《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 53


"I'll go with you."

Jennie doesn't need to turn around to see who it was who ran up to her to say those words breathlessly.

She only clutches tighter to Kai as she prompts him to already walk.

But she's soon to stop when she hears, "Jennie, I'll go with you."

"I thought you'll go somewhere with Rosé?" She finally turns to the other person.

"I..." Lisa bites a lip, but it will be Jennie who'll do the same for Lisa just has to say,

"I want to go with you."

Jennie saearches Lisa's face first though she's also the first to break their gazes off as she yet fears for her roaring heart once more.

So she's only compelled to say a thoughtless, "Suit yourself."

And Jennie admits all her thoughts left her at once when she sees Lisa smile again.


But she also sees Lisa's smile waver as the taller girl stand a little bit far behind.

Looking at shop windows as they go through the mall, maintaining a safe distance between Jennie and Kai as they go from store to store, walking a bit slower and farther as the other two continue to talk, having to act like the third wheel yet again.

Though it's not as awkward as it was the first few times.

Because now Lisa passes time, she passes time through rummaging her phone.

And Jennie's sure it's not for playing games.

She's sure Lisa's exchanging messages.

So when the thought of Lisa asking Rosé to come over and accompany them as well play on Jennie's mind, Jennie quickly – and she's not sure why – feels fearful.

So fearful that she asks Kai to take them home already.

"Why? Are you alright?" And it really should be Lisa to ask first.

"I-I'm fine." Jennie waves a hand to dismiss the conversation already – and maybe to dismiss the damned feelings again, her other hand looking for something familiar, comforting, and so she holds Kai's arm, "Just bring us home already, Kai."

Jennie sees from the corner of her eye how Lisa simply nods before backing away to go to her position behind Jennie and Kai again,

With teeth on her lips, and her eyes casted down.


But it will soon be Jennie biting her lips because the rain starts to pour hard just before they can reach the house.


They already spent a good 5-minutes blaming and arguing on why nobody ever thought of bringing an umbrella and another good 5-minutes arguing on how they'll get in the closed front gate of the Kim's to at least have Kai park his car by the porch that still was too far to walk considering it's raining hard.

It wasn't anyone's fault when Kai's and Jennie's voices start to get louder and louder as they commence with their finger-pointing once more.

"Didn't I tell you to bring an umbrella?!" Jennie questions him.

"You told me you have one as well!"

Jennie scoffs as she irritatingly answers back, "Now we're stuck inside your car!"

"Is it my fault you wanted to go home already?"

"Now you're blaming it on me again?!"

"What do you want me to do?! Go run through the rain?!"

Jennie's eyes widen and widen, mirroring the same reactions Kai's having.

And Jennie forgets that Lisa's still with them at the back of the car. She only notices when she feels someone tap her shoulder.

Jennie quickly looks back as the fury controls her mind once more, for she accidentally snaps, "What?!"

"Kindly hold my things." Lisa says calmly as she hands Jennie her bag.

And Jennie replies calmly as well, "What?"

Lisa does not reply to her question as the blonde turns to Kai to say, "Kai, kindly drive and drop Jennie by the front porch once the gate opens."

"What?" He burrows his eyebrows, "How will the gate open?"

And Jennie thinks Lisa's really insane,

Because Lisa says, determined and firm,

"I'll do it."

"What?!" Jennie fully turns to her, "You're crazy!"

But before she can stop the taller girl from leaving, Lisa already opens the car door and runs like a madman as she pries the front gate open.

Jennie can only crossly sigh and run a hand through her hair when she sees how sodden Lisa has become, how Lisa's trying to keep her eyes open with how hard the raindrops are hitting her.

How Lisa smiles triumphantly when she finally opens the gate despite how she's shivering cold already.

How Lisa runs to their house and grabs an umbrella to wait for Jennie by the short flight of stairs leading to the main door.


That when Kai does what he's told and drives Jennie by the stairs of their front porch, Lisa's already wainting there with an umbrella in hand, and a smile on her lips.

That when Kai bids goodbye and kisses her cheek, she doesn't feel as warm – not even close at how warm – when Lisa smiles at her.

That when that smile fades when she looks at Lisa looking back at them, the same warmth was taken from Jennie.

That when Lisa steps down to fetch her and cover her from the rain – with Lisa's body more than drenched, but her smile still more than warm – Jennie can't help but think how radiant Lisa still managed to look like.

"Are you alright?"

And it was Lisa who still has the courtesy to ask her that. When it was clearly Jennie who should be asking.

"Are you alright?" Jennie mimics, but worry is evident with how she asks back.

"I-Im fine, Jennie." Lisa looks away.

"Let's go inside and have you changed."

Jennie leads Lisa inside, and it's only when she merely had a touch of Lisa's skin did Jennie really realizes how cold it must have been for Lisa.

That, ironically, it melts her heart to even think about it.


Though the next day was no different from the other days that went before it. Because they still don't talk much on their drive to school.

Lisa's occasional coughing doesn't do much help but provide as the awkward background for their awkward ride.

That when Jennie spots Rosé yet again, her rage strikes her brain a bit too hard that she heartlessly sends Lisa off once more.

Spitting hurtful words like, "Go on, leave."

And Lisa's only obliged to nod and thank her again before running, but rather weakly, to Rosé as the same bright, radiant, and warm smile that was for her that last time is now for Rosé.


Jennie feels the same poisonous feelings inside her when she sees no Lisa or Rosé by the school gate that afternoon.

So she's once again left to wonder helplessly on where they could have been at the moment, or what they're doing now, or what they're talking about, or what other things will be added up to Jennie's limited knowledge about Lisa, knowledge about Lisa that Jennie will never know of.

She overthinks about it that she feels like she wants to throw up and so she does not go out with anyone that afternoon.

She goes home straight and wishes that she feels better.

That she feels anything else but these venomous feelings inside of her.


Jennie is sure she's confused as hell when she hears knocks on their door.

And Jennie swears she's confused as hell when she opens it and finds Rosé standing in front of her with a silly paper bag with her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Is Jennie's welcoming question to the other girl.

Jennie sees Rosé sigh and nod first before looking straight at her, "Listen, Jennie. I don't know what you are to Lisa, or what Lisa is to you,"

Jennie involuntarily twitches an eyebrow with how she doesn't like where this is going,

But Rosé continues, "And do know that I don't like you. Not even a bit, not with how you treat Lisa."

Jennie raises a finger and she's sure she needs to say something back, but Rosé's quick to cut her off with, "But I am willing to throw my pride away and my dislike of you, and I'm more than willing to beg, just for you to let me in and see Lisa."

Jennie suspends her finger because now she's really confused as fuck as to what's happening and what Rosé's talking about.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jennie's eyebrows decide to meet up in confusion.

And it was Rosé's turn to scrunch her eyebrows together, "What are you talking about?"

"Why are you here?"

"To see Lisa?"

"What?" Jennie gulps first, because she knows her next question will yet sting her again, "Isn't she with you?"

But she never knew that what Rosé will say next will hurt her more.

"What? She went home because she's sick!"

And to add more pain,

"Aren't you living with her?"

Jennie's a lost for words. All this time, Lisa was at home with her. All this time, when Lisa was coughing, she was already not feeling well.

All this time, and Jennie does not even know.

How can Jennie still say something after that?


I know u guys are tired but have faith in Jennie and Lisa :>

23 more chapters to go! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

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