《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 70


It’s… warm. And soft, and… comfortable.

Lisa’s pair of lips, that is.

Those lips that Jennie had been wanting so bad to touch with hers for the past few weeks now. Those lips that seem too alluring for her,

Those lips that she now tastes.

Those lips held captured by her, those that she kisses with anxiety – afraid that Lisa will pull back, or that Lisa will push her away. When all Jennie wants is for Lisa to pull her closer.

And Lisa’s lips are all warm and soft and comfortable on Jennie’s, Lisa’s lips that Jennie doesn’t want to leave hers.

So Jennie tries to be a little bit bolder than normal – than she wants to, than she needs to. Because she still partly blames the liquor seeping inside her system and hacking her brain into doing daring things like these.

Things like being the one to pull a little bit more brashly so that Lisa can not pull away even if Lisa tries, to be the one to hold on to Lisa’s face a little bit more to feel Lisa, to taste Lisa.

Because this might probably be the first and last kiss that they’ll share. Because after this, when the morning comes and taunts Jennie, she will be slapped with the reality that Lisa would be gone,

That Lisa would not be there anymore – for her, with her.

So Jennie tries to be a little bit bolder than normal,

Because she knows that this is the last time.


Jennie wakes up with a headache.

She opens her eyes as she tries to remember what happened, and her head aches a little bit more than it already does when she touches her lips and remembers where the warm feeling that still resides there came from.

We kissed.

She quickly looks around – panic starting to overwhelm her – to look for Lisa but realizes that she’s alone in the room. She puts a hand to her chest to calm her raging heart when she thinks of what else happened, because did Jennie chase Lisa away?

Did she scare Lisa? Because of what she idiotically did?

Jennie grunts as she holds her head tighter as she tries hard to remember.

“Think, Ruby Jane! Think!” Jennie scowls to herself, because all she remembers is that they kissed, and everything went black after that.

“Oh my God, did I touch her?” Jennie frantically bites a finger, she never did trust herself when she’s drunk.

But she wasn’t that drunk, she argues.

Because she still remembers some, even if memories are already vague.

But even if all others are hazy and blurred, she does know one thing, she does remember one thing clearly – so lucid and so unmistakable,

The feel of Lisa’s lips on hers.

Jennie feels herself blushing once more because of the thought, but the warmth quickly fades when she also remembers that today is the lastday that Lisa will be with her.

Jennie slumps herself on her bed when the thought sinks in, she doesn’t want to cry anymore. No, not anymore.

So she only closes her eyes.

Only to be pried open again when she hears the door clink.

Her breathing hitches when she sees the source of all her pain and all her happiness,


Lisa who’s already offering a soft smile directed towards her. Lisa who still looks so warm and beautiful and everything Jennie had denied to herself.

Lisa who Jennie hopes that is not uncomfortable because of what happened last night, because Jennie doesn’t think she can handle it if Lisa flinches or keeps a distance on their last day together.


Lisa who Jennie prays hard to stay, to at least have the thought of wanting to stay, with Jennie.

But Jennie quickly casts her eyes down when she sees Lisa approaching her, and Jennie doesn’t know if she’ll get a slap – because she knows she kinds of deserve it – or a smile from the other girl.

And Jennie hopes it’s the second one.

Though Jennie only stiffens when Lisa sits on her bed to face her as well.

“Good morning, Jennie.” She hears Lisa greet, and Jennie tries to analyze the tone on how it was said to her, if it was like how Lisa used to greet her with or is there that awkward lump on Lisa’s throat, and it surprises Jennie that it’s still the same comfortable way Lisa had always used.

But that doesn’t mean that it stopped Jennie from nervously playing with her fingers than stare at Lisa, because heck, Jennie is the awkward one.

“Hey,” She hears Lisa say, and Jennie holds her breath once more, because she still hears Lisa say the next words without any trouble, “I brought you breakfast.”

Jennie unintentionally looks up and sees Lisa softly looking back at her, too. The same gentle smile still on Lisa’s gentle face, and it’s only then that Jennie’s able to breathe properly again.

Because it feels as if something’s not off with them, something’s not wrong. That it’s all too comfortable, and Jennie thanks the heavens for it.

So Jennie mutters a weak, “Th-Thanks.”

But she does clench her hands once more because the cutting thought of Lisa doing this kinds of things no more for Jennie slams onto her brain again.

And so Jennie lets her hands form into fists in unexplainable emotions.

So unexplainable that Jennie suddenly lets them invade her once more, because Jennie suddenly asks – so desperate and so miserable,

“C-Can you please feed me?”

So childish, so very childish, and so very pathetic.

But Jennie can’t help it – she just can’t.

And so her whole mood brightens up along with her world when Lisa smiles a little bit wider when Lisa says,

“I’d love to.”


