《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 76 (FINALE)


“Why did you even come back for that?” Jennie points at Lisa’s sketchpad that’s resting on the bedside table.

They’re comfortably lying on Jennie’s bed, a hand interwoven with the other’s – and Jennie would like to keep it that way. She’s missed this kind of atmosphere too much.

“It has my drawings, of course,” Lisa reaches for it, but Jennie does not let her go, “And because… it’s from you.”

Jennie blushes at the statement, but she’s quick to brush it off with, “You could have just told me to get it for you,”

She hears Lisa giggle, “It’s actually kind of… ‘planned’.”

“What do you mean?” Jennie scrunches her eyebrows.

“I may have kind of left it on purpose,” Lisa bites back laughter, “So I can have an excuse to come here again, and well, talk to you.”

Jennie doesn’t get the whole of it, but her fist does. A punch by Lisa’s stomach – and another fit of laughter by Lisa’s – is accompanied with, “What are you blabbering about?”

“After our last conversation, I knew we’d end up in bad terms.” Lisa squeezes her hand, “I needed – we needed – some time off. Try to sort our feelings out,"

“I need to make sure what you feel for me, and what I feel for you are true. That it’s not just a heat-of-the-moment thing, that it’s not just a spur that comes out from emotions. Like that,” She shrugs, “And I… realized that it’s not just a phase that I was going through,” She looks at Jennie first before continuing – and Jennie catches those stares,

“I can’t keep you out of my mind after, Jennie – not for lack of trying,” Lisa weakly laughs, “I wake up with you on my mind, and sleep with you in my dreams. You’re all that I dream about, and it’s stupid because there were dreams that we were happy together and then I’ll wake up and cry because… it was all just a dream.”

“And I feel more stupid whenever we’d pass by each other, and we’ll do our best to avoid each other like we have diseases,” Lisa laughs, and Jennie laughs along, because now Jennie feels stupid, too, “Then we’ll catch each other staring before quickly glancing away, and I think I’m the one to look away first. I can’t even look at you properly, because it hurts just to see you. I can’t show you how much you’ve hurt me, though. I tried my best not to, because I don’t want you to know that you did. I missed you that bad, Jennie.”

Jennie looks at Lisa, but sees that Lisa is already looking at their joined hands.

“You dummy,” Jennie shakes their hands as she softly giggles, “Do you think it’s only hard for you?” She raises her other hand to touch Lisa’s face, “You have no idea how I look at you, when you’re looking away.”

“Because those were the only times I can actually look at you without flinching, the only times that I know I won’t waver as much because your gazes trap me, Lisa.”

“And you have the littlest idea how the smallest things you do make me feel!” Jennie pats Lisa’s stomach, “As little as you being with Rosé, or as little when you walk by, or smile!”

“Or as little as having your hair dyed back to its colour,” Jennie’s face falls flat as she admits the stupidest reasons like a complete child, “You changed your hair back, from the colour that I wanted you to have. And it’s petty, I know, but it feels like a slap across my face. It feels like you rejected me.”


Just when she thought that she’d get sympathy from the other girl, she gets the exact opposite when she hears Lisa laughing.

“Ah, Jennie,” Lisa pulls her face closer, “Do you know why I dyed my hair back?”

Jennie looks at her with confusion before shaking her head ‘no’.

“It’s because the roots are already showing,” Lisa warmly smiles at her first before admitting, “And I don’t know what colour mix you had it with,”

Jennie should have punched Lisa square on the face because of that reason but then Lisa adds,

“Only you know what it is, and I want what you want.”

She blames Lisa for the mad blush creeping on her face after, how can Lisa make her feel like this?

And Lisa really knows how to make her feel such a way that no one else can because then Lisa’s able to reach for her sketchpad – which Jennie groans about since Lisa has to latch her hands off,

Lisa really knows how to make Jennie feel because Lisa shows Jennie her sketches,

Her sketches of Jennie.

“Lisa,” Jennie touches the paper to make sure.

