《Hate Me Now, Love Me Later》Chapter 44


They go back to the way they were before.

Master and servant.

Plain. Simple.

Because that's how it was supposed to be.

Jennie fortifies the invisible walls she built between them months ago. She strengthens the boundaries to keep clear that she wants nothing of Lisa.

Lisa is no one to her, and it should stay like that.

But it does irk Jennie when she's clearly talking to Lisa and Lisa is clearly not looking at her.

She then demands that Lisa look at her when Lisa answers,

Because as much as Jennie doesn't want to, she does wish that Lisa looks at her again.

The same way Lisa has always looked at her.

Like Lisa's in love with her.


But Lisa does not anymore.

Lisa looks lovingly at Sehun then.

Even as far as hugging him and letting him steal a kiss from her.

It unintentionally activates the same fire of hatred in Jennie's heart, and so she does not talk to Lisa anymore after that.

Even after when they arrive home at Seoul.

She only speaks to Lisa when she commands her to get her things.

No need to be all close and teasing now.

Absolutely nothing changed between them.

That even when they go back to school, Jennie acts more coldly than before.

She doesn't care what Lisa thinks - if ever Lisa thinks about it.

About them.

Jennie has Kai now.

Now that Kai is back.

How wonderful life is to her, how life is happy alongside with her.

The love for Kai she thought was slowly fading is rekindled.

Now that she can see him again, spend time with him again.

They waste no time in catching up with each others' lives in those 6 months.

Though they still see each other, Jennie still is not comfortable with calling them official.

No, something is holding her back.

She doesn't know what - or who, if ever - but she does know that that suppresses her from loving Kai too much.

She's happy with whatever she and Kai are right now.

Now that she is not pestered with the same stupid feelings she has when she's with Lisa.

When Lisa looks at her, or calls to her, or touches her. When Lisa is the first person she sees in the morning and the last one at night.

No, not anymore.


There's always this one girl, sitting alone, in that usual table.

Still, Jennie doesn't heed. She still doesn't care.

If she could, she cares less now.

Jennie goes over that same girl who was always sitting alone just to tell the said girl that Jennie will not go with her in going home later in the afternoon.

It has been a habit now, since they got back from Anyang.

Jennie wants to spend time with Kai, why waste her time with Lisa?

Though not spending time with Lisa is verified to be impossible once more because her parents just had to have Lisa accompany her and Kai in their 'dates'.

Jennie doesn't mind. She really doesn't.

She's just somehow bothered how awkward it would be for Kai.

Maybe, for Lisa, as well.

But overall, Jennie doesn't mind Lisa tagging along. She does need someone to carry things for her when Kai already has too much to carry.

She tells Lisa of the situation, and even if she sees the clear confusion in Lisa's eyes, she demands more that Lisa go with them.

And it unexpectedly gnaws at Jennie's heart, because Lisa smiles and says she'd 'love to'.


Jennie purposely leaves Lisa behind.

Lisa's a servant, a 'school mate', a stranger to her.


Nothing more, nothing more.

Jennie is never Lisa's business.

Unless Jennie wants Lisa to do something because it's Lisa's job.

So Lisa is to accompany them again in the movies.

Jennie honestly forgets that Lisa is with them if it isn't for Kai turning his head back time to time to check on the blonde.

They eat, shop, and walk all together. With Lisa lagging a bit more behind than them.

Jennie doesn't mind the distance.


Not anymore.


Kai kisses Jennie.

As much as Jennie knows they have the mutual feeling, Kai has no right to do whatever he pleases with her.

So Jennie smacks his arm hard.

Feeling tad bit mad and tad bit embarrassed.

If it wasn't for the slamming of a door would Jennie remember that Lisa was with them.

Maybe Lisa does hate being a chaperone that much to do that.

Anyway, it's not Jennie's problem anymore.

So she bids Kai farewell as she smacks him once more for the kiss.


Jennie twists the knob of Lisai's door.

It's locked.

Is the monkey sleeping this early already?

Was Lisa that tired?

Again, Jennie doesn't care as much.

