《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 72


Jennie doesn't reply instantly, though she does nod as to acknowledge what Lisa just said.

An hour.

Jennie closes her eyes first as she lets the information sink into her. When it does, she opens her eyes and nods once more.

She turns to Lisa and smiles – tries to smile, Jennie doesn't know anymore, "Then let's finish packing your things."

Lisa only looks at her too before nodding, "... Okay."

And Jennie knows she's being childish again. Childish in a sense that it feels like her favorite toy or favorite candy is being taken away from her, but she can't help but let that childish state prevail over her again and again.

Because then she ridiculously asks,

"Carry me upstairs?"

Jennie tries not to laugh when she sees how Lisa's jaw drops by the sudden request,

"What?" Lisa scoffs as she chortles, "You're getting crazier by the second. I can't carry you!"

Jennie gasps before narrowing her eyes, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

"N-No!" Lisa frantically says, Jennie thinks it's with the way she's looking at Lisa right now that makes Lisa fidget, "I didn't say that! D-Don't bend my words!"

"Then stop complaining," Jennie stands up with a wide smile already on her face, "Carry me on your back!"


But before Lisa even finishes her sentence, Jennie already made her way on jumping at the taller girl's back.

"Oh, God, Jennie!" Lisa shrieks as she tries to balance herself – and apparently, Jennie – as Jennie loops her legs around Lisa's waist.

"That's not how it works!" Jennie hears Lisa say as Lisa taps her encircled legs.

"It works either way!" Jennie starts giggling as she rings her arms around Lisa's neck. She teases as she points at the stairs, "Now move, servant!"

She hears Lisa openly sigh but Lisa does do what is told.

And Jennie can't help but let her smile hide by the curve of Lisa's neck.

Though soon that smile – and the glimmer in her eyes – vanishes as she clutches harder on Lisa.

Because this is the last time.

So Jennie only hides her face by Lisa's neck as to bask in Lisa's scent,

And to drown in their remaining time.


The first few minutes were spent on talking – with their bodies sprawled by Lisa's bed – with Jennie pinching Lisa's nose time to time just because.

The atmosphere is warm and relaxing, so they continue to talk with each other.

Until Lisa opens something that Jennie really never did in the first place. Making Jennie shift and frown, taking the comfortable feeling around them with it,

"Hey, Jennie," Lisa calls out as they continue to stare at the ceiling.

"Yeah?" Jennie hums.

She waits for Lisa to say something again, but it takes Lisa another heartbeat to reply,

"H-How come..." Lisa starts off – and Jennie hears the anxiety in Lisa's voice, "How come I never see Kai with you anymore?"

The question makes Jennie's heart skip a beat without intention of doing so. It makes Jennie turn her head to face Lisa – with Lisa quickly turning away,

And if it were the earlier times, Jennie would have given Lisa a cold shrug and a mean 'not-your-business' thing again, but this time, Jennie doesn't even have the heart to do so. Because Lisa will leave already, no matter what Jennie answers.

"We..." Jennie sighs, "We... finished things between us."

The memories of what they talked about and how they talked about it comes running back to Jennie, and now Jennie realizes what Kai has been telling her.


Jennie continues to look at Lisa – with Lisa staring at the ceiling – and Jennie is not sure if she really sees Lisa frown or if Lisa's brightness dies down with what she said, but Jennie is sure that Lisa becomes unusually quiet after that. So Jennie wonders if she's said anything wrong.

"Ah," Lisa weakly nods, "That's why you're hanging out with your other friend these past few weeks?"

"Jisoo?" Jennie clarifies, in which Lisa only indifferently shrugs – still without looking at Jennie – so Jennie only continues, "Yeah, yeah.Jisoo."

Jennie sees Lisa slowly nod again, and Jennie doesn't know why she suddenly feels bothered where things are going, not with how Lisa has dimly asked the next question,

"That's why you go home early now?"

Jennie tries to search Lisa's eyes, but she can't – not with how Lisa still doesn't look at her, not with how Lisa evades her eyes, and so Jennie only replies to the question thrown at her,

"Yeah, I mean..." Jennie nervously grunts a laugh, "Where else will I go?"

Jennie doesn't like where this is going.

Because Lisa only feebly nods again before turning silent once more.

And Jennie is certain that she doesn't like where this is going. The comfortable silence they shared a while ago completely turned into those suffocating ones, and the light, easy feeling of having to talk about anything is completely replaced by stiff, smothering ones.

And Jennie can't seem to feel her throat anymore because Lisa says the next words – and Jennie knows that Lisa tries to put it off as a joke, but Jennie also knows that Lisa means it with how firm Lisa has said it,

"No wonder you are spending time with me now."

"N-No," It's Jennie's turn to stutter, and did she just hear Lisa scoff right after? "It's not like that, Lisa. I'll still spend time with you now even if Kai and I are still a... a thing."

"I'm not saying anything like that, Jennie." Lisa calmly exhales the words.