“You were the very first one that I drew after getting this sketchpad.” Lisa says, and Jennie senses the triumphant smile on her tone,

She continues to marvel at the drawing, until something registers in her brain, “But wasn’t this a long time ago?”

“It is,” Lisa giggles, “Maybe I was falling for you unconsciously already that time, I don’t know.”

Jennie smiles at that before tracing her fingers back to the sketchpad, and she means it when she says, “It’s wonderful.”

She sees Lisa the one blushing now, “It’s still kind of rusty, but thank you. I’ll draw you again once I’m better.”

“You’re already the best.”

“Stop.” Lisa hides her face in embarrassment of Jennie’s words, and Jennie only continues to silently laugh.

It’s silent for a while, but not the awkward one anymore, until Jennie turns Lisa’s face to properly look at her again – and Jennie honestly doesn’t mind staring at Lisa for a long time, she says,

“I missed you.”

She sees Lisa smile widely at that before placing a hand over her own, “I missed you, too.”

“Are we, like, officially together now, or should I still court you, or what?” Jennie stutters with words as she’s not used to be the one saying it, but for Lisa she will.

Which Lisa only laughs at, “Only if you want us to be official.”

“I-I’d love to.” Jennie says without second thoughts.

And Lisa’s just as quick to reply with a bright smile, “Then we’re together now.”

Jennie feels like her heart’s going to burst anytime soon with the fluttering inside that it comes out of her eyes in form of tears instead,

“Why are you crying, silly?” Lisa wipes her tears away, “I-I should be the one crying!”

“I’m sorry,” Jennie buries her face closer to Lisa’s chest, “I’m just really happy right now.”

Jennie must have looked like a crazy person then because she’s smiling as she cry, but maybe she doesn’t care if she really is, because Lisa says,

“I’m really happy, too.”

Jennie seals her lips with Lisa’s again beforevowing – earning her a few slaps and a few more laughs,

“I am so going to kiss you in front of Rosé,



“Don’t you two ever separate?!”

Jennie laughs as she feels Jisoo’s hand brashly break hers and Lisa’s hands off each other’s, the same furious tone with how Jisoo had said it – all the time – making her laugh out loud more.


“Jennie, when I said I support you with whatever you want to do, and that you two should fix whatever it is,” Jisoo runs a hand through her hair, “I never thought that it’ll be like this!”

Jennie continues to laugh with Lisa as Jisoo tries her best to keep them away from each other. Jisoo adds, “If I know this will happen, I would have been the one to break the two of you up!”

“Oh, Chu,” Jennie coos, “Didn’t you say before that you always wanted to hang out with Rosé? Go to her, she’s there.” Jennie points at the girl walking in front of them – clearly as pissed as Jisoo is with how Jennie doesn’t let go of Lisa for even a second.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake! Wait until we’re done going to karaoke at least!” Rosé shouts from afar, which Jennie only smiles at wider.

It’s been a while that she decides to actually befriend Rosé – mainly because of Lisa’s persistence and Jisoo’s pushiness – and hang out with the other girl.

Lisa did mention that Rosé kind of just knew about them. Apparently, they’re as obvious as what Jisoo has said to her before she and Lisa even got together.

Lisa said that Rosé knew something was up the moment she saw Jennie look at Lisa, and vice versa. That she knew the first time they met that those gazes meant a little bit more than they should between Lisa and Jennie.

And Lisa is as dense as a rock, because she’s so transparent that she’s not even able to deny it to Rosé when Rosé had asked, and ever since then Rosé knew which buttons to press to piss Jennie off. Argues that Jennie is denser than Lisa when it comes to feelings.

Jennie does agree though, took her quite a time to finally realize.

She doesn’t hate Rosé as much anymore, too. Lisa said Rosé’s supportive of them, did the things that made Jennie mad to help her realize the feelings she has for Lisa. Jennie did thank Rosé for that after knowing it, then the rest unfolds with them warming up to each other and eventually becoming friends, too. Jisoo seems to like Rosé’s company, as well. At least Jisoo has someone to talk to – Rosé’s a real talker, and Jennie’s quite happy that Jisoo is actually able to respond to it all.

