《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 57


Jennie doesn't like it. Jennie doesn't like it one bit.

No, not with the scene in front of her.

A sight where Sehun animatedly talks to Lisa, with Lisa only left to nod and giggle softly.

And Jennie has to admit she's impressed with Sehun.

Not once since he arrived did he touch Lisa.

Just like how Jennie had warned and threatened him on cutting his hand if he lays a finger on Lisa.

But then Sehun proves Jennie wrong because Jennie sees how Sehun's hand slowly and slyly starts to reach for Lisa's hand,

And so even if she was telling a story to Kai, she suddenly walks faster to press Lisa forward - her hands on either side of Lisa's arms as she does.

"Okay!" Jennie says a tone higher than normal, "Lisa, where do you want to eat?"

Jennie sees the perplexity plastered on Lisa's face by her sudden action. Jennie feels how taut Lisa had become by her sudden touch.

"U... Uhm," Lisa stutters, "D-Don't you like to ask Kai instead?"

It was harmless. The question was supposed to be harmless.

But with how Lisa looks quizzically at her - like what Jennie just asked is something that she shouldn't have had - made Jennie question herself as well.

Isn't Lisa, right? Shouldn't Kai be the one she's be asking?

"I-I," It was Jennie's turn to stutter, but her hands still pressed firmly on Lisa, "I'm just... I just wanted to know what you wanted to eat today."

"A-Anything you want." Lisa continues to stammer.

Jennie feels her heart thump against her chest with that simple answer, and Jennie's sure she was to reply, but Sehun cuts her off with,

"Hey, Jennie. Don't you have Kai to attend to?"

Jennie hastily glares at him, "Go with him. Catch up on things."

Sehun burrows his eyebrows, "What?"

"Just!" Jennie shuts her eyes tight in annoyance, "Go with him."

Sehun looks at her first, and Lisa looks at her, too.

And Jennie feels her ears get hot.

"... You're weird." Sehun plainly says.

Jennie only makes a face, and Sehun returns it, but he does go to Kai and gives him a high-five.

And Jennie only sighs in relief.

"Are you alright?" Lisa asks her,

Jennie looks back at her, before looking at the ground,

Hoping that what she answers is the truth,

"Yeah, I'm fine."


Jennie quickly yet lightly shoves Lisa to the farthest end of the booth before she herself occupies the space beside Lisa.

"Hey," Sehun lowly protests as she points at Jennie, "I should sit there."

"Shut up." Jennie replies.

Sehun puffs his cheek as he has no choice but to sit in front of Lisa and be beside Kai instead.

"Lisa, what do you wan-?"

"Lisa, what do you like to eat?"

Sehun cuts Jennie off and it made Jennie wish she could stab him on the spot.

Lisa hasn't answered yet when Jennie turns her to face the shorter girl,

"Lisa, tell me what you want."

"I-I..." Lisa's left to be a sputtering mess yet again.

"I'll be the one to treat her!" Sehun interrupts.

"I'm always the one treating her!" Jennie answers back.

"Okay!" Kai gets in between their squabble, "Jennie, what would you like to eat? Sehun and I will be the ones to order, let's talk about paying later."

Sehun's about to object but Kai stares rather pleadingly at him for Sehun to just go with the flow.


"Fine." Sehun sighs.

Jennie unintentionally smiles as she asks Lisa what the latter wants, with Lisa finally smiling back at her.


But Jennie is still cautious.

Even if Lisa's beside her, and Sehun has distance from the taller girl, Jennie can't help but keep queasy.

Because she knows Sehun too much that she knows he will do anything and everything to get what he wants as well.

He wants to get it so bad that he'll take every chance there is to get closer to Lisa.

That even with the littlest speck of food by the corner of Lisa's mouth, he's willing to wipe off her.

"Hey, Lisa," He calls as he gets a tissue, and Jennie's eyes are quick to follow his movements, "You have a little something here."

Sehun's about to lean forward to wipe it off Lisa, but Jennie's quicker,

For she then hurriedly gets a napkin herself and turns Lisa's face towards her, "Where?"

She holds Lisa's chin in place as she wipes the food off Lisa's lips.

And Jennie's left there to see Lisa staring at her again.

The same confusion residing in those eyes once more.

And Jennie stares back at Lisa, her hand still on the latter's lips as she does.