But Jennie knows any better, so she says defensively, "But you are implying it!"

"I'm not."

"You are accusing me!"

"I said 'I'm not', Jennie."

"You are, Lisa!"

"I don't care if you still spend time with him, Jennie!" And Lisa finally turns to her, and Jennie feels another jab by her chest, because Lisa has slapped the next words to her, like a piercing echo in a vast cave that's coming back just to deafen her,

"It's not my business, remember?!"

Her own words being thrown at her – so sudden it catches her off-guard and pushes her at the edge just as strong – and Jennie's not ready for it. Never ready for it.

And Jennie starts to feel her jaw clench in anxiety and fret, her breathing heavy as if the air's gone thick, her eyebrows forming into a painful frown and the urge to just shed tears again starts rising within her.

When did she start being this weak? This fragile, this vulnerable? So delicate to be easily broken?

And Jennie thinks Lisa sees the ache in her eyes because then Lisa's glare softens into those warm ones once more and Lisa only closes her eyes as Lisa says,

"I'm sorry," Lisa deeply sighs as she rubs the bridge of her nose, "I'm sorry, Jennie. I-I didn't mean to come off strong. I'm sorry."

"I know you might still be hurting about what happened between the two of you – considering that you did go drinking last night," Lisa sighs once more and Jennie instantly knows that the other girl is nervous with how fast she's speaking, and Jennie feels the same nervousness with how Lisa mentioned a portion of what happened the previous night, "And I-I honestly didn't mean to throw it back at you like that, Jennie. I'm so sorry."


"N-No, Lisa," Jennie shakes her head fast, afraid that Lisa's getting the wrong idea, "I-I don't think about it anymore. I don't think about him anymore,"

All I think about is you.

Only you.

Jennie reaches for Lisa's hand, "Lisa, please,"

But Lisa only moves her hand away – making Jennie close her eyes in disappointment, "It's okay, Jennie. You don't need to explain anything. Honest. There's nothing to talk about anymore."

Jennie hears the sincerity in Lisa's voice – because Lisa had always been sincere and truthful – and Jennie knows that Lisa means what she said but Jennie still feels the need to clarify things with Lisa,

And so she gathers all her remaining strength, and courage, and guts, and sanity to open that one thing that neither of them wants to talk about since it happened,

The kiss.

Their shared kiss.

So Jennie gulps one last time – hands shaking and voice trembling as she prays that she won't ever regret what she's about to do,

"No, Lisa," Jennie starts as she looks at Lisa once more – and she dreads for her heart to remain still when Lisa looks back at her, "We... We need to talk about something."

Jennie feels her body tensing up, in a way it has never before, when she feels that painful knot in her insides with how Lisa stares at her with anticipation and confusion,

"L-Lisa," And Jennie can't bring herself to stare at Lisa anymore so she looks away instead, "A-About last night,"

She clenches her hands before turning to face the other girl again, and Jennie sees how Lisa's eyes mirror the panic in hers, like Lisa haven't anticipated for it, "Lisa, last night, we..."

"The..." Jennie's breathing hitches, and she swallows hard once more before mumbling the last words with unease and worry,

"The kiss."

And Jennie hopes – she expects – for Lisa to at least flinch or shy away or blush or to at least smile or anything,

To do anything else but hurt Jennie,

Because Lisa does that one thing that didn't even cross Jennie's mind, that one thing that cuts through Jennie's chest and stabs her open heart,

Because Lisa laughs it off – she only laughs it off – like what Jennie just said is a weird joke or a disgustingly funny story, and Jennie wishes hard that it really was at that time, not with how hurt she is – not with the pain that overpowers her with how Lisa replies to her,

But Lisa only laughs it off, and laughter never seemed so mocking to Jennie before,

"You were drunk, Jennie,"

Lisa starts to sit properly and then starts to leave the bed with the same scornful smile – the same mocking smile that disdains the very depths of Jennie's being. Lisa continues to insultingly smile, taking the warmth with her – the warmth that Jennie has loved – only to replace it with something cold and piercing and excruciatingly painful,

"It meant nothing."


Jennie never felt so conflicted before.

Never felt so shocked before, like a toddler seeing things for the first time.

Not with how she continues to watch Lisa pack her things, like what Lisa has just said doesn't stab and wound.

And Jennie never felt so hurt before.

"How can you just say that?!" Jennie shrieks.

She hastily stands up and walks to where Lisa is before strongly turning the latter around.

"How can you just say hurtful things like they meant nothing, Lisa?!" Jennie doesn't fight the tears that start to stream down her face anymore, "When I've been losing my sanity just thinking about it?!"

Jennie sees the shock in Lisa's face with her outburst and Jennie doesn't wait for a beat to continue, "Lisa, we kissed!!!" Jennie stresses, "Doesn't that mean at least something?! To you?!"

Jennie continues to feel the warm tears swelling in her eyes as she waits for Lisa's answer, but she only sees the bewilderment in Lisa's face grow by the second.

