《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》EPILOGUE


When Lisa first entered her life, Jennie has none the idea how her life would turn upside-down. When all her comfort zones has nothing but comfort in them when Lisa has invaded her life, when all the things she’s been fond of and she’s known of are replaced by things unknown to her – only to be introduced by Lisa herself.

Lisa is a book without a definite ending, a question that has no answer to, a maze that has no way out to. She’s dangerous and alluring like that. And Jennie should have known better to stay away,

But there is something about Lisa, something that voids all of Jennie’s arguments and all of Jennie’s reasons, that draws her even without wanting to.

And she, the most foolish of all, fell under that spell.

A spell that Jennie never wanted to escape from anymore. She’s bewitched, she’s captured, she’s trapped, she’s captivated,

Held captive by Lisa’s eyes, by Lisa’s lips, by Lisa’s touches,

And Jennie never wants to escape from that enchantment.

Not anymore.

So Jennie fears at times that she’s the only one caught under this magic spell, the only one beguiled and enthralled, to be the only one who’s meters deep in falling in love,

That even though she’s reassured – and Lisa reassures her every time – that Lisa loves her, she can’t help but doubt herself.

She doesn’t know if it’s normal, maybe it is, because she’s not one to question her capability in a relationship before. But then she already felt the pain of losing Lisa, and so she doesn’t want to feel that ever again.

“Hey, Lisa,” Jennie whispers one night as they lay beside each other.

“Yes, Jennie?” Lisa drowsily asks, an arm wrapped around Jennie – because Jennie keeps it like that.

And Jennie feels pathetic once more, but she has to know, not when thoughts so harmful won’t let her sleep,

“Lisa,” Jennie clutches tighter as she looks up at Lisa, “You are happy with me, aren’t you?”

She sees Lisa open her eyes almost immediately to stare back at her and to reassure once more, “Of course, I’m happy with you. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Jennie scoots closer as relief washes over her, “Just making sure.”


“Are you having those weird thoughts again?” Lisa runs a hand on her back.

She shrugs, “Maybe.”

“Ruby Jane,” She hears the amusement in Lisa’s voice, “We’ve talked about it a million times, I won’t leave you anytime soon.”

“I know that.” Jennie slaps Lisa, “I’m just making sure you’re reminded.”

Lisa giggles more as she hugs Jennie tighter, “Well, thanks for the reminder. Now can we please go to sleep? You still have a university interview tomorrow.”

Jennie nods her head as she slowly melts in Lisa’s embrace,

And she does fall into a peaceful slumber after Lisa kisses the bad thoughts away.


The path they’ve chosen isn’t the easiest one. Though they know they drive each other happily in love, they do drive each other crazy at times, too.

Knowing better that bickers and squabbles are parts of a healthy relationship, but when the said quarrels get out of hand and increase in numbers, maybe that’s when it’s not as healthy anymore.

When doubts and suspicions rise in between, or jealousy and anger grow. And there would be times that they would give each other a time-out, but they make sure that they would never sleep angry or disappointed at each other.

They make sure that the day ends with their apologies and promises not to do it again, or to at least lessen it.

That they will never let the day pass that they won’t kiss-and-make-up, because they know it will kill them both if they stayed like that even more than just a night,

That pride is nothing compared to the love they have for each other. That their promises of being together for a long time are stronger than any hurtful words hurled to the other, that their kisses are more powerful than any tears that trickled their cheeks,

“I’d rather lose an argument with you,”

Jennie holds Lisa’s face close to her as she admits that she loves Lisa more than anything else in the world,

“Than lose you.”


There’s always a rainbow after the rain, the good in the bad, the light in the dark,

The love in the hate.

Good memories outweigh the bad ones in their relationship. They make more happy memories than they had not.


They do simple things together, like taking that art class, or attending Jennie’s school orientation, or going to the spa, or the salon. Visiting elderly, or helping the community once in a while.

Going to each other’s family to catch up with things, or go to places for vacations.

“It’s funny how absolutely nothing changed,” Lisa says as she sways their hands while walking at the park one night,

“What do you mean?” Jennie keeps her scarf close to her mouth.

“I mean, when we started dating,” Lisa muffles by her scarf, “Everything that we do as a couple are the things that we normally do even way before,”

Jennie listens to what Lisa has to say, and she just nods in agreement,

“But I also think,” Lisa adds, which makes Jennie look at her, “That everything is more special now,”

And no cold breeze could ever extinguish the fire brought by Lisa in Jennie’s heart because Lisa smiles so warmly at her as Lisa says,

“Because I’m with you.”


“Let’s grow old together,” Lisa takes Jennie’s hands in hers, “Like real old together.”

“With your dentures falling out once in a while?” Jennie teases,

Lisa giggles, “Yeah, that kind of old.”

Jennie only laughs at Lisa’s suggestion, but she does agree, “Alright. Don’t die on me on the way, though.”

“We’ll see who goes first,” Lisa teases back, which gets her a nudge.

“But seriously, Ruby Jane,” Lisa brings Jennie’s hand closer to her lips,

“I want to grow really old with you.”

Jennie can only stare at her, before letting that smile form, “I want to grow really old with you, too.”

Lisa smiles back as she kisses Jennie’s hands once more, Lisa says, “Yeah, I can just picture it! We’ll be sitting on our own porch, yelling at kids to stay out of our lawn,” Jennie laughs at Lisa’s ideas, “Or going to malls to take things and making use of our old age as an excuse that we forgot to pay, or driving slow in a fast lane and they can’t blame us, or having the permission to walking slowly by the sidewalk just to stall people behind. And! We can have discounts! I’m so excited to use those discounts! Aren’t you just thrilled of the idea, Jennie?”

Jennie stifles laughter the whole time Lisa’s excitedly talking about their future. When she thought Lisa will be talking about what house to live in, or where to live at, or what professions they’ll have in the future, and what she gets are these childish ideas of growing old.

And it’s only of the few things that make Jennie fall madly, deeply, irrevocably in love with Lisa.

She leans on the taller girl’s shoulder – because it’s one of the havens she has, as she means it when she says, “I like the idea,”

And she hugs Lisa’s arm closer to her as she finishes with,

“But I like the idea of growing old with you better.”

She knows Lisa’s blushing beet right now, because Lisa keeps quiet for a moment. But then she hears Lisa call to her again,

“Hey, Jennie,”

“Hmm?” She looks up at Lisa, and she fights the butterflies taking flight inside her when she sees how Lisa is staring at her,

Like Lisa’s in love with her,

Because Lisa is – as deeply and as madly as she is,

“I love you.”

The words ring inside Jennie’s head, and even though she’s heard it quite a few times now – and heck, she doesn’t mind hearing it for a long, longtime, over and over – it still feels like the first time she hears it – because her heart still beats just as fast whenever she hears Lisa say it to her,

And she’s always, always, ready to say it back – to stare at Lisa like she’s crazy in love with Lisa, too,

And she doesn’t want it any other way anymore,

Because she also is,

“I love you, too.”


Aaaaaand that's it! Thank you for the votes, comments, and reads :> I love you all! I will miss you guys! Byebye! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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