《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 49


Jennie wakes up to the sound of her ringtone. She answers it mindlessly for she knows who it is.

“Good morning, Kai.” She says as she rubs her eyes.

It has been a routine, Kai calling to wake her up or sometimes, it’s the other way around.

It’s cringy, Jennie knows, but it’s somehow sweet, nevertheless.

They end their minute conversation as they need to both prepare for school already.

A smile stays on Jennie’s lips from the phone call, and only for it to be taken away when she remembers what happened yesterday,

What happened to her and Lisa yesterday.

She immediately feels her heart thump twice more beat than normal, and she instantly feels her face get hot.

She curses herself internally as she remembers how she was not able to control her damned lips from touching Lisa.

Why did I do that?

She smacks her forehead and buries her face in her hands.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She mutters.

How will she face Lisa now? With all the embarrassment eating her – devouring her whole?

And that will soon be answered because she hears her door opening, and her heart constricts harder.

“… Good morning, Jennie.”

Jennie breathes first before making herself gaze to where the voice came from.

“… Good morning, monkey.” She clears her throat first before greeting Lisa back.

“Breakfast in bed?” Lisa shrugs as Jennie sees how the former’s eyes wander the room.

“Sure.” Jennie timidly nods.

What is this atmosphere?

Lisa walks closer to her and Jennie makes sure she acts normal. Why would that little thing about yesterday even bother Jennie?

She’s kissed a lot more people before, how is slightly kissing Lisa’s skin be any different?

But Lisa is really good in confusing Jennie because then Lisa sits by Jennie’s bedside again, muttering her name – only with that simple mumble of her name is enough to make her question whatever action she does to and with Lisa,


And Lisa is really good in confusing Jennie because then Jennie feels her ears flare when she somehow heard – and she’s not sure if she’s heard Lisa correct – Lisa ask,

“… Do you want me…?”

Jennie looks at Lisa as Jennie chokes on absolutely nothing, her throat goes dry and the only thing she’s able to respond is, “W-What?”

Jennie feels the same heat spreading fast all over her body – spreading like wildfire, faster than wildfire. The same heat in her face consumes her heart and she hears her chest blaring and her insides blazing.


But that fire was quickly extinguished when the same confused look transfers to Lisa as Lisa says – clearer,

“… Do you want me… to feed you?”

When Jennie hears it, finally, and when she truly understands what Lisa whispered, she doesn’t understand why she feels disappointed and burning mad.

“No,” Jennie says sternly, the embarrassment she’s been feeling early in the morning consuming her again. Why would she even think Lisa asked that?

That same embarrassment then turns into a violent fury for Jennie feels stupid – because Lisa made her feel stupid.

And so Jennie says, with the same cold tone that she’s been giving Lisa, “I want you,”

She grips the front of Lisa’s shirt – pulling Lisa closer to her, the same intensity her tight grip mirrors the one in her eyes – making her next words meaner than they already are,

“Out of my room.”

Jennie immediately sees the confusion in Lisa’s eyes turn to – what she wants to believe is – pain.

She sees Lisa look down before the latter timidly nods,

“… Okay.” Lisa nods one last time before gently pulling Jennie’s hand – the one with the wounded finger, the one that had hurt Lisa the day before – away from the blonde’s shirt.

And Jennie knows she feels guilty – of course she does – but with how Lisa messes with her mind – and with her heart – constantly drives Jennie to insanity.

So with one last of Lisa’s nods, Lisa stands up and leaves the room.

With Jennie only chewing on her lips once more as she watch Lisa walk away.


Jennie sees Lisa prepare her – Jennie’s – things in the living room.

Surprisingly, Lisa’s not humming.

And Jennie wonders if it’s because of what she did earlier.

But why would Lisa act indifferently? Jennie has always been like this to her.


“Hey, monkey.” Jennie breaks the silence between them.

Lisa warily turns to her, “Y-Yes?”

And Jennie decides to rid of the guilt pressing on her by asking – sincerely, “Have you eaten already?”

She sees Lisa’s eyes widen for a moment before Lisa looks back at Jennie's things, Lisa replies, “Y-Yes. Thank you for asking.”

Jennie unintentionally smiles at how Lisa almost tripped after.

