《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 47


“Breakfast in bed, Your Highness.”

Jennie’s greeted by a cheery grin on Lisa’s face.

She has started to cringe from the titles Lisa has started using again.

Because Lisa used it when they were still starting to live together – as princess and servant.

“I told you not to use stupid labels anymore, haven’t I?” Jennie clicks her tongue in irritation.

“Sorry,” Lisa scratches her nape, “Just trying to set the mood.”

“Well you’re killing it early in the morning.” Jennie says as she gets the tray from Lisa.

Lisa then sits by the bedside, she asks with that same stupid smile, “Do you want me to feed you?”

Jennie stares at her first before looking back to the food, “No, I can feed myself.”

“Aww, you’re growing up so fast.” Lisa teases.

Jennie looks back at her, this kind of mood is unusual for Lisa, “Are you high?”

Lisa giggles – and Jennie feels her heart constrict, “No, I’m just happy.”

“And why is that?” Jennie cuts some food in her plate.

“Because I got a new coloring set!” Lisa happily exclaims, “I forgot to tell you last night.”

“Where did you get it?” She doesn’t look at Lisa, she only continues to eat.

“Oh…” Lisa trails off, “A… friend gave it to me.”

The knife screeches a bit too hard on Jennie’s plate.

Making the said knife scrape a bit of skin on her finger.

“Shit!” Jennie curses, with both the mention of the word ‘friend’ and with the slight blood coming out of her finger.

“J-Jennie!” Lisa quickly stands up, “You’re bleeding! W-Wait for me here!” She runs out the room.

“Damn it.” Jennie continues to curse as she stands up from her bed.

“Here!” Lisa comes running back with cotton and a band-aid in hand.

Lisa reaches for Jennie’s hand, “Tell me if it hurts, okay?” Lisa says concerningly, eyebrows frowning.

Jennie only restrains a giggle coming out of her as she thinks how cute Lisa looks right now.


Did Jennie just think of Lisa as ‘cute’?

Jennie shakes her head as she shakes that thought off.


But karma’s quick,

“Ow!” Jennie pulls her hand back by the sudden contact of alcohol.

“Sorry.” Lisa pulls it back to softly blow on it.

Lisa’s breath sends both hot and cool sensation to Jennie.

And Jennie can only watch as how Lisa tends to her.

She doesn’t notice how she’s smiling already.

Lisa takes out the band-aid and wraps it around her finger.

“Thanks.” Jennie mutters.

She thinks playing doctor is done, but then Lisa just continues to surprise her,

For Lisa takes her wounded finger, and brings it to Lisa’s lips.

Jennie’s heart beats madly against her chest as Lisa says,


Lisa smiles,

“All better now, isn’t it?”


“You look happy, it’s disgusting.”

Jennie hears Jisoo comment on her mood.

“Oh, shut up, Jisoo.” Jennie continues to smile – and she doesn’t know why she’s smiling.

“Did something happen?”

Jennie fiddles with the band-aid on her finger as she says, still with a smile, “Nothing.”

She sees Jisoo look slowly at her before asking, “What did Kai do to you?”

Jennie’s smile fades away, as she realizes that it’s not Kai who’s making her smile.

“N-Nothing.” She hastily yet unstably repeats.

She’s busy sorting her thoughts out when she hears Jisoo excitedly says, “Oh, there’s Lisa. Aww, she’s laughing again.”

Jennie lifts her head and sees Lisa laughing with that witch Chaeyoung again.

Jennie really should stop calling Chaeyoung mean names.

She unintentionally groans as she sees Lisa being dragged by Chaeyoung into the field.

She sees Chaeyoung motioning something to Lisa – and with Jennie knowing how dense Lisa could get – Chaeyoung has to repeat the same actions twice for her.

Lisa finally gets it and Chaeyoung claps like a seal.

Jennie really should control her thoughts as she knows she’s exaggerating Chaeyoung’s reactions.

But she knows it’ll take her a long time of doing so because she feels infuriated once more as Chaeyoung walks closer to Lisa to give the taller girl a hug – and Lisa hugs back. Lisa actually hugs Chaeyoung back.

How annoying.

“Aww, Rosé’s too cute.” Jisoo cuts Jennie’s thoughts.

“Psh.” Jennie scoffs.

Jisoo turns to her, “Do you know her?”


“Then why do you hate her?”

“I don’t… hate her.” Jennie’s unsure of her own answer.

“Are you jealous?” Jisoo smirks.

Jennie feels her face getting flushed, what’s with the question?

What should she even be jealous of?

Chaeyoung hanging out with Lisa?

Chaeyoung making Lisa smile?

Chaeyoung spending more time with Lisa than her?

She’s not jealous.

God, no!

Possessive, maybe?

Yes, yes. Possessive. Not jealous.

Because she does own Lisa in a way.

No, she’s not jealous.

And all thought of Chaeyoung and Lisa halts when Jisoo ends her torture by clarifying,

“Are you afraid she’s taking your spot as Ms. Popular?”

Jennie breathes easily again.

Why did she even think of something else?

“No, she could have that spot for all I care.” Jennie shrugs.

Just stay away from Lisa.

Jennie stops.

What was she thinking?

Her thoughts are becoming more and more poisonous every second – thought of Lisa, and only Lisa.

She starts to fear for whatever thoughts and feeling she’s having.

And so she’s never been more thankful when she takes sight of Kai going to her direction.


Jennie sees Lisa by the school gate.

No, not waiting for her, but talking to Chaeyoung.


When she sees it, fury clouds her mind.

