《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 56


Jennie has never thought that the drive to their school could be this long and could be this bothersome, and could be this maddening.

Not when Sehun blatantly stares at Lisa, his body turned from the passenger’s seat so that he’ll be facing the girls, his hand supporting his chin as he stares comfortably at the blonde while he contentedly smiles.

With the said blonde being self-conscious as she timidly tucks her hair behind her ear, glancing over Sehun time to time as well when she’s not looking outside.

Jennie looks at them back and forth, her blood reaching its boiling point with how dreamy Sehun looks at Lisa.

And Lisa just has to look back!

She just has to look as dreamily back!

A small smile playing on her lips as she tries to cover it with her hand as she looks outside.

“Goddamnit.” Jennie curses under her breath.

“You look stupid, Sehun. Keep your eyes on the road.” It was Jennie’s turn to look outside.

“Why should I?” Sehun doesn’t even look at her, he only continues to dorkily smile at the girl beside Jennie, “When I can keep my eyes on Lisa instead?”

Jennie snaps her head back at her cousin – who was still, mind you, looking at Lisa.

Then she sees Lisa blush even more, if Lisa can still manage to look as red.

“You're seriously not falling for this, are you, Lisa?” Jennie asks, and suddenly, she’s not sure whether she sounded distressed and worried when she asked.

Lisa only turns to face her, then at Sehun, then outside again, “I… I don’t know.”

Jennie feels the blood inside her rush to her face,

Lisa’s not serious, is she?

“Goddamnit, Sehun,” Jennie frustratingly sighs as she pushes her cousin’s face to look away, “Just stop staring at her!”

Jennie succeeds in pushing his face away, but not without resistance, and not without Sehun still looking back as she does push him away.


And to add more fuel to the fire inside her, Sehun lets out a satisfied and a giddy howl as he elbows Mr. Kim.

And Lisa just have to softly giggle because of it.


“Oh! Stay there, Lisa!” Sehun swiftly takes his seatbelt off and rushes out of the car.

Jennie scrunches her eyebrows at his gesture, only for her eyebrows to scrunch more because Sehun did it to open the door for Lisa.

“After you, beautiful.” He fakes curtsy as he holds the door open for Lisa.

He gets a light smack at his arm, but along with it was a smile from the girl and so Sehun smiles wider.

He then peers inside and calls out to a fuming Jennie, “Hey, you. It’s your turn.”

“Shut up, idiot.” Jennie smacks him, too. But it was nowehere near as playful as Lisa’s had because Sehun yelps from the impact.

“Oww! I was just joking!” Sehun rubs his arm.

“We’re here, now leave.”

“Oh, hey! There’s Kai!” Sehun disregards what his cousin just said, then whispers to Jennie, “You’re still together? What’s wrong with him?”

Another hard smack.

But he doesn’t yap anymore, he only laughs, “Does he still remember me?”

Jennie jeers, “You’re annoying. Of course he’ll remember you.”

But it was Sehun’s turn to tease, “I wonder what you do to keep him around.”

“Don’t you ever stop talking?”

Sehun only laughs at Jennie’s comment as he waves at Kai.

Kai sees them and starts walking to their direction.

Jennie throws a smile and a wave at him, and it was only then that she remembers that Lisa was still there.

She cautiously looks at Lisa’s direction only to find her glancing back and forth Kai and the ground – not knowing which to look at anymore.

Jennie hears Sehun and Kai talking, maybe greeting each other and telling a few, quick stories then and there, but her attention is focused on a certain blonde.


A certain blonde that still can’t seem to stare at Jennie the same way Jennie can’t as much land her eyes on the other girl as well.

A certain blonde who fidgets and stiffens when Kai is around Jennie.

Jennie’s observations are put into a halt when Lisa unexpectedly stares back at her.

The shrewdness in Jennie’s stares is quickly replaced by panic and uncertainty when their eyes met.

And Jennie thinks for a second that Lisa’s stares had hesitation in them as well.

Their gazes are broken when Jennie yet hears another familiar voice – a familiar voice still to familiar for her liking.

Because now, the infuriating voice is from Rosé.

“Hey, Lalisa!”

Jennie sees Lisa turn to Rosé as the taller girl returns the bright smile already painted on her friend’s lips.

Jennie sees Lisa bow her head to Kai, and to her, and to Sehun as sign that she’s already leaving.

And Jennie also sees how Sehun runs to Lisa to say his goodbye, but not before Lisa acquaints him with Rosé first.

Jennie only grits her teeth when Lisa waves goodbye to Sehun.

It was a very simple gesture, but with how Lisa smiles at Sehun as she does, was enough for Jennie.

“Sehun likes Lisa, doesn’t he?”

Jennie’s trance stops when she hears Kai suddenly state that. She only grits her teeth harder.

“H-How do you say so?”

“It’s pretty obvious.” Kai shrugs.

“Sehun’s like that to all the girls he meet.”

“Yeah,” Kai holds Jennie’s things, “But it’s somehow different with Lisa. I don’t know, but he looks more cheerful. I mean look at him, look at how he’s smiling like a kid right now.” He chuckles as he points at Sehun.

Jennie looks at where Kai’s pointing and true enough, Sehun was indeed smiling. But not like a kid, not at least to Jennie, but rather than an idiot.

And Jennie doesn’t like the sight.

No, it’s not that she doesn’t like to see her cousin that happy, maybe she just doesn’t like what made him that happy.

“Well, I’ll be going now.” Sehun ruffles Jennie’s hair, much to the latter’s dismay, “See you later! I’ll come pick you up.”

Jennie’s about to protest but Sehun already made his way back to the car, shouting,

“Bye, Jendeuk! And good luck with her, Kai!”

And Jennie only tightens her hands into fists, not because of what Sehun said,

But because she sees Lisa looking back,

Looking back at Sehun.


Maybe having Lisa accompany Kai and her that day is a bad idea.

Because even if Rosé dejectedly shakes her head at Jennie’s possessiveness of her friend, Lisa obediently complies with Jennie’s request.

Maybe having Lisa be with Kai and her is a really bad idea.

Because Sehun’s already waiting outside the gate.

And Jennie’s initial thoughts are that he’s waiting for Lisa, and he’ll probably ask her to go somewhere with him.

Oh, boy, was Jennie correct.

“Hey, Lisa. You want to go somewhere today?” Sehun tries to carry Lisa’s things for her, but Lisa politely takes them back.

“I-I’ll go with Jennie and Kai today.” Lisa tucks some hair behind her ear again.

Sehun creases his eyebrows, and Jennie creases her eyebrows.

Because Jennie is sure that she would not like whatever is going through inside Sehun’s brain and out of his mouth.

“You’ll go with them?” Sehun asks Lisa, and Lisa simply nods.

Jennie sees Sehun look at her and Kai, before a wide grin spreads on his face,

“Great!” He exclaims, making Jennie and Lisa jump a little from shock,

But it was Jennie who gets the biggest shock when Sehun adds,

“It’s a double date!!”


Who do you prefer?

Chaeyoung, Sehun or Jennie?

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