“Are you alright?” Jennie continues to smile – not knowing why.

Lisa clears her throat, “… Yes.”


And Jennie knows that she really is going insane because then she holds Lisa’s hand – and she’s thankful that Lisa jerks but does not pull away, Jennie says – still with a smile, “Let’s go to school.”

And Jennie admits that she really is going insane, because then Lisa finally smiles at her – the same, bright smile Jennie has become fond of,

Lisa says a cheerful, “Okay.”

But soon that bright smile’s taken away again, for a phone rings.

Though it’s not Lisa’s this time.

Jennie quickly lets go of Lisa’s hand as she says, “I-I’ll just take that.”

Jennie need not look at the caller I.D, “Hey, Kai.”

Her eyes – like routinely – turns to Lisa, and Lisa’s not able to return that stare as the blonde is already looking away – a bit lip and a clenched hand on sight.

Jennie hears Kai speaking and she hums as answers, but her eyes can’t help but continue studying Lisa.

She sees Lisa move and continue packing their things, then carrying their bags before going outside.

Jennie unintentionally sighs as she focuses back to Kai.


The ride to school is covered with silence once more. Just like what their rides the past weeks had been – after their trip to Anyang.

Jennie still cares the least bit what runs through Lisa’s mind, but she does care what Lisa types on the latter’s phone.

Jennie doesn’t understand how it should affect her in any way when she has a fair share of sending messages to people.

She groans slightly, making Lisa look at her for a brief second.

Jennie continues to look outside, not minding what Lisa thinks when Jennie did that.

Because Lisa didn’t ask.

And Jennie eats her thoughts, because Lisa finally asks,

“Are you alright?”

Jennie decides to look back, her mind wandering but her thought blanking with how Lisa looks and asks so concerned at her.

And Jennie’s only to mumble a subtle,

“I’m fine.”

And she really wishes that she is.


Jennie’s sure she’s fine when she immediately runs up to Kai, who has been waiting for her. She’s sure she’s fine when she somehow sees the same sturdy and unexplainable emotion painted on Lisa’s face.

“Hi! Good morning!” She latches herself onto his arm as she wastes no time in pulling him inside the campus as she doesn’t want to witness – and she’s not sure why – Lisa waiting for Chaeyoung again.

“Hey, good morning to you, too.” Kai says, “Why are we in a hurry?”

Jennie bites her lip, “We might be late for class…?”

He chuckles, “There’s plenty time, no need to rush.” He pats her hand, and Jennie smiles as she feels assured – safe.

But that safety slowly crumbles when she hears an annoying voice cheerfully saying,

“Lalisa! Good morning!”

Don’t look back. Don’t look back. Don’t look back.

Jennie reminds herself over and over.

And her tolerance is growing thinner and thinner by the second because even in a sea full of murmurs and whispers of different people, she still hears Lisa – she hears Lisa happily respond back.


“I’m not going home with you.”

Jennie blatanly says as she hold onto Kai tighter once more, her shoulders slightly brushing Lisa’s as the shorter girl walks by the taller one. Not even a bat of an eye was given to Lisa as Jennie says the words sternly.

Though she hears Lisa ask, “M-May I at least know where you’re going?”

“Somewhere.” Jennie hastily says, urging Kai to keep up with her pace.

But Lisa’s stubborn, because Lisa continues to ask, “What time will you be home?”

Kai scoffs, but she does say, “I’m with Kai, Lisa. I’ll be fine.”

And Jennie’s the one to stop walking first when she hears Lisa say – pleads,

“Please go home early.”

She clenches her hand first, as she feels the same warmth taking over her again.

She finally turns back to Lisa, and she hates how Lisa looks at her.

How Lisa looks at her with full of concern, full of worry, full of longingness for her.

How Lisa looks at her with pain, hurt, and discomfort when she sees Lisa chancing upon their – Kai’s and hers – entwined hands.

How Lisa still looks at her like Lisa’s in love with her.

No, Jennie can’t handle all these.

So she brushes her feelings once more, by saying yet again – bitterly and heartlessly,

“It’s not your business.”


Hi guys! My next update will be probably next week. I'll be having my quarterly assessment this whole week, so, yeah :> But I will try my best to update! I love you all! :>

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