It isn’t awkward, it isn’t awkward at all. At least not as awkward as what Jennie initially thought.

When Lisa would be unknowingly opening her own mouth as well as she feeds Jennie, when it should only be Jennie opening her mouth to welcome the food. And so Jennie would slowly smile as she sees how adorable Lisa looks without Lisa knowing she looks adorable like that.

It isn’t also awkward when Lisa would be wiping the corner-ends of Jennie’s lips – like a complete child – when food would be smeared on those parts, but Jennie would be shyly looking down because she’d only see Lisa looking at her lips intently as Lisa swipes them with a thumb and it sends the memory of their kiss the night before, and Jennie would be restraining herself from pulling Lisa closer once more.

It sure isn’t as awkward when Jennie would be the one getting the food and feeding it to Lisa, in which Lisa would be momentarily dazed but would soon agree and open her mouth to take a bite as well.

And they continue like that as they eat in silence and in smiles and in stolen glances of each other,

It isn’t as all awkward at all. It’s rather comfortable.

And Jennie leaves it at that.

Though it’s an understatement to say that Jennie is wary. For she is as cautious as hell.


Because no one is talking about what happened last night.

Jennie wonders if she should open the topic or if she should let Lisa be the one. She wonders if they do talk about it, might it ruin the already-set mood they have, that it might break the already-well atmosphere around her and Lisa, and Jennie doesn’t like to risk that.

Not when Lisa doesn’t seem to want to talk about it as well, and Jennie is left wondering if they’ll ever discuss it before Lisa leaves or if they’ll even talk about it ever.

So Jennie shuts her mouth about their kiss.

She decides that she’ll just spend this day – the remaining time – in comfort with Lisa.


“What time would you leave?”

The question slips from Jennie’s mouth and Jennie hurriedly prays that it doesn’t ruin the mood.

Lisa looks at her, Jennie looks at the ground.

“I…” Lisa trails off, “I’ll be leaving this afternoon.”

Jennie shuts her eyes tight as she slowly nods. It seems Lisa didn’t even have second thoughts of staying.

“W-Would you be alright here?” Lisa continues.


“… Yes,” Jennie continues to look down, “Mom mentioned Mr. Kim’s wife and daughter would accompany me,” Jennie gulps first, and it hurts with how dry her throat has become. She says the next words almost as a whisper, “In… replacement of you.”

Jennie tries not to wince as she finally looks at Lisa who she finds still looking at her. And Jennie can’t seem to understand what’s inside Lisa’s eyes – if Lisa’s happy, or sad, or as regretful as Jennie is.

“Is that so?” Lisa nods, “Okay. That… That’s good. You won’t be alone.” Lisa ends it with a smile.

And Jennie tries her hardest not to tackle Lisa into a hug.

Silence comes after that.

Only to be broken by Jennie’s question, “W-Will you stay with me until then?”

Lisa quickly looks at her and Jennie wonders if her question is too bland or too upfront and so Jennie quickly rephrases it, “I-I mean, w-will you stay with me until the afternoon? B-Before you leave, that is.”

Lisa continues to stare at her and Jennie fights the urge to melt under Lisa’s stares.

Lisa clears her throat before answering, “I-I will. D-Do you want to go somewhere?”

Jennie also fights the blush on her cheeks, “D-Do you want to?”

“If… If you want to.” Lisa replies, and Jennie fools herself to believing that Lisa’s also blushing, “But we can stay at home, too, i-if that’s what you want.”

And the blush wins over Jennie as she honestly says, “I don’t care where… As long as I’m with you.”

And Jennie sees the blush winning over Lisa as well when Lisa keeps silent for a moment – head low – and Jennie likes to believe that Lisa is smiling as Lisa answers,



Jennie decides for them to just stay at home, she’d rather cherish their moment alone – just the two of them – rather than spend it with the whole of the city.

Or maybe to fill this house – soon-to-be, since Lisa will take it being a ‘home’ when she leaves later – with memories of Lisa, as if the memories from Lisa’s first day there up to the last aren’t enough.

So Jennie decides to spend the day at their abode, with her openly staring at Lisa as the latter washes the dishes, and with the same latter glancing over a shoulder time-to-time to stare at Jennie as well.

And Jennie knows that Lisa tries to do it in secret, staring at Jennie, – maybe hoping that Jennie isn’t looking back – but ends up failing miserably because Jennie’s already staring back at her. So Lisa ends up with hastily turning her head to the dishes she’s supposed to be washing – and with a stiff back with that – maybe also hoping that Jennie doesn’t tease her with it.

So Jennie’s left there to form a smile on her lips as she continues to openly stare at Lisa. Temporarily pushing aside the thoughts of Lisa leaving.


Jennie then drags Lisa to the living room to watch some movies.

“Please, not anything sappy.” Jennie whines as Lisa runs through the set of films that they have.