Wondering what it is in Lisa that she can't help but drown in Lisa's stares.

Their little moment only stops when Lisa mutters an awkward, "Th-Thanks", before pulling away from her.

And Jennie once again wonders - as she gulps dryly and prays her heart stops tightening,

If she should have just withdrew her hand immediately again.


Jennie just looks away for a second before finding out that it also only takes Sehun a second as well to be back beside Lisa as they roam the mall.

Jennie internally grunts at how persuasive Sehun is towards Lisa.

"I told you Sehun likes her." Kai nudges her as they walk a bit behind the other two.

What a rare time to be the one walking behind Lisa, Jennie thinks.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious now." Jennie shrugs.

"Why don't you seem happy about it? Don't you like the idea of your cousin being together with your friend?"

Jennie doesn't know where she shivers more, with the thought of Sehun being together with Lisa romantically or Lisa being called a 'friend' to her.

"I... I don't know. I'm just not comfortable with it. I mean, Sehun's a player."

"He can change."

"I know, but I just," Jennie shrugs again as she continues to watch the other two laughing at something which irritates Jennie more, "... I don't know."

Jennie says it honestly, she doesn't know anymore.

And she gets more confused when Kai suddenly asks,

"Do you think Lisa likes him back?"

Jennie sharply turns to him, her eyes - she knows - have panic in them.

Sehun liking Lisa is one thing, but Lisa actually liking him back is another.

And suddenly, Jennie really doesn't know what she feels anymore - what to feel anymore.

But her thoughts are cut short when she sees Sehun making it appear that he's stretching his arms before casually bringing one down to Lisa's shoulder - the oldest and cheapest trick in the playbook.

And Jennie's blood shots back up to her brain, and she's sure she could have prevented it - because she's already on her way to their direction - if it was not for Kai suddenly holding her hand to stop her from doing so.

She hastily looks back at Kai - her brows furrowed together already - only for Kai to shake his head,


"Let them be." He says, his grip still firm on Jennie.

"But," Jennie tries to reason,

Kai ends her reasoning with, "They're happy."

Jennie bites her lip before looking back at Kai and Lisa.

With Sehun successfully being able to put an arm around Lisa while he points at random stores as he whispers something on Lisa's ear with Lisa giggling softly at something stupid that he said.

And Jennie only clenches her hand and grits her teeth as she closes her eyes,

Because why does Lisa seem so happy?

Jennie continues to shut her eyes tight to not see how Sehun has pulled Lisa even closer to him,

Why don't you pull away?


Jennie stays silent during the drive back home. She's now the one on the passenger's seat as it's Kai's car they're riding.

Meaning that it's Lisa still staying at the back, but now she's with Sehun.

The first few minutes of the drive was filled with Sehun's boisterous voice and Lisa's light laughs, until the night finally catches to them and everything is silent all of a sudden.

Jennie's looking outside when Kai breaks the stillness by saying,

"The kids are ready to sleep."

Jennie looks at him first before looking at the back,

And maybe she shouldn't have had,

Because she sees how Sehun places Lisa's head on his shoulder as Lisa starts to drift off to sleep.

And it made Jennie scoff even more,

Because she just has to see how contented Lisa looks like.


The following days get more and more bothersome to Jennie.

If Rosé was not enough to ruin her mood, Sehun's there to add more anger.

Having him pestering them early in the mornings, with him dramatically turning front - roses in hand - as Jennie opens the door, with Lisa's name already on his lips.

It was disgusting to look at, it was more disgusting when Lisa can't help but blush because of those silly things Sehun does.

It doesn't help that Sehun has managed to find his way into Lisa's circle of friends - and by circle of friends, Jennie meant Rosé, and Rosé alone.

The three of them hanging around together after classes because Jennie figures that she can't take anymore of Sehun and Lisa's flirting when Lisa's there to accompany her and Kai.

And it irks Jennie more when Lisa won't be home when Jennie arrives late at night because Sehun takes Lisa out somewhere and brings her rather late already, with Jennie's constant scolding and reminders that Lisa does take in - because Lisa apologizes - but Sehun doesn't seem to take seriously. With Sehun even going as far as informing Jennie's parents that he'll take Lisa out somewhere.

And it doesn't help that even Kai seems to support the idea of Lisa and Sehun getting together. That he manages to bring the topic out every once in a while in their conversations, that Jennie would unintentionally bicker with him about it and they'd end up fighting again.

