《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 48


Jennie crosses her arms as she let the awkward silence between her and Lisa lurk inside the car.

Not one of them dares break it.

Though Jennie sees from the corner of her eye how Lisa will time to time touch the blonde's front collar – the spot Jennie clutched.

Jennie sees how Lisa tries not to make it obvious that the latter's caressing that area – with the way Lisa would only rub it for a split second before putting her hand back to her lap, with the way Lisa would slyly look at Jennie's direction first and rubbing it again if she thinks Jennie's not able to see it.

Jennie decides to break the stupid silence off by saying,

"Does it hurt?"

Lisa instantly jolts and retreats her hand, "W-What?"

"Your chest." Jennie turns to Lisa, "The one that I gripped."

Lisa only clutches her front collar, "N-No."

Jennie only stares at Lisa, and so Lisa lowers her gaze.

Jennie shrugs, "If that's what you say so."

And she turns her gaze outside, not letting it bother her.


But it does bother Jennie still because then she says,

"Let me see it."

She tells Lisa once they're inside the house.

"See what?" Lisa continues to grip on her front collar.

"Oh, please, Lisa." Jennie scoffs as she swats Lisa's hand.

She starts to unbutton Lisa's uniform.

"J-Jennie!" Lisa holds Jennie's hands, but Jennie only brushes her off.

She starts,

One button, two buttons, three—


That's too many buttons.

Jennie stops unbuttoning the third one when she realizes how far she's reached in undoing Lisa's uniform.

Her hands stay by Lisa's third button when she slowly looks up at the taller girl.

And the mad blush in Lisa's face transfers to her own.


"Th-That's enough." Jennie lets go, "Can't you unbutton yourself?"

"Th-That's what I was about to do!" Lisa grips on her now-slightly-open uniform.

"Let me see it." Jennie looks back at Lisa – the both of them still blushing beet.

"I'm fine, Jennie."

"Let. Me. See. It." Jennie slowly and threateningly repeats.

Lisa submits with a sigh, she lets go of her uniform.

Jennie gulps first before pulling Lisa's front collars apart.

She somehow feels regret in her actions earlier when she sees nail marks on Lisa's chest, just right between the collarbones.

"L-Lisa," Jennie mutters.

"I-I told you I'm fine." Lisa looks at the ground, "It's nothing."

Jennie traces the marks with a finger – her wounded finger, "I did this."

"It's okay." Lisa tries to button her uniform back, only to be stopped by Jennie again.

"It hurt, doesn't it?" Jennie asks worringly. Surprising herself as well. Sounding so concern, it's not like her.

"It's fine," Lisa assures her, as Lisa takes Jennie's hand, "Does your finger hurt?"

And it seems that everything Lisa does – no matter how simple – is enough to make Jennie's heart beat abnormally faster.

She brashly pulls her hand away – away from Lisa's touches, "I-I'm fine."

And she bites a lip when Lisa smiles at her, Lisa says, "That's good."

When Jennie doesn't reply anymore did Lisa say, "I'll be going upstairs now, I'll help you with assignments later."

Jennie doesn't much so as nod when Lisa starts walking.

"Lisa, wait." Jennie grabs Lisa by the arm,gently.


Jennie turns to Lisa as she looks directly at Lisa's eyes, "I'm sorry."

Lisa only watches her, but then she softly smiles, "I told you it's alright."


"I hurt you."

"And I forgive you." Lisa continues to smile at her.

But Jennie's unable to wash the guilt away, and so she walks closer to Lisa, taking all the guts to stare at the marks she gave – she made.

"I'm sorry." Jennie repeats as she lightly touches the marks once more,

And the guilt might have really fogged her mind the wrong way for Jennie wasn't thinking when she leans in and kisses the marks that she inflicted Lisa with,

And the guilt continues to fog Jennie's mind because she does not worry when she pulls away and realizes what she just did, when she sees Lisa staring at her with Lisa's cheeks burning red,

Jennie just lets her heart beat madly once more against her chest as she says,

As she smiles at Lisa,

"All better now,isn't it?"


Let's take a break from angst ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ Here's some fluff! Enjoy! :)

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