“How will I know if it’s sappy or not? I don’t know all these movies.” Lisa continues to rummage through the CDs, “Hey, how about we watch cartoons? Action films? Comedy? What do you want?”

“How about ‘The Notebook’?” Jennie enthusiastically suggests.

“We’ve watched that a thousand times already, Jennie.” Lisa sighs as she keeps on flipping cases and covers.

“And I want to watch it a thousand more!”

She hears Lisa exaggeratedly groan, as to tease Jennie, earning Lisa a throw pillow at her face.

“All right, let’s watch it for the millionth time.” Lisa rolls her eyes as Jennie pulls her to sit on the couch already.

“Where’s the popcorn?” Jennie asks.

“Still in the kitchen.”

“Get it.” Jennie playfully slaps Lisa’s arm.

“Ow! Okay! No need to be violent, you child.” Lisa evades the assault as she laughs.

Jennie laughs along as she follows Lisa with her eyes,

Jennie calls out to Lisa – and still with a smile, “Drag your sorry ass back here when you’re done!”

And that smile continues to grow because Lisa has to tease back,

“Will do, Princess! Will do!”


They’re a quarter of the movie and already halfway their third refill of popcorn when Jennie decides to not watch the movie anymore and just silently watch Lisa instead.

Lisa whose eyes are glued to the screen, as if they haven’t watched this for – and Lisa’s correct – a thousand times already. As if Lisa’s still anticipating what will happen next.

Jennie bites down a smile when she sees how Lisa concentrates on watching as Lisa slowly eats popcorn.

And Jennie continues to bite her lip down as Lisa slowly turns – but eyes still on the movie before finally landing on Jennie – as Lisa asks, “What?”

Jennie bashfully smiles as she shrugs and frankly replies, “Nothing.”

They continue to stare at each other until Jennie notices the sly smile forming on Lisa’s lips already, and Jennie knows that smirk alright – that smirk that would tease Jennie if Lisa’s thatattractive – so Jennie is quick to say, “No.”

And Lisa laughs and Jennie laughs until the film’s forgotten for a minute.

Lisa goes back to watching the movie when Jennie starts to feel the same sour feeling biting at her, the same feeling of losing Lisa.

So Jennie throws away any shame she still has and decides to act on impulse.

She scoots closer to Lisa and lifts Lisa’s arm to wrap around her shoulders – as if to cuddle with Lisa, because Jennie admits she’sdesperate.

How shameful, she thinks.

She carefully locks her fingers with Lisa’s own – the one that is over Jennie’s shoulder – and she doesn’t care if Lisa would pull away because Jennie’s determined to pull Lisa right back if Lisa even thinks of doing so.

And Jennie feels Lisa immediately stiffen by the sudden contact – by Jennie’s sudden actions – but also quick to relax, as if surrendering to the feeling and letting it take over.

“Great, now how am I going to eat popcorn like this?” Lisa turns to Jennie but Jennie sees how cautious Lisa is with how she turns – considering the proximity they have as of the moment.

Jennie stares at Lisa for a little bit more, eyes tracing Lisa’s features and Jennie resists the urge to laugh when she sees how Lisa tried to swallow.

Jennie breaks their eye contact when she reaches for the said snack with her free hand – not in any way letting go of Lisa’s hand currently locked with her other hand – as she puts the bowl on Lisa’s lap.

“There, feed me.” Jennie says as she moves their intertwined fingers – Lisa’s arm still closely wrapped around her – closer to her chest.

She sees the sudden confusion in Lisa’s eyes but Lisa does get one piece and ushers it towards Jennie’s mouth.

And just when Jennie does open her mouth was Lisa quick to eat the said popcorn piece. Lisa’s grin already present on her face.

Jennie scoffs as she sees Lisa starting to laugh. Jennie then playfully slaps a cheek, startling Lisa for a second, and it’s Jennie’s turn to giggle. But Lisa then scoffs laughter as well as she playfully slaps Jennie back.

Transferring the bewilderment on Jennie’s face and the giggle on Lisa’s lips.

“Oh, now you’re fighting back?” Jennie jokingly threatens.

“You started it.” Lisa points a finger to stop Jennie with whatever Jennie is planning to do next as revenge.

And Jennie only slaps Lisa by the stomach as she lets their giggle win over.

It’s all good, Jennie thinks. Better, if she dare says.

All good that Jennie takes things to a step higher when she clutches Lisa by the side as she snuggles closer. Closer in a sense that she can feel the skin of Lisa’s neck on the tip of her nose and all she could inhale is Lisa.

Closer in a sense that she has to shut her eyes tight as to feel more of Lisa, and it still is comfortable because Lisa actually lets her. Because Jennie then feels Lisa lean towards her as to welcome her, and it’s all better, Jennie thinks.

Definitely better.


There are six chapters left (ᗒᗩᗕ)

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