That Jennie stresses herself out because of over-thinking too much again. On how to fix her relationship with Kai, on how to repress whatever silly feelings she feels about Lisa and Sehun together, on how to stop whatever thoughts she has about Lisa.

She stresses herself of overthinking too much that she doesn't think anymore.

She doesn't think anymore and let the desire to fix her and Kai take over her that one night.

That when Kai bids her goodbye at their porch, it was her who pulls his face closer for a kiss.

A kiss not too chaste but not too careless.

A kiss deep enough for her to feel Kai's lips on hers.

A kiss long enough to make sure they're not broken.

That when she opens her eyes as she pulls away, she hopes to feel the same longing - if that's what she really feels - for Kai that she's not sure if she harbours for Lisa.

"Kai, I..." She tries to regain her breath, her hands still holding his face in place.

And all words she was about to say die down to her throat when she hears a loud cheer,

"Way to go, Jendeuk!"

Jennie and Kai quickly turns to whoever said it, and Jennie already knows who it was.

"I should learn from you!" Sehun laughs as he continues to applaud.

But what Jennie doesn't know is that she's already gone pale,

Because she sees Lisa looking at her.

And Jennie can't seem to read whatever it is inside Lisa's eyes anymore - if Lisa's hurt, or happy, or mad.

Because even if Lisa's eyes look so broken, a faint smile was on her lips as she continues to stare at Jennie.

And that stare is only turned away when Sehun pulls Lisa closer and teasingly says, "When will you do that to me, Lisa?"

And Jennie's eyes are the unreadable ones by then.

Because she can't stomach even just the thought of Lisa kissing Sehun.

Lisa elbows Sehun's side as they both subside into low laughter.

"Thanks for today." Lisa says weakly as she gently pushes Sehun off her.

Lisa says it so weakly that Jennie might not have heard it if she did not listen closely.

And Jennie should have really stopped listening close to their conversation,

Because if she did,

Then she wouldn't hear Lisa say,

"I'll see you tomorrow."


Jennie pecks Kai's cheek before finally going inside the house.

She goes straight to her room, not minding if Lisa follows behind or if Lisa goes straight to her own room as well.

And Jennie doesn't need to think further because she hears knocks on her door.

"What is it?" Jennie calls out.

She sees Lisa peek inside first before slowly walking inside Jennie's room.

"... Hey." Lisa murmurs.

And Jennie can sense that the other girl is edgy - nervous, tensed.

"Yes?" Jennie tilts her head to probe Lisa further.

"Jennie... I," Lisa scratches her head as she looks down, and Jennie's sure Lisa's more than nervous by now, "I-I want to tell you something."

The uneasiness that Lisa possesses now transfers to Jennie, for Jennie suddenly feels her heart beat faster than normal,

"Wh-What is it?"

"But promise me that you won't..." Lisa bites her lips before looking at Jennie, then looking down again, "... That you won't think of me any differently. Or that you won't get mad, or furious, or... troubled."

Jennie feels her breathe getting coarse by the second, the air she's breathing seeming to get thicker and thicker with each passing moment, "J-Just say it."

Jennie sees Lisa bringing her eyes to meet Jennie's, and Jennie's certain that there's this intensity in them when Lisa looks at her.

The same passion she's always seen in Lisa's eyes.

"Jennie... I..." Lisa exhales, "I-I... I think I..."

Jennie swallows dryly as she wishes hard that her damned heart keep still and not be bothered by her thoughts.

Her thoughts that continue to poison her being.

Thoughts so venomous it clouds Jennie's mind in the worst way possible.

Thoughts of Lisa needing her, of Lisa wanting her.

Jennie sees Lisa close her eyes first before bringing them to stare at Jennie again,

"Jennie, I think I..."

And Jennie swears her heart is about to leap out of her chest,

But Jennie only feels her heart sink deep into her stomach - she only feels her heart stop beating for a second,

Her poor, poor heart that stops clenching because she suddenly feels like she just died,

"Jennie," Lisa says with the same determination in her eyes as she continues to stare at Jennie - as she continues to trap Jennie,

And she continues to crush Jennie's heart -pulverizing it into bits and pieces,

Because then Lisa finishes what she's trying to say,

"I think I like Sehun."

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