《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 46


Jennie sees Lisa waiting by the school gate that afternoon – just like how the latter would always wait for her.

Jennie clutches onto Kai tighter when she knows she’s nearer to reaching Lisa.

For some reason, she doesn’t want to see Lisa that day.

Too late.

Lisa already turns to her direction – a stupid smile already on her lips.

Though Jennie likes to fool herself that that stupid smile wavered even the tiniest bit when Lisa sees Kai.

“Hi, Lisa.” He greets first.

“Hey, Kai.” Lisa manages to give a quick wave before hiding her hand behind her again.

Jennie then suddenly holds on to Kai stronger when Lisa turns to her and says, “H-Hi, Jennie.”

She only then briefly stares at Lisa before looking back down to the ground.

She hears Lisa clear her throat, Lisa says, “W-Will you go somewhere today?”

Jennie looks at Kai first then back to Lisa, isn’t it already obvious?

“Yes.” Jennie says firmly.

It was Lisa’s turn to look at the ground, she says, “Oh.”

Jennie continues to stare at Lisa. Lisa looks back up and it’s only then that Jennie looks away again.

Lisa says, “What time will you be home?”

Jennie only rolls her eyes in annoyance, Lisa’s stepping on the imaginary line again. She says, “I don’t know. Maybe 7? Why?”

Jennie sees Lisa nervously scratch the back of her head. Lisa says, “I… I will be going somewhere. I just want to know what time you’ll be home so I could go home earlier than you and prepare before you come home.”

And this time, Jennie was not able to roll her eyes. But she knows that she’s feeling more than annoyed.

She feels angered.

“And where are you going?” She sternly asks –questions.

“I-I,” Lisa stutters, and Jennie knows the blonde is nervous with how she looks at the ground while stammering, “I… I’ll just go somewhere really quick.”


“And where is that?” Jennie only repeats, her fingers on Kai’s arm only curling more.

“Just… Just in the mall.”

“And with who?” Jennie continues with her interrogation.

Lisa finally looks at her, and Jennie knows it’s her who will not be able to maintain those stares.

“A friend.” Lisa replies.

Jennie feels more ticked when Lisa didn’t answer her question properly. Jennie knows who Lisa will be with, so why can’t Lisa just say so?!

“Should we get going, Jennie?”

She only snaps from her thoughts when she feels Kai lightly nudge her.

“Y-Yeah.” Jennie brings herself closer to him as she prompts them to start walking already.

Jennie doesn’t even as much look at Lisa, but Kai has the courtesy to at least bid farewell,

“Bye, Lisa.”

She hears Lisa says weakly, “Bye,”

And then Jennie just has to hear Lisa continue in a soft yet firm voice,

“Take care of her.”

She quickly turns to Lisa – not minding anymore if she’s blushing or not.

And she meets Lisa’s eyes.

She meets the panic in Lisa’s eyes that she knows matches what’s in hers.

Lisa then says a bit louder, but still a bit dishevelled, “I-I mean… T-Take care.”

Jennie only warily nods as she dismisses the conversation. She loops her arms tighter – if that’s still possible – around Kai’s arm, hoping to dismiss whatever it is burning inside her as well.

Just right after she does so, she sees Lisa’s eyes instantly drop to their – hers and Kai’s – entwined arms before Lisa fully looks away with a bitten lip.

Jennie sees no more of Lisa as she soon starts leading Kai outside the gate.

Though she hears another voice say,

“Lalisa, let’s go?”

The urge to turn her head back is becoming stronger as she continues to walk away the school, and that urge wins over her as she hesitantly looks back.


She knows she shouldn’t have had because she sees how easily Lisa pats Chaeyoung’s head first before reaching for a hand – as if Lisa’s used to doing it.

Not one to be physical, huh?

Jennie sees Chaeyoung snake a hand on Lisa’s, and how easily Lisa accepts it.

They are heading to a different direction as Jennie’s and Kai’s, and maybe Jennie’s thankful for that,

Because Lisa’s not able to see her flinch from that sight.


Jennie doesn’t go home at 7.

She purposely stays later than that. Just sitting in Kai’s car and talking to him until the clock rings 10PM, and that’s the only time Jennie asks to be dropped off home.

Why would she worry about saying she’ll go home at exactly 7 to Lisa? So what? She can break the rules. Lisa doesn’t reprimand her anyways, anymore.

And maybe it irks Jennie more, because Lisa doesn’t reprimand her anymore.

Then again, why would Jennie care about her?

She reaches their door and she fiddles for the keys. Lisa’s probably sleeping, that monkey can’t handle drowsiness very well.

And maybe – just maybe – at the back of Jennie’s mind, she wishes Lisa’s still awake and somehow waiting for her.

And Jennie might just have been right, for she sees Lisa by the living room.

“Wow!” Jennie raises her eyebrows as she sardonically says, “You’re not sleeping yet. Impressive!”

“Jennie,” Lisa immediately stands up – and that’s when Jennie notices Lisa’s holding her phone, “I was about to call you already.

“I thought you said you’ll be home by 7?” Lisa asks as she goes closer to Jennie, making Jennie take a step back.

“And I thought you’re sleeping already.” Jennie tries to finish their conversation as she walks by the taller girl, wanting none of Lisa anymore.

But Lisa knows how to keep Jennie at bay, because then Lisa just has to say,

“How can I sleep if you’re still not here?”

Jennie fully stops at her tracks, the same warmth she’s been trying hard to suppress resurfaces.

She knows she can’t say anything to that, for her words quickly get tangled in her throat.

For she knows she’s speechless.

She feels something – the same something – bothers her insides once more, and she doesn’t like it.

And so she doesn’t say anything nice back, she was only able to mutter a mean, “Shut up.”

“Jennie.” Lisa calls back, “Try not to go home too late.”

Jennie finally turns around, “Why do you care?”

You have Chaeyoung.

“You’re out with a man.” Lisa simply says.


She sees Lisa’s eyes wander the house as the blonde looks for a proper response.

“… You’re out with a man.” Lisa only repeats, but in a weaker voice. Jennie knows Lisa’s unsure of the taller girl’s own reply.

“So?” Jennie sighs, this conversation is pointless.

“I just…” Lisa bites a lip, and her voice turns into a hush, that if Jennie was not able to focus on it properly would go unheard, “I’m just worried about you.”

There goes Jennie’s increasing heartbeat.

And she’s quick to brush it off with, “I’m with Kai, I’m fine.”

With the mention of his name, Jennie sees Lisa jolt.

“Is that so?” Lisa feebly asks, obvious decrease of enthusiasm.

“Yeah.” Jennie ends their discussion.

Lisa only nods, “Well then, I’ll be going to sleep. You do the same.”

“I will, no need to remind me.” Jennie shrugs before walking away,

Away from Lisa.

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