But she enjoyed the challenge.

And now they were officially dating. Hunter was dreamy but also soon to be alpha and priceless. Why settle for anything but the best. Some pack members may frown upon them being chosen mates but that's their problem. Waiting for your mate is just a stupid tradition for her. Why wait for someone who could only turn out to be a disappointment like a low ranking wolf. She cringes internally at the possibility.

Dewald had finally closed his mouth and regained his composer after seeing her trademark smirk. She's got that look again he thought. Dalia always knew how to make a entrance he'll give her that. Narrowing his eyes in suspicion he suppresses a growl before asking the obvious. "What the hell are you doing in Hunter's room? "Dalia purses her lips before saying something nasty. Seems some things never change.

He might be different in other ways but his dislike of her still remains. She takes a deep breath staring critically at her image to calm herself. Facing him again she tried to look weary and caseous at the same time. "He ...went down to the alphas office." Was her soft reply. She managed too sound like a pathetic omega. The beta's son always seemed to dislike her. But she took it in stride his Hunter's best friend after all. So its just about time she wins him over she just have to suck it up and ace this good little she wolf role till she's Luna.


Dewald seemed surprised for a moment but his face become unreadable again as he stood up. He scented the room picking up his best friend's scent all over his room. Wow this new cologne Hunter is using is nice he frowns why does it smell familiar. There was no fresh scent nor any other presence in the room confirming his friend's absence. The red head turned to him again giving him a full view of her ample bosom tightening her towel making it ride up exposing more of her skin.

Knowing her well enough he managed to keep his eyes above her chest most of the time. "Some pack member wanted to have a word. As for me I was just using his shower mine was acting up." She went on. "Anyway it was good seeing you Dewald or should I say future beta." She smiled then left the room picking up a shopping bag on the nightstand. Dewald relaxed once again when she was gone.

But he couldn't help thinking her change of personality was weird. Dalia was trouble with a capital T so where was her bite she's usually quite snappy when she doesn't get her way. He was not fooled by her good looks and sudden sweet personality. Looks can be deceiving. And he doesn't buy that excuse about her shower 'acting up' either something was going on. But he'll find out what later. She still hasn't given up on pursuing Hunter. He shakes his head at the thought of them together.

His friend has all the girls in school chasing his tale but he doesn't care, barely pays them any attention at all. Then he has this intimidating aura that makes guys uncomfortable but the female populations finds it really attractive. Woman are strange they don't like violence but power turns them on. Could they be dating ? He laughs at the very idea. She's not his type he murmurs. Why is he even this thinking about this stuff? Some how the latter irritated him but he pushed it aside.


He felt him before he came into the room. Heavy determined footsteps entered the room. Then they stopped suddenly. Dewald wanted to ask him something corny like 'did you miss me buddy?' But a scent hit him that made his nostrils flare.

One word screamed in his mind making his wolf howl from excitement. Shocked at the familiarity he didn't know if he should bolt or not. It just couldn't right? Warm breath suddenly hit the back of his skin making him close his eyes. Heavy deep breathing could still be heard behind him confirming his mates presence. He could imagine what the anger in his best friends eyes or worst disappointment. Fag he hated that word but knowing his pack and school he knew it was coming.

His body was still trembling from the sudden turn of events he opened his mouth but this time he really had no words. There was one word clear in his mind but he didn't dare say it out loud. Swallowing his surprisingly dry throat he slowly turned around. Amber eyes locked with green ones.

There was so many emotions swirling in Hunters eyes confusion, surprise and something els. Dewald really took him . Giving into this new feelings. Hunter was slightly taller then him his broad shoulders looked wider around an impressive chest. His jet black hair was longer then he remembered and styled back revealing his striking facial features high bridged nose with lips pressed thin. His square jaw surrounded by a five o'clock shading ticking.

He looked so different but in a good way a least those are the thoughts Dewald's mind seem to conjure up. "Dee..." he spoke up first making Dewald snap his eyes from his lips. He reached out but stops himself. Taking a few steps back he running a hand through his hair. Dewald couldn't help finding the action 'stimulating' A moment ago such thoughts would've been weird to him but now he didn't care.

Dewald didn't follow thank the goddess. Because right now Hunter didn't trust himself. To not lose it and mess up everything. "We ..." Dewald's voice penetrates his thoughts. "I'm not... your straight." But even to him the words sounded flat Hunter turned around and closed his door quickly.

Hunter was in front of him in a second strong hands tilted his face gently till their gazes locked. "Yes we are, mine." He all but growled as he kissed Dewald like his never been kissed before. The kiss was hot and hard a man's kiss that had both trying to get the other even closer smashing into each other grinding their lower halves together. They slowly pulled apart Hunter immediately dragging his nose in the crook of Dewald's neck. Hunter was not stupid and had no dilutions about Dewald not being his mate.

The goddess didn't make mistakes. And what just happened exceeded his wildest fantasy about his mate. He accepted him. He hoped everything about the mating bond was true because what he's about to do will test them both.

"Whatever happens tonight just trust me okay?" Hunter whispered in his ear. Dewald just nodded eyes filled with unwavering trust that made Hunter's guts twists. After releasing him he turned around with out another word and walked out knowing Dewald would follow.

After the mind blowing kiss Dewald was a lot of things but he felt kind of empty after they released each other. His body was still tingling. Something told him this feeling will last for awhile and it made his wolf uneasy.

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