"Lisa," Jennie runs a hand through her hair, "I'm losing my mind."

"And for you to not even bat an eye on that? For you to just casually shrug it off – to shrug me off? Like what we have is completely nothing to you?"

"That all these – us," Jennie jabs at Lisa's chest before prodding her own, "Are just pretends and charades? When you let me hold you, or when you hug me back, or when I call for you or you stay with me or let me get as close?!"

"Doesn't that mean anything at all, Lisa?!"

Yet it does surprise Jennie when Lisa replies,

"And do you think you're the only one going insane thinking about it?!" Lisa snaps back, and Jennie sees the tears forming on Lisa's eyes as well, and Jennie never thought that seeing Lisa cry will hurt her a hundred more times, because this is the first time she sees Lisa cry – and pathetically, it's because of her,

"Do you think I'm not hurting?" Lisa asks in a softer voice, and Jennie wonders how something as gentle as that can still break her heart, "To act like nothing happened because you're afraid of ruining something that isn't even there?"

Silence comes after that.

Because all words Jennie knows she'll say drown back to her throat, and it's Lisa who now breaks the stillness,

"Jennie," Lisa looks down as she shakes her head, "I'm the one losing her mind here."

"When you confuse me with how you treat me – with how you push me away only to pull me back, or with how you pull me closer only to be pushed right back. How can I still keep the littlest of my sanity when in one moment, we act like the other doesn't even exist then having to be all over each other like we're the only ones in the world the next?"

"Jennie," Lisa exhales, "Why do you have to make it so hard for me? When I know – because you show it off to me – that you're already with someone else and yet..."

Lisa bites a lip and Jennie sees how Lisa's lips are trembling, "And yet it's also you who makes me wish – hard – that I am that someone."

Jennie hears Lisa choke with her words, with how Lisa's tears become a hindrance to her speaking – with how much they're running down Lisa's face already.

Jennie suddenly feels like she's mute. She suddenly loses the ability to speak, or to even think clearly.

Not with how Lisa's eyes manage to catch hers with Lisa saying,

"And how do you expect me to have a stable heartbeat when you say stupid things or do stupid stunts like hugging me or cuddling with me, or holding hands with me,"

"Or kissing me."

"You kissed me, Jennie!" Lisa puts it off as a laugh again, "How do you suppose I can keep still after that? Do you think I didn't rack my brain thinking on how to act around you after that, when I knew you didn't mean it? That it didn't bother me? Or made me think? Or made me doubt? Hope?"

"And you just had to kiss me!" Lisa laughs but her tears say otherwise, "When I was trying my very best to not think of you anymore, to stay away from you as possible, to distance myself even though all I want is to be closer to you! When I was trying so hard not to hope, Jennie. To not expect because I might just hurt myself in the end. To not expect that your touches mean entirely different things, to not imagine that your words mean something more – that I mean something more,"

"Because I just can't help but lose my mind when I'm with you, Jennie," Lisa hangs her head low, "And it's crazy because I can't help it even when you simply stare at me."

Lisa finishes with a sigh, and Jennie feels the urge to hug her close – to just basically lock her within Jennie's embrace.

But before Jennie can even start doing anything, she hears Lisa speak again, and Jennie breathes a bit easier with how calm Lisa has called her name,

"Jennie," Lisa finally looks at her – with awe, or maybe searching for assurance – as she asks a question Jennie has once asked,

"Why do you stare at me like that?"

The question makes Jennie's heart skip beats, and Jennie tries to ask as steady as possible – as stable as she can, "Like what?"

And Jennie feels her heart stop beating for a second, because Lisa returns the same question to her,

"Like you're in love with me."

Jennie's mind is hazy, she knows. The question fogs her mind. She blames the built-up tension between them for her next actions,

Because she just has to lunge forward – to spring at Lisa and grab the other girl's face.

Only for her to pull the other girl closer.

To pull Lisa into another kiss,

To kiss Lisa like she means it this time – to kiss Lisa and rid of any doubts Lisa is having.

And Jennie's mind could be hazy, but what her heart wants is clear.

She wants Lisa – she yearns for her,

desires for her, craves for her, aches for her.

So Jennie kisses Lisa like she means it,

Because she does.

The desperate way Jennie's hands cling onto the other girl's cheeks as Jennie's lips impatiently and ardently and repeatedly press on Lisa's own shows just how much Jennie wants her.

That Jennie hopes Lisa does feel what Jennie is trying to make her feel.

That Jennie hopes to wash Lisa's worries away with her kisses.

The answer to the question of being in love with Lisa transfers from the back of Jennie's mind to the tip of her tongue as they finally separate – breaths racing as their hearts do the same. Eyes locked, foreheads touching, and hands not leaving the other's,

And Jennie finally answers Lisa's question, as she stares straight at Lisa's eyes,

Jennie confesses,

Jennie says – breathless,

"Because I am."

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