“Hey, Jennie,”

Jennie’s thoughts are cut short when she hears Lisa’s voice calling for her, “Yeah?”

“We were talking about where to eat, are you feeling okay?” She sees Lisa walk closer to her, only to be stopped by Jisoo.

“No,” Jisoo points at Lisa, then at Jennie, “No. Keep some distance until we get to the place.”

Jisoo says like it’s a crime to get as close, and maybe it is,

But Jennie doesn’t mind being guilty of it,

Because she instantly latches herself back on Lisa’s arm, anyway.


“Will we fetch Ms. Lisa from her house again, Ms. Kim?”

Hyunhee asks from the passenger’s seat, eyes twinkling – making Jennie wonder why – as she asks.

“Yes,” Jennie smiles back though, “It’s always been like that, right?”

“Yes, Ms. Kim!” Hyunhee exclaims, “You’ve been together a lot these past few days, I’m happy!”

Jennie smiles wider at the younger’s enthusiasm, so she decides to play along, “And why is that?”

And she admits that this kid is surprising her more and more each passing day because Hyunhee just has to say,

“Because you’re happy!”

Jennie gets surprised for a while before softly smiling, “I am, aren’t I?”

Hyunhee nods repeatedly, “Can I tell you something, Ms. Kim?” She glances at Mr. Kim first – who, mind you, is already shushing her – before glancing back at Jennie,

“Sure thing, little kid.”

“But can you please come closer?” Hyunhee asks, and Jennie’s not one to decline a child’s request.

She goes closer and Hyunhee whispers with two hands covering Jennie’s ear, and Jennie blushes at what the child innocently says,

“You seem happier whenever you’re with her, Ms. Kim.”

Jennie sees the wide smile on Hyunhee’s face when she pulls back, and so she doesn’t fight the wide smile that forms on her own lips, either.

Then Hyunhee adds in another poor try of a whisper, which came out loud anyway,

“Does she make you happy, Ms. Kim?”

And Jennie smiles impossibly brighter,

“She does.”


Jennie gives Lisa a guitar as congratulatory gift for the end of the school year. Though she’s the one to graduate and go to university, and Lisa still has a year to study before entering a college.

“Why are you the one giving me a gift?” Lisa asks, bewilderment and some traces of tears still in her eyes, hands still trying to grasp the item in them.

“Can’t I give my girlfriend a gift?” Jennie tries to fight off the giggle making its way out of her throat, she fails miserably though.

“No, I mean,” Lisa still seems to be in a daze and in complete disbelief, “Why did you even buy me this? I should be the one giving you a gift.”

“It’s okay, silly,” Jennie pokes the taller girl’s nose, “You wanted to be a performer, right? And I want you to be the best performer out there with that hell of a guitar, okay?” She pats Lisa’s cheeks as she finishes reasoning, “So you can go all ‘This is from the best and most supportive girlfriend out there’, then we’ll make everyone jealous of our relationship and all.”

Lisa giggles at the stupid idea, and Jennie can’t believe she just said that, too, so she just giggles as well.

But Lisa’s been crying again, and is it possible that Jennie laughs louder?

Jennie gets drawn for another tight hug as Lisa muffle words by her shoulder,

“Thank you so much, Jennie.”

And Jennie silently smiles at that as she hugs Lisa back.

Thinking how it’s possible for a person to be so in love with another,

Thinking how she is with Lisa.

“I’m sorry, this was all I can afford.”

Lisa sheepishly says as she shyly gives Jennie a neatly-decorated paper bag.

Lisa’s able to drag Jennie to the former’s apartment – Lisa lives in an apartment separate from her parents, which Jennie’s somehow thankful for because then she can visit anytime she wants without being still like a statue – for dinner the same day.

Jennie takes it, shakes it as to tease Lisa – she succeeds because Lisa frowns – before finally opening it,

“It’s a bottle of perfume.” Lisa’s quicker to say even before Jennie’s able to fully take it out.