Only when tomorrow came did she realize that she still does.

Because then she looks for the extra key for Lisa's room and opens it the first thing in the morning.

She opens the door only to find Lisa still sleeping.

Jennie smiles.

Even from that distance, Jennie can still see Lisa's features.

Those features she realized she has not seen much anymore lately.

Those eyes that never quite looked at her anymore, those lips that never quite uttered any longer than okays and alrights at her.

Those lips that never quite called to her anymore.

When Jennie realizes this, a sudden surge of pain shoots through her.

Only to be stopped when Lisa stirs and opens her eyes.

Jennie's quick to think of a reason why she's there, asking why Lisa slept earlier last night.

But Lisa does not answer, she only stares at Jennie for a moment before covering herself with a blanket and turning to the other way.

If this was any normal day, Jennie would have shouted at her. Jennie would have been mad storming off the room.

But it was not any normal day, because she realizes she somehow misses Lisa.

So she goes to Lisa's bed, and lies there with Lisa.

She brings herself to wrap her arms around Lisa. She cautiously, carefully, loops her hands around the taller girl.

Afraid that the gesture would send Lisa retreating and rejecting her.

Jennie thanks the heavens Lisa does not jerk away.

Jennie brings herself closer as to inhale Lisa's scent. The scent she has not taken a whiff of these past weeks.

"You didn't even check up on me." Jennie says, somehow voicing what she feels.

The moment she fully latches herself to Lisa, her heart starts beating crazy once more.

She doesn't know if it was still Lisa's or hers that beat faster than the other.

Jennie doesn't like the silence, so she taps Lisa and tells her to at least say something.

Jennie senses that maybe Lisa doesn't like being the third wheel and so she tells Lisa that she'll tell her parents off.

Jennie still doesn't like the silence.

So Jennie only shuts her eyes tight as she yet brings Lisa closer to her.

"Hey, monkey." Jennie softly calls, hoping Lisa would at least respond.

Lisa does, she asks, "Yes?"

I miss you.

But Jennie doesn't say it.

Because she can't say it.

And so she can only tighten her hug on Lisa.


Wishing that they stay a bit more like that.


They do.

They somehow do stay like that.

Because then Lisa smiles at her, Lisa is able to maintain the smallest of their conversations.

Lisa now asks if she is to accompany Jennie after school.

But Jennie also still has Kai, and so she rejects Lisa.

Need to prioritize him first, right?

She prioritizes him too much that she always forgets the time whenever she's with him.

She admits she has fun with Kai, them going on different restaurants or different places to hang out.

She loses track of time that she always end up going home late.

Kai drops her off the front door and leans in to kiss her again.

But she turns her cheek and he gets the message.

She says thanks and she opens the door, hoping Lisa is already sleeping.


She somehow wishes Lisa is still awake and waiting for her.

And Lisa does.

Jennie finds her eyes lock with Lisa's the moment she enters the house.

Jennie is waiting for Lisa to scold her, like Lisa had before, to tell her off that she's always going past her curfew.

To show that Lisa still cares.

But Lisa doesn't.

Lisa doesn't reprimand her.

So they go back to their respective rooms with no words exchanged.

Only more hatred and loathing burning once more in Jennie's heart.


That anger is then transferred to anyone who crosses Jennie.

Unfortunately, it was Kai.

Kai has rubbed Jennie the wrong way one day and so she was sent fuming mad.

Jennie quickly goes to the school gate after her classes and sees Lisa waiting.

She hastily instructs the blonde to open the door and to get in, shouting as she commands.

Her anger increased when Lisa goes inside her room just after another fight with Kai over the phone.

Her anger was at its height when Lisa asks if it was because of love problems.

Jennie scoffs as she ridicules, "What do you know?"

What does Lisa know of Jennie's feelings? What does Lisa know what disturbance of feelings is imposed on Jennie? What does Lisa know of what Lisa makes Jennie feel?

Jennie might have spew the words out badly that it made Lisa smile and admit that Lisa knows nothing about it.

It somehow makes Jennie feel guilty about it and so she calls to Lisa.

Asking her the same thing Jennie has always asked of Lisa,


And Jennie knows she's happy because Lisa sits on her bed.

Jennie knows she's too happy, for she pulls Lisa to lie down beside her.

They shared the same silence that has been covering them these past few weeks.

But Jennie admits it's the kind of silence between her and Lisa that she likes.

When she knows that something is wrong, and yet it feels right.


Jennie wishes that they could stay like that more.

But they do not.

If things could get worse, then it already did.

Because then Jennie spends time with friends instead of Kai. She still prefers to be with them than to be with loner Lisa at school.

As much as it is already obvious, Lisa is boring.

Jennie finds Lisa bland to be with and so she does not take any effort to go near Lisa.

Jennie did mention that one time that she pities Lisa - and she does - when she sees Lisa all alone, but then she'll know how Lisa is and maybe Lisa does deserve it.

Jennie remembers their unseen walls and she toughens them. Making them thicker than they already are.

Being seen with Lisa is still the last thing Jennie wants to happen.

Not when Kai apologizes to Jennie, and Jennie gladly accepts.

Not when Jennie knows she's too happy - more than happy - that she and Kai are okay again.

She knows Kai loves her, and she loves Kai.

The flame of their love flickering - though dimming at times - continues.

And Jennie knows that despite the fire is somehow fading, she still loves Kai,

And so she forgets about Lisa once more.


She thinks she forgets about Lisa.

She goes to Lisa that afternoon, confident as ever, to tell Lisa that she will not be going with the taller girl once more.

Jennie sees the shift in Lisa's mood when the blonde sees Kai tagging behind Jennie.

Jennie internally smiles with how Lisa squirms again.

She sees Lisa then smile - but not quite reaching the eyes - as Lisa says 'Sure'.

She sees Lisa's face immediately drop when she feels Kai's arm around her, and Jennie really might be the devil herself for she feels the littlest of joy seeing Lisa like that.

And Jennie thinks she forgets about Lisa.

But then she's the first one to turn around when she hears a name - a name she has not heard of, but knows who it is for.

"Lalisa!!!", it says.

Jennie turns around to see a girl, somehow as tall as she is, brunette and slim calling for Lisa.

Smiling so idiotically at Lisa.

And she turns to Lisa, and sees Lisa returning that sickening, dumb smile back.

Even seeming too happy as Lisa calls back.

"Chaeyoung!!!" Lisa says.

Jennie doesn't know.

Jennie doesn't know, but she does grit her teeth hard. She does clench her fist hard.

She does feel the same pain in her heart.

She does feel the same burning in her insides.

As if there's hell inside her.

Jennie sees Lisa quickly turn to them and politely bows to her and Kai - with Kai returning the polite bow as he holds Jennie closer to get them moving.

But even with his arm on her, Jennie doesn't feel safe. She doesn't feel as secured.

For when she turns her head back to where Lisa was, she instantly wishes she shouldn't have had and should have just continued walking away.

For Jennie sees Lisa run to 'Chaeyoung's direction - as far as Jennie's eyes could make up with the littlest they could.

For Jennie sees Lisa hug 'Chaeyoung' tightly. Tighter than any hug that they - she and Lisa - shared.

And for Lisa to not be fond of physical touch she says!

Jennie really should have just kept walking straight with Kai for she feels an entire inferno scorching her body.

For Jennie sees Lisa hug and caress 'Chaeyoung' so fondly, for she sees Lisa touch 'Chaeyoung's face like it's the only face that matters. That matters to Lisa.

For Jennie sees Lisa smile and laugh like Lisa has never before.

For Jennie to witness all of it and for Jennie to only watch all of it.

To only be able watch all of it happen.

And Lisa hugs Chaeyoung again.

Tighter than the first time she did.

And Jennie's heart tightens along with it,

Tighter than the first time it did.


There's always this one girl, sitting alone, in that usual table.

Jennie doesn't pay mind to it. Why would she?

There's nothing special about that girl.

Except that the said girl's always alone.

But suddenly, that girl isn't alone anymore,

Because now,

She's with Chaeyoung.

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