So she turns to Kai, “Kai, I’ll be going home early today. Is it alright?”

She knows it caught Kai off guard, “S-Sure, is everything okay?” He asks.

“Everything’s fine. I just need to do something.”

“Do you want me to drive you home?”

“No, it’s okay.” Jennie smiles, “I can manage.”

She pecks his cheek before going to the other direction,

Where Lisa is.


“Lisa, let’s go.” Jennie says – demands.

“J-Jennie.” Lisa blinks fast to make sure Jennie’s there in front of her.

“Let’s go.” Jennie repeats.

She sees Lisa look at her then at Chaeyoung then back at her, “B-But…”

“But ‘what’, Lisa?” Jennie narrows her eyes as she calls to the other girl, her cold demeanor coming out once again.

“Lalisa.” Jennie sees Chaeyoung tug at Lisa.

And Jennie cringes.

Her ear also twitches when she hears that name come out of Chaeyoung’s mouth.

“Ah!” Lisa swallows, “J-Jennie,” She motions to Chaeyoung, “Th-This is Chaeyoung.”

Goddamn that name!

“Hi, I’m Rosé.” ‘Rosé’ stretches out a hand, “Sorry, but calling me ‘Chaeyoung’ is Lisa’s privilege.”

If it annoys Jennie that ‘Rosé’ casually says Lisa’s name and Lisa casually mentioning ‘Chaeyoung's, then it annoys Jennie more because she sees – senses – that ‘Rosé’ doesn’t like her as much as she loathes Rosé.

And this is just their first formal meeting.

“Hi, I’m Jennie,” She reaches for Rosé’s hand and they both grip it firmly, “Calling me ‘Ruby Jane’ is no one’s privilege.” She lets a small smirk stay at the corner of her lips.

“Glad to meet you, ‘Ruby Jane’.” Rosé shakes her hand one last time before they finally pull their respective hands back.

“Nice to meet you, too, ‘Rosé’,” Jennie intentionally lets Rosé’s name hang a bit as she says it, she then holds onto one of Lisa’s arms - firmly, “But I will take Lisa now.”

“Is that so?” And it was Rosé’s turn to grip harder onto Lisa’s other arm, “That’s too bad. Lisa and I were planning to go to karaoke today.”

“Well, it seems you need to postpone your ‘date’,” Jennie spews the word, “As I have to take her now.”

“Won’t you want to go with us instead?” Rosh smiles – grins, smirks. Whatever scornful grimace it is Jennie thinks Rosé’s giving.

“No, maybe some other time.” Jennie returns the same cynical smile. She pulls Lisa lightly, “So let’s go, Lisa?”

And Rosé pulls on Lisa as well, “Or maybe I could join you instead?”

Jennie is slowly losing patience. She starts to breathe heavily as she sees how Rosé is not willing to give up – to give Lisa up – anytime soon.

“I said, ‘maybe some other time’.” Jennie repeats, her grip getting tighter and tighter on Lisa.

“Maybe we could ask Lisa instead,” Rosé tilts her head, “What do you think, Lalisa?”

Lisa – who’s in the middle – could only look at Rosy with tensed eyes, “U-Uhm,”

“Say ‘some other time’, Lisa.” Jennie lightly yanks Lisa so the blonde will be looking at her.

“Oh, you wouldn’t really listen to her, won’t you, Lisa?” Rosé whispers, but Jennie makes sure she’s heard it right.

“I-I…” Lisa stammers, and Jennie can see how uptight Lisa has become.

“Let her go, Chaeyoung.” Jennie glares at Rosé, and she makes sure that it’s piercing enough to make Rosé flinch – with the way she stares at the latter and how she had called Rosé with that name.

“She’s my bestfriend.” Rosé holds on to Lisa’s hand as she tightens her grip. Rosé says the words that somehow stab Jennie in the chest.

And that was enough for Jennie.

She loses it.

She lets go of her hold on Lisa’s arm only to grip Lisa by the front collar.

She grabs on to Lisa tightly that she feels her nails already touching Lisa’s skin – digging deep on Lisa's skin.

Jennie doesn’t mind the pressure put on her wounded finger with the strength she puts on her hold.

She says – growls – the words clenched teeth,

“She’s my property.”

The tension around them keeps on getting thicker and thicker as they continue to glare at each other.

Her staring competition with Rosé only stops when Lisa says rather loudly, “Okay!”

Lisa gently removes Jennie’s hand off her as the blonde looks at Rosé, Lisa says, “Chaeyoung, I’ll go with Jennie first, okay? I’m sorry.”

Even if Jennie hates how that name rolls off Lisa’s mouth so naturally, Jennie resists the urge to laugh at Rosé’s face. She sees Rosé frown at Lisa,

Rosé says, “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Lisa pats Rosé’s hand, “We’ll go some other time. I’ll call you later. I promise.”

But even if Jennie won this round, it still makes her uncomfortable to see Lisa act as such towards Rosé.

Rosé sighs, “Okay. Send me a message once your home.”

Rosé then looks at Jennie, and Jennie only narrows her eyes at Rosé.

She sees Rosé lean to Lisa as to whisper something, and Jennie fights the urge to push Rosé off.

And Jennie continues to fight that urge as she curls her hands into fists for restraint when Rosé hugs Lisa goodbye – and Lisa just have to return that hug.

“Bye, Jennie.” Rosé then turns to her and smiles,fake smiles.

“Bye, Rosé.” And Jennie returns that conceited smile as she pulls – yanks – Lisa away,

Away from Chaeyoung.


A little bit fluff for you guys! :> Enjoy!

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