“So much for suspense, Lisa,” Jennie sarcastically says, and Lisa only shrugs – to tease Jennie back as revenge.

The perfume isn’t one of those designer ones, but it isn’t the cheap ones as well. Jennie knows it’s somehow costly with the brand, and she can only think how much Lisa must have saved for it.

“Lisa, you didn’t have to.” Jennie means it – she’s happy, don’t get her wrong – but Lisa could have saved it for her personal use. Considering that Lisa just started having expenses of her own.

“I have to, Jennie! It’s my congratulatory gift for you!” Lisa beams, and Jennie just wants to squish those cheeks, “I hope you don’t mind that it’s not what you’re used to, but I took a whiff and it… reminded me of you, and I thought that once you ran out of your own perfume, you may use that. Oh! I had a hard time choosing which gift to buy, but since I know you’re fond of scents, and your sense of smell is strong, I decided to buy you perfume instead! I hope you’ll like it somehow. Don’t worry! I carefully chose what scent isn’t too strong for your nose, or that is too–”

Jennie cuts Lisa’s rambling with a soft, warm kiss – because it’s not Jennie’s fault that Lisa’s too adorable like that, and that she can’t control herself from kissing the other girl.

She lets the kiss last longer than normal to show, at least, how much she appreciates Lisa’s gift – appreciate Lisa, in general.

“I love it,” Jennie says after pulling away, “Thank you.”

Lisa regains herself first before speaking, “I promise to buy you better ones in the future. I promise you, Jennie.”

And Jennie really is not to be blamed when she clutches by Lisa’s shirt as she lays her head on Lisa’s chest.

Lisa’s just too much for her.

Lisa knows how to give her unexplainable feelings inside her gut and in her chest that it tightens the good way, and Jennie would just be rendered speechless.


Jennie continues to hide her face in Lisa’s chest because she knows that she’s close to tears. She honestly says,

“I’m sorry,

“I’m just so happy.”

And she is, she knows she is.

Because Lisa replies, “I’m so happy, too. Happiest with you, Jennie.”

Jennie just knows that her heart’s really about to burst.

Jennie just knows how she’s so much in love.

So in love that she’s not afraid anymore to bare herself out to Lisa, to let Lisa dwell more in her world, to let Lisa inside just a bit deeper in her entire being,

“Ruby Jane,” Jennie says as she looks up to Lisa, and she knows confusion on Lisa’s face if she sees it, so she clarifies, “Call me ‘Ruby Jane’.”

Lisa gapes at first, before asking, “I-I thought you don’t let anyone call you that?”

“Yes,” Jennie pecks Lisa’s lips, “But you’re not just anyone,”

And another kiss,

“You’re mine,” Jennie steals another kiss, “And I’m yours.”

She sees how Lisa try to let the information get through her mind first, and she giggles with how cute Lisa looks, then.

And Lisa smiles after, repeating Jennie’s name that never sounded so perfect until Lisa is the one who said it,

“Ruby Jane.”

Jennie beams by the way she was called, and it’s Lisa who dips her face to meet Jennie’s before saying – and Jennie wonders how words really mean so much,

“You’re mine, Ruby Jane.”

“Hey, Lisa.” Jennie plays with Lisa’s hair as she watches the latter draw.


Jennie continues to observe Lisa – unfazed as she’s so focused on sketching. And Jennie likes it when Lisa’s this focused, that determined and serious look on her pretty, cute face makes her prettier and cuter.

And she continues to watch Lisa until Lisa turns to face her, until they’re drowning in each other’s eyes again.

A small smile forms on Jennie’s lips, and Lisa follows. Jennie’s hand still threading their way with Lisa’s locks.

“Hey, Lisa,” Jennie repeats as she touches Lisa’s cheek instead,


Jennie’s smile grows wider as her stare grows tender – and she loves the light-feeling of it whenever she stares at Lisa. She softly says,

“I hate you.”

And Lisa’s left to let her own smile grow brighter and her stare more tender as she replies as softly,

“I hate you, too.”

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