《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 68


“Can you please stop drinking now?”

Jennie feels a hand stop the shot glass from meeting her lips. She abruptly turns to the other person as she glares, “Don’t stop me, Jisoo.”

Jennie hears her friend sigh loudly before Jisoo say through the loud music, “We’ve been here the past hours, and you’re not even dancing.”

“I don’t want to dance.” Jennie rests her chin on the counter, as she closes her eyes.

She isn’t drunk. Her drinks are just enough to make her a bit dizzy so she could forget her other senses.

It isn’t a few more seconds when Jisoo breaks their silence,

“What’s wrong?”

Jennie opens her eyes. She remains silent as she aimlessly looks at the drink in front of her, “… Nothing.”

“That’s it,” Jisoo clicks her tongue, “I’m calling Kai.” As fast as lightning, she takes Jennie’s phone inside the purse to, probably, dial his number.

But just as quick as her friend, Jennie takes a hold of her phone as well, “Don’t!”

Jennie starts to curse because then she finds herself stretching her puny arm with all effort while Jisoo keeping it out of Jennie’s reach.

“Stop being a baby.” Jisoo pushes Jennie’s face with a hand as she pries the phone open.

Only for it to ring.

Making Jisoo and Jennie stop with whatever bicker they’re doing. They both look at the caller I.D., and Jennie feels like throwing up because then she sees who’s calling,


That one person she both doesn’t want to be with right now but is also longing for, that one person she both wants to push away but also wants to pull closer – until Lisa’s all she’ll see.

“Don’t answer that.” Jennie immediately says, which makes Jisoo look at her with a frown.

And Jennie prays to all the entities that her snide friend listen to her as she knows how tricky and playful the said friend can get.

“Why?” A teasing smirk starts to creep off Jisoo’s face and Jennie knows too well that her friend’s evil side is winning.

“You will not dare, Jisoo.” Jennie threatens – tries to threaten as she herself is the one feeling that.


Jisoo doesn’t speak, but she does continue to grin.

“Please.” Jennie begs, and Jisoo laughs.

“Okay.” Jisoo tosses Jennie’s phone to one side, the side farther from Jennie, “Now, let’s dance!”

Jennie sighs of relief as she rests her head on the counter again, “I told you I don’t feel like dancing. I’m dizzy already.”

“And whose fault is that?”


“Lisa?” Jisoo suddenly blurts and Jennie instantly shots her head up – causing her head to spin more – as to wonder why Jisoo knows.

And Jennie breathes another sigh as relief washes over her when she sees Jisoo only looking at the caller I.D,

But Jennie’s breath tangles in her throat once more when Jisoo adds,

“Wow, she’s been calling you and sending you messages non-stop,” Jisoo shows Jennie the phone and Jennie needs to blink a few more times to make sure the numbers are real or she’s not drunk to see those digits.

And breathing really becomes hard for Jennie because Jisoo smirks again before saying,

“And here I thought, all along, that you don’t know her.”

The statement makes Jennie flush a bright red before hastily grabbing her phone from Jisoo’s evil clutches, “Sh-Shut up.”

“Oh, Jennie.” Jennie feels her head being pat by her friend, and she can’t help but imagine how wide Jisoo’s smirk is right now.


Everything is going good. Jisoo manages to force Jennie out of her seat and to dance a few times, mingle with others, have a drink with them, laugh with them.

And everything was going good.

Until Jennie suddenly remembers the last time she had been into this kind of place and everything is nostalgic.

With who she was, with how she was so enraged seeing Lisa dancing with her cousin, how she dragged the other girl outside and they shared that mutual silence and how Lisa just stared at her.

So full of love.

And everything starts to crumble down for Jennie again.

Because she can’t stop thinking – even with her mind dizzy and her head heavy – about that one darned girl.

So she excuses herself from the dance floor and goes back to her place in the bar counter as she order another set of drinks for herself.




Jennie tries to even look at where the voice came from.

“Jennie,” She feels herself being nudged lightly and she pries her eyes open to look at her friend, “You have to stop drinking now. You’ll get yourself drunk and I don’t feel like cleaning up after you.”

“Then just leave me here.” Jennie lets her forehead meet the table.

She hears Jisoo scoff at first, “You know I can.”


Then a sigh, “Jennie,”

Then silence.

Then a ringtone.

And everything happens on its own too quick for Jennie’s slow reflexes – slow because of the alcohol – to follow.

“That’s it,” Jisoo gets the phone from the table, “I’m taking this call.”

“Don’t!!!” Jennie tries to snatch the phone off but Jisoo’s quick to put a hand on her face to stop her.

“Hey–,” Jisoo starts and Jennie can’t help but just listen on whatever conversation is going to happen, “– No, this is Kim Jisoo.”

Jennie snickers as she imagines how Lisa’s panicking by now and automatically yells ‘Jennie’ when the call was answered.

But her imagination is stopped when Jisoo says the place where they are and that Jennie is drunk and needs to go home.

“I’m not drunk!” Jennie yells at the phone for Lisa to hear it, but she realizes that it makes her look more drunk when she denies it.

“Yeah, okay, good.” Jisoo continues to speak, “I’ll keep an eye on her. Please be here as fast as you can.”

And Jennie finally smacks Jisoo’s arm because her friend just has to say – to tease,

“She’s been waiting for you.”



Jennie sees Lisa walk rapidly to her, bowing to Jisoo multiple times before turning to her.

But Jennie immediately turns her woozy headaway from that sickeningly familiar voice.

“Is she okay?” She hears Lisa ask, probably Jisoo, as the blonde starts to prompt Jennie to stand up. Which Jennie quickly dismisses as she continues to turn away from Lisa.

“She was.” Jisoo replies, “But I think she had too many drinks already and I’m afraid she’ll be sleeping here soon.”

“Is that so,” Jennie hears Lisa mumble, and she feels Lisa trying to get a hold of her again, “Jennie, let’s go home.”


It mocks Jennie when Lisa says it because she knows – they both know – that after tomorrow, Lisa would be nowhere near calling the Kim’s house ‘home’ any longer.

“Don’t mock me, Lisa.” Jennie brashly pulls away once more as she abruptly stands up – with Lisa’s hands open, ready to support her in case she falls – as Jennie starts walking. But she does chug one last glass down before she starts walking away fully.

And Jennie knows she’s not drunk. No, she’s just dizzy and her head just feels heavy. She’s still to sober to see things but she’ll be lying if she says that she sees them clearly.

Though she can walk, she does wonder why her sight moves farther to the left when she knows she’s walking straight.

“Look at her walk diagonally,” She hears Jisoo chuckle.

And Jennie could have palmed her face if Lisa had not secured her hands.

“Be careful.” Lisa says as she continues to hold Jennie by the hands to assist her.

And Jennie feels Lisa’s breathing as the blonde keeps her so close – so close because it feels like Lisa’s basically hugging her – as they walk out of the club.

Where Jennie feels so protected when it’s Lisa who’s holding her close, when it’s Lisa keeping her safe like this.

Like nothing can ever harm her.

But it’s ironic because it’s also Lisa who gives her so much pain.

And Jennie can only close her eyes as she feels weak to even protest.

So she lets herself lean on to Lisa’s chest as Lisa continue to make her feel the safest.

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