《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 69


After seeing Jisoo home, once they reach the Kim’s residence, Jennie feels dizzier.

The car ride did not help with her headache.

She feels so dizzy she’s not able to get out of the car on her own and Mr. Kim tries to help but Lisa comes over first and tells him that she’ll be the one.

And Jennie knows she likes to object but Lisa already has a grip on Jennie as the tall girl ushers her to her own room.

“I called you a lot of times.” Lisa initiates a talk, but Jennie is having none of it as Jennie keeps quiet.

“Jennie, I…” Jennie feels Lisa hold her tighter – tighter, if that was still possible, with how tight Lisa’s already holding her, “… I was worried something happened to you.”

Jennie only manages to scoff weakly.

Then silence takes over them.

Only to be broken by Lisa again,

“I’m sorry.”

And they need no more words, no more explanations. Because Jennie figures out that they’re both tired. Tired from whatever it was they’re going through. Whatever that makes them both ache.

And Jennie feels dizzier.

So dizzy that she clutches on to Lisa – as much as she doesn’t like to – for support.

So dizzy that she starts to blabber – to say incoherent and pointless things. She starts to ramble and say embarrassing things,

“Do you know why I wanted you to have blonde hair?” Jennie starts to slur, not knowing where she’s going with this. But she does know it’s the alcohol that makes her brave and upfront like this.

Lisa only hums as she leads Jennie to the stairs, “Why is that?”

And Jennie bites on a lip, blaming the alcohol for what she says next – for what she honestly confesses next,


“So that I won’t lose sight of you."

“So that I could spot you easier. So that I know that it’s you even from far away. So that I won’t lose you in a crowd.”

And Jennie feels herself blushing – not sure if it’s still from what she drank – because she knows what she said also startled Lisa, for Lisa momentarily stops before opening Jennie’s room.

“I-Is that so?”

Jennie meekly nods and she turns to finally look at Lisa, and the alcohol finally kicks Jennie’s brain.

Because Jennie mindlessly asks,

“Have I told you you’re beautiful?”

And that fully stops Lisa, and Jennie catches the blush across Lisa’s face and so Jennie can’t help but idiotically smile.

Lisa stutters, “Y-Yeah. That one time where we dyed our hair back in Anyang.”

“No,” Jennie buries her face by the curve of the other girl’s neck, “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

“Y-You’re drunk, Jennie.” Lisa lightly pushes Jennie away to lay Jennie on the bed.

But Jennie doesn’t lie down, she sits back up and urges Lisa to sit beside her.

And Lisa doesn’t protest, but she does tease, “Who knew you’re a smooth talker when drunk? You should drink more often, then.”

Lisa smiles and Jennie feels the same butterflies taking flight inside her. Though along those are the stabs when she realizes that she won’t be seeing that darned bright smile any more.

And it all falls down on Jennie.

The pain of not seeing Lisa every day anymore, when Lisa’s been there all this time for her – with her.

The hurting of not hearing Lisa’s voice anymore, to either tease her like this, or to comfort her, or to simply call her.

The twinge that plays of not being with Lisa when that’s all Jennie ever wanted.


That when the thought of Jennie waking up the next days without Lisa is too much to bear – too much to even think about.

But Jennie needs to face it, she must.

Because it was happening.

And she has no idea on how it happened all too fast, and she has no idea on how to stop it from even happening.

With all those thoughts flooding Jennie’s already hazy mind, she can’t help but rest her head on Lisa’s shoulder as she cries once more.

When all she has are regrets – regrets of not treating Lisa any better, regrets of not showing Lisa the affection she has for the other girl, regrets for even realizing it too late.

And all Jennie could do is cry, and cry, and hold on to Lisa. To at least hold Lisa for the last time – to hold Lisa as close like this – before this all disappears into thin air the next day.

Jennie can only muffle her regrets,

“I’m sorry, Lisa.”

She muffles in between sobs and she continues to, until she feels Lisa’s hand slither down her chin to raise her head up.

And before she knows it, her eyes are trapped in Lisa’s own pair.

She feels Lisa run a thumb across her cheek as to wipe her tears away, and Jennie likes to fool herself that she sees tears brimming by Lisa’s eyes as well. Lisa says softly,

“I’m sorry, Jennie.”

And Jennie doesn’t know anymore.

If she’s the one who rested her forehead on Lisa’s, or if it was Lisa who did.

But she does know one thing, that they’re so close – so, so close.

Their hands on the other’s face, noses touching and eyes tightly shut as to feel each other’s breaths on their lips – as to hear each other’s heart racing.

It feels like a goodbye, because it is. The longing feeling of another one’s touches, or their voice, or their smiles.

The hurting feeling of wanting to be so close but you can’t. Because you can’t.

You can’t anymore.

And Jennie doesn’t like to say goodbye.

When she finally falls in love with the girl she used to hate so much.

And Jennie doesn’t like goodbyes.

But she knows she has to.

She has to.

So with her eyes fluttering open – fluttering open to see Lisa stare at her so affectionately, so fondly, so lovingly – her breath hitching, her hands shaking, and her mind spinning.

With her heart raging,

She takes the last ounce of courage she has – because she doesn’t like to regret anymore, but she is willing to regret whatever consequences will come of what she’s about to do next – because this is the last chance to do it.

Because she’ll lose Lisa one way or another.

Because Lisa will be gone soon, and because Lisa will not be hers anymore after this.

So with one last breath, and with one last beat of her pounding heart,

Jennie pulls Lisa closer to her – even closer than they already are,

Jennie pulls Lisa closer to her – closing all gaps between them – breaths stopping and lips meeting,

And all Jennie feels is warmth.

Warmth from how soft Lisa’s lips are, and from her trouncing heart that strikes against her chest so strongly with every second passing as theykiss – her hammering heart that is threatening to break loose if Jennie allows it to,

And all Jennie feels is warmth,

Warmth from how perfect Lisa’s lips are on hers.


It’s heavily raining in